DEV Community

Cameron Wardzala
Cameron Wardzala

Posted on • Originally published at on

Using SignalR with RequireJS

If you don’t know about SignalR and RequireJS

When I was building my app with SignalR and RequireJS there were two steps I needed before stuff would work.

1. Setup dependencies

I needed to wrap all my SignalR javascript so they will work properly with RequireJS.

    paths: {
        jquery: 'jquery-1.8.2.min'
    shim : {
        "jquery.signalR-0.5.3": ['jquery'],
        "/signalr2/hubs": ['jquery', 'jquery.signalR-0.5.3'],
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Using the great shim feature of RequireJS 2. I can use non-AMD compatible scripts with RequireJS without manually wrapping them in define() statements. I also set the path for jquery because it is a named module and is required by the SignalR scripts.

2. Fix SignalR $.connection.hub.start()

I am calling SignalR’s $.connection.hub.start() from within a $(document).ready(). Even before I started using RequireJS to load my scripts this worked fine. However, after moving to RequireJS this stopped working. Why? basically, SignalR will by default delay starting your connection until the page has completely loaded. Enter the waitForPageLoad option on $.connection.hub.start(). This tells SignalR if you want to wait for the page to load before starting your connection which in my case I don’t. Simply set that option to false and it will start the connection when invoked instead of waiting. This fixed my issues and SignalR and RequireJS started playing nice together. Note: I am also using a callback on start() to make sure my connection has been established before using my server methods.

$(document).ready(function () {
    $.connection.hub.start({waitForPageLoad:false},function () {
        // callback code
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