Hi everyone!
Today i'm gonna tell you how me and my brother survived 2 days of non-stop game developing.
Global game jam - is a fantastic event where begginer gamedevs can test their skills, collaborate with each other and just enjoy what you love - creating games.
It was first time of intensive gamedev for me and my brother(computer artist).
About techs
I chose Defold as an engine. Earlier i was familiar with LOVE2D and i liked it. Lua is impressive programming language, so you can dive in there easily. Summarizing, Defold with lua and it's minimalistic GUI is a great tool for developing, but there are still much to learn for me. For example i still don't know how to handle spine animations, but it's so exciting to find it out.
About game
Theme for ggj was announced at 17.00 25 Jan. It sounds like "What home means to you". We were born in a snowy land of Yakutiya and it will remain home for us forever. So we decided to make a game about a boy who survived a terribly attack of monsters on his northern village.
Running deep in the forest he was so alone and build a snowman. Furthermore snowman becomes alive and defend young fellow from darky creatures.
Now the game is only in demo and snowman can only throw snowballs into zombies, but later we want it become survival/tower defence with RPG elements.
About jam organization
Our game jam was in place called "Ziferblat" in Saint Petersburg. Thanks to organization team we're full supplied of all we need. Coffee/tea/big blank sheets of paper/markers/tables/WiFi. It was very cozy there, so we felt ourselves like at home.
How to survive?:O
For me creating my own game is a dream from my childhood. So I wasn't sleep for 2 days during jam, cause it was so important for me to finish at least playable prototype. When you got a dream it's not a challenge for you not to rest all night or whatever. So, for all of ya, guys, I wish you to had a dream. Cause when you've got one nothing is impossible.(wow! who said that?)
I want to gratefully thanks:
- My dear bride Polina. She was with me during all this days and helped me not to die hungry 😂
- My brother Denis who zealously set to work and get every art done so fast.
- Guys who organized this event in our city.
It was fantastic experience for MadBroz and we hope to finish our game in a meanwhile.
Thanks for the attention!

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