Well, it is down to the final hours of the DO Hackathon. Time to release the final touches of the Server Instant Start project: Data Relay Center integration and the project's YouTube video.
Spin up a fully configured Ubuntu/Debian-based web server in under 10 minutes with Nginx (w/ HTTPS), PHP FPM, Postfix, OpenDKIM, MySQL/MariaDB, PostgreSQL, and more. Deploy your web application too.
Data Relay Center, or DRC, is a multi-channel, scalable WebSocket server. There are two types of clients per channel: Authorities and non-authorities. DRC runs in its own isolated user account on Linux systems, starts at boot, and is quite flexible and scalable when configured properly. DRC is the missing WebSocket component for PHP environments. Server Instant Start leverages the full capabilities of DRC by installing PECL and PECL ev (ev exposes libev to PHP userland). I happen to like libev better than libevent and libuv, which all do the same basic things for scalable event-driven socket I/O operations.
Making a video requires going through a complete video production workflow. I write a script, rehearse, record, edit, render, and publish. It can take weeks of advance planning to get through the entire cycle. And every video project has flaws that crop up, which can require expensive revisits to earlier stages.
Here's the final project video for Server Instant Start:
I've found that making a video really helps boost people's confidence in a project. It's easier to digest a well-designed video than a wall of text that may or may not have images interspersed.
Now that all the pieces are put together, it is time to go get this project rejected in style!
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