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Creative Tim
Creative Tim

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6 Free Tailwind CSS Modal/Dialog Components [Open-Source]

We’ve put together a collection of awesome modal component examples, and we’re happy to share them with you. Modals are essential for creating user interfaces, providing a simple way to interact with users - whether you need a simple alert, a detailed form, or more.

These components are coded with Tailwind CSS and Material Tailwind and the best thing...they are free and open-source!

You can copy-paste them directly to your projects. The links to each component's source code can be found below each example.

Happy coding 👨‍💻

Modal Component Examples

1. Small Modal

This component example works perfectly for simple alerts or confirmation messages thanks to its compact size and centered position.

small tailwind modal
Get the source code of this small modal example.

2. Large Modal

Use this large modal example for displaying extensive content, like detailed information or forms.

large tailwind modal
Get the source code of this large modal example.

3. Form Modal

This modal example is designed specifically for forms, containing input fields for user credentials or other data.

form tailwind modal
Get the source code of this form modal example.

4. Image Modal

Try this modal example for viewing images or graphics in a larger format without leaving the current page.

image tailwind modal
Get the source code of this image modal example.

5. Web 3.0 Modal

This modal is designed for web 3.0 developers who want to create interfaces for connecting cryptocurrency wallets. It allows users choose from wallet options like MetaMask, Coinbase, and Trust Wallet.

web 3 tailwind modal
Get the source code of this Web 3.0 modal example.

6. Alert Modal

Use this Tailwind CSS block to display important alerts or warnings to the user.

alert tailwind modal
Get the source code of this alert modal example.

🚀 Looking for even more examples?
Check out our open-source Tailwind CSS components library - Material Tailwind - and browse through 500+ components and website sections.

🤖 Or you can also generate customized blocks easily using the power of AI. Try now for free Magic AI Blocks!

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