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Developing my own Headless API service - Part 0

So I decided to use my own skills and open my own self-sustainable business.

Hello readers, I call myself daCoder, and my story begins far back, since MS-DOS and Basic, when I was developing for fun and study.

Then at the break of Web2.0 I even started my own business, a web B2B e-commerce service. I developed, team-lead, VP-R&D and CTO'ed.
And it was a booming...
But then it wasn't about development anymore, it was management, planning, strategies... and other managers... and business and more business.
And then the spark slowly faded away. 😔

So finally I retired...

but now what?

As a developer, I have 20+ years expertise in:

  • Backend - PHP, Python, Java, C (CGI and stuff), Perl
  • Frontend - since the happy days of native JS to nowadays React
  • Devops - from before it was called devops.

But I've always been drawn to backend, architecture, and scaling systems.
Thats my passion 🤩

So I decided to use my own skills and open my own self-sustainable business, focusing on API services and developers.

Yeah, I know. There're soooo many services alike.

In fact, for each of the APIs I'm writing and about to add there're numerous well-established and deeply focused businesses.

However, my orientation is to focus on simplicity, minimalism, and as much as accurate as possible.

This means that

  1. Services should be API first, with consumable OpenAPI documentation.
  2. It should be Developer readable first, UI later
  3. Deliver APIs that will solve the your development tasks faster and more sustainable than adding a library in your code
  4. Fairness & transparency - you get what you pay for, and you pay for what you get. No hidden fees, no "subscriptions" when it doesn't make sense.
  5. Put it all under one umbrella, so you don't have to seek and partner with so many vendors

So hi again :-)
I'm daCoder, this is my new Headless SAAS and this is the story of building it

Next: The beginning

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