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Change the way you access your home network using Cloudflare Tunnel


Recently, I changed my access method to my home network using Cloudflare Tunnel. This article will introduce that method.

Old Configuration

Previously, I accessed each service on my home cluster using VPN connections. The following is a diagram of that configuration.

old architecture

New Configuration

By using Cloudflare Tunnel, I eliminated the need for VPN connections and made it possible to access my home network without direct external exposure.

new arhictecture


  • Pros
    • No need to expose servers/home networks externally
    • Can benefit from Cloudflare CDN (security, IPv6 support, etc.)
    • Can restrict access to specific domains or paths
    • Can access services from external sources (compared to old configuration)
    • No need to set up a VPN server (compared to old configuration)
  • Cons
    • No need to transfer, but need to manage the Apex Domain by Clouflare

Changes in k8s Cluster Configuration

Several changes were required for the new configuration.

  • Add
    • cloudflared ... necessary to tunnel access from Cloudflare
  • Eliminate
    • MetalLB ... not necessary because cloudflared directly accesses each Service
    • Nginx Ingress ... same as above

The following article was useful in setting up Cloudflare Tunnel for a home cluster.

Restricting Access to Specific Domains or Paths

It is possible to restrict access to specific domains or paths, thus improving security.

For example, consider setting up WordPress in a Kubernetes cluster to be accessible from external sources.

wordpress architecture

In this case, it is possible to only authenticate with Cloudflare Zero Trust for paths starting with /wp-login or /wp-admin, without requiring authentication for normal requests.


This article introduced the change in access method to my home network using Cloudflare Tunnel. This new configuration has benefits such as improved security and IPv6 support. Additionally, it is possible to configure it with security in mind by restricting access to specific domains or paths.

Home k8s manifests

Repository for the home kubernetes cluster.

This repository manages the manifests of the home kubernetes cluster.

⚠️ Archived notice

This repository is archived. It has been moved to corrupt952/home.

Setup Argo CD

helm repo add argo
helm install argocd argo/argo-cd --create-namespace --namespace argocd
kubectl -n argocd port-forward deploy/argocd-server 8080:8080
argocd login \
    --insecure \
    --grpc-web \
    --username admin \
    --password "$(kubectl -n argocd get secret argocd-initial-admin-secret -o jsonpath="{.data.password}" | base64 -d)" \
argocd app create argocd-config \
    --insecure \
    --grpc-web \
    --repo \
    --path argocd-config/base \
    --dest-namespace argocd \
    --dest-server https://kubernetes.default.svc \
    --sync-policy automated \
    --auto-prune \
    --revision main
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