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Create A File Structure For React Components Using Xargs Command

When I need to quickly knock up a bunch of React components, I like to use my command line. This is how I create a directory structure, where each element has its own folder. Let's say I want something like this:

├── App
│   └── App.jsx
├── CtaButton
│   └── CtaButton.jsx
├── CurrencyBar
│   └── CurrencyBar.jsx
├── Discount
│   └── Discount.jsx
├── DomainForm
│   └── DomainForm.jsx
├── DomainInput
│   └── DomainInput.jsx
├── Header
│   └── Header.jsx
├── RadioButton
│   └── RadioButton.jsx
└── Results
    └── Results.jsx
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I'd go to the src folder:

cd my-web-app/src
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Create all folders:

md App CtaButton CurrencyBar Discount DomainForm DomainInput Header RadioButton Results
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And then run the following command to create all the JSX files within their folders, keeping the same name as the folders.

find . -type d | xargs -I{} basename {} | xargs -I_ touch _/_.jsx
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Cover image: Variegated Aerialist, Emma Plunkett Art © 2019

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