
Cameron Pavey
Cameron Pavey

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Get Developer Super Powers with Vim

Get Developer Super Powers with Vim
You've probably heard of Vim if you've been working with code for a while. Vim is a command-line text editor available for a lot of operating systems. Initially released in 1991, Vim is one of the most popular text editors in the computing community.

So why should you care about this old text editor? You should care because it is pretty much ubiquitous, and is worth learning unless your heart already belongs to an alternative like emacs or even nano (if you really want to).
Vim is scary at first. It does so much, and its shortcuts are not likely ones that you have used before. Even quitting out of the software is notoriously tricky for newcomers. Once you have learnt the basics though, they will be the gift that keeps on giving, and I'll tell you why.


Vim is everywhere, even when it isn't. For instance, pretty much any Linux or Mac operating system you touch will have Vim installed and ready to go. With the advent of "Windows Subsystem for Linux" on Windows 10, Vim is now readily available on Windows as well (and could be downloaded anyway before this).
Most code editors also have Vim emulation plugins available, so even if you don't want to use Vim directly, you can still get all of the benefits it brings from the comfort of the code editor or IDE you know and love.


With Vim, you learn the shortcuts and commands once and take them with you everywhere. As mentioned above, any code editor you use will have Vim bindings, and many coding websites like Codewars also support Vim mode. What this means is that all of your devices, editors, and environments can share the same keybindings easily. You don't have to manage the mental burden of memorising different shortcuts for different setups.


The real secret sauce that makes learning Vim worthwhile is the productivity benefits it offers. A key principle of Vim is to deliver maximum productivity and functionality from the keyboard, without needing to move your hand to the mouse, and without needing to leave the home row so much on the keyboard. This is the main factor that leads to some of the weird shortcuts and keybindings, like :w to save instead of the more commonly used +s.

The main factor which drove me to become familiar with Vim was the portability so that I would be more productive while working in remote ssh environments. Once I started incorporating it into my daily workflow through the JetBrains IdeaVim plugin, and the corresponding VS Code plugin, I realised that the shortcuts and keybindings themselves were actually a huge time saver even when not working with remote systems. I quickly found myself using v and hjkl to select chunks of text instead of lifting my hand to use the mouse. I often use vim to save, search, replace, copy, paste, and delete text, even though VS Code and PHP Storm have all these features natively. The reason is simple. It's just faster and more natural to do it all in Vim.

Learning Vim is daunting at first, but give it some time, it will almost certainly be an investment which pays itself off in spades and serves you well for years to come.

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