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由于Windows10 开启WSL2后无法和 eNSP 做到兼容,但是 H3C HCL 在版本 HCL_v2.1.2.1 提供了 VirtualBox 6.0.14 作为虚拟化后端,理论上来说可以做到 WSL2 与 HCL 共存。

并且开启了WSL2后并于其他虚拟化平台(VirtualBox, Vmvare)做到兼容的情况下,这种情况大部分禁止套娃(虚拟化下在虚拟化),通过安装虚拟机的方式再安装 eNSP 发现启动不报错,但是很长时间起不来。

Notes [1]:HCL官方给的建议是,对于windows7装的版本为HCL_v2.1.1;对于Windows10 并且开启了 Hype-v 或者 Dokcer-Desktop,推荐使用 HCL_v3.0.1.1

下载地址:HCL Download





Notes:如果需要抓包,自行安装Wireshark,安装好后,在HCL设置中配置 wireshark.exe 的路径即可

VirtualBox启用hyper-v支持 [2]

进入VirtualBox安装目录, 确定当前目录下存在VBoxManage.exe文件, 在当前目录打开powershell. 或者你将VBoxManage.exe所在目录加入环境变量, 任意路径下打开powershell.

# 或指定vbox所有虚拟系统开启
./VBoxManage.exe setextradata global "VBoxInternal/NEM/UseRing0Runloop" 0
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[1] H3C Cloud Lab

[2] Windows 10 (2004) 启用wsl2, 并与VirtualBox 6.0+共存


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import io.restassured.http.ContentType;
import io.restassured.path.json.JsonPath;
import org.json.simple.JSONObject;
import org.testng.Assert;
import org.testng.annotations.BeforeMethod;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;

import java.time.LocalDate;
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;

import static io.restassured.RestAssured.given;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.notNullValue;

public class SageTests {

private String idmsA3Token = "";
private String questionAnswerPairId = "";
private final String SagebatchId = "QA-Batch_1" +"dd-MM-YY"));

public void getIDMSA3Token() {

    // Create request body for token generation
    JSONObject body = new JSONObject();
    body.put("appId", Common.HEADER_APP_ID);
    body.put("appPassword", Common.HEADER_APP_PASSWORD);
    body.put("otherApp", "135942");
    body.put("context", Common.HEADER_CONTEXT_FEEDBACKENGINE);
    body.put("contextVersion", "1");
    body.put("oneTimeToken", false);

    // Logging the request body for debugging
    System.out.println("Request Body for Token Generation: " + body.toJSONString());

    // Make POST request to get token
    JsonPath jsonPath = given()
        .headers("Content-Type", "application/json")
        .log().all() // Log the full response for debugging
        .statusCode(200) // Expecting 200 status

    // Check if the token is generated
    idmsA3Token = jsonPath.get("token").toString();
    System.out.println("Generated IDMSA3 Token: " + idmsA3Token);
    Assert.assertNotNull(idmsA3Token, "Token was not generated successfully!");

public void verify1CreateSage() {

    // Log token to ensure it's being passed correctly
    System.out.println("Token used for Sage creation: " + idmsA3Token);

    // Get initial Sage count
    JsonPath jsonPath = getAllSages();
    int sageCount = jsonPath.getList("$").size();

    // Set headers for the request
    JSONObject headers = new JSONObject();
    headers.put("Content-Type", "application/json");
    headers.put("X_APPID", Common.HEADER_APP_ID);
    headers.put("X-Apple-Client-App-ID", Common.HEADER_APP_ID);
    headers.put("X-Apple-Client-App-Name", Common.HEADER_CONTEXT_SUPPORTENGINE);
    headers.put("X-Apple-IDMS-A3-Token", idmsA3Token); // Pass token in headers

    // Prepare the body of the request
    JSONObject body = new JSONObject();
    JSONObject generation = new JSONObject();
    JSONObject tags = new JSONObject();
    generation.put("model", "gemini");
    tags.put("generation", generation);
    body.put("tags", tags);
    body.put("batchId", SagebatchId); // Ensure this matches the generated format
    body.put("question", "How to improve battery life of Iphone");
    body.put("answer", "Battery Life Improvement Answer");
    body.put("articleId", "QA_ArticleID");
    body.put("articleAccess", "Public");

    // Logging the request body and headers for debugging
    System.out.println("Request Body for Sage Creation: " + body.toJSONString());
    System.out.println("Request Headers: " + headers.toJSONString());

    // Send the POST request to create a Sage entry
    jsonPath = given()
        .post(Common.APP_URL + "/api/v1/service/topanswer/pregenerated/summaries")
        .log().all() // Log the full response for debugging
        .statusCode(200) // Expecting 200 status

    // Debugging: Print the response

    // Retrieve and verify the newly created Sage entry
    jsonPath = getAllSages();
    questionAnswerPairId = jsonPath.get("find { it.batchId == '" + SagebatchId + "' }.questionAnswerPairId");

    System.out.println("questionAnswerPairId: " + questionAnswerPairId);

    // Assert that the number of sages has increased by 1
    Assert.assertEquals(jsonPath.getList("$").size(), sageCount + 1);

    // Check if the batchId is found and not null
    String batchId = jsonPath.getString("find { it.batchId == '" + SagebatchId + "' }.batchId");

    assert batchId != null : "displayName not found.";
    System.out.println("Assert statements passed.");

// Mock method for getting all sages (you need to implement the real method)
private JsonPath getAllSages() {
    // This should call the actual API endpoint to retrieve all sages
    return given()
        .headers("Content-Type", "application/json")
        .get(Common.APP_URL + "/api/v1/service/topanswer/pregenerated/summaries")
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