DEV Community

I need some Lambda Function/ Netlify Function stuff.

Christopher Wray on January 13, 2021

What I am trying to do is invoke a function by sending a POST request directly to it then send the data sent in the request to an api. I know what...
myogeshchavan97 profile image
Yogesh Chavan

You just need to install the netlify-cli npm package and then execute netlify dev command from your project.

That way you can test lambda functions even on local machine.

Check out this article where I have explained in detail.

You can also directly check the final code on the GitHub repository.

cwraytech profile image
Christopher Wray

Yogesh, Started using the CLI today, and LOVE it. Thanks so much for the tip!

myogeshchavan97 profile image
Yogesh Chavan

That's awesome👍

cwraytech profile image
Christopher Wray

Yogesh, Thank you! Greatly appreciate it.

fmctaggart profile image
Fraser McTaggart • Edited

You can test on a local machine using the netlify cli. Specify your dev command in your netlify.toml file. Then type
Netlify dev

This spins up your dev command (eg. Npm run dev), and your function lambdas. You can access them both via localhost:8888
Your functions will be accessed via

You can use Postman to test.

Netlify Dev

cwraytech profile image
Christopher Wray

Fraser!!! LOVE the Netlify CLI. INCREDIBLE. thank you so much.

cwraytech profile image
Christopher Wray

Thank you! So helpful.

luckybusted profile image
Ivan Ushmorov

You could invoke Lambda functions locally via the serverless framework. The best and easiest way to develop and test serverless applications IMO.

cwraytech profile image
Christopher Wray

Thanks! I will check that out.

chrisdrit profile image

I just started playing around with Lambda, hit the same issues you describe, and have been wanting to explore this...

"This command starts a local endpoint that emulates AWS Lambda."

cwraytech profile image
Christopher Wray

Looks like Netlify has a package set up for testing that I missed in my search last night. It is linked from another couple people here in the comments.