If you are spending so much time writing your articles and helping people solve problems, then what's wrong with getting paid for it?
Nothing right!
So today I'll show you how to make money with your content if you are on either one of these websites:
- Hashnode
- Dev.to
- Hackernoon
We will be using Coil to get paid, which is an amazing system, you buy a subscription and every hour you spend on one specific content page you'll get $0,36.
As you can imagine it won't make you rich, but this is all early days.
To give you an overview, these are my earning till this day:
How does it work
So to understand how this all works, there are two main systems.
If you're in the game to earn money, all you need is an Uphold account.
If you're also in it to give back to awesome writers, you can get a subscription at Coil and start paying other writers for the articles you read.
Once you've set up your Uphold account and created your default payment method, you'll be able to visit the "Add Funds" button on top and click "From Interledger Payment Pointer".
You will need the link that it shows and starts with:
Getting paid on Hashnode
If you're on Hashnode you can easily add your payment pointer to your profile by visiting your dashboard.
Next click on "Integrations", at the bottom you will see:
Web Monetization Payment Pointer.
Paste your uphold link here.
Getting paid on dev.to
Next, up dev.to just as easily allows payouts.
We can go to our settings > Misc > Web Monetization.
There we can add our payment pointer link.
Getting paid on Hackernoon
Hackernoon is another blogging platform, and it too can allow payments through uphold.
Once you are logged in on Hackernoon you'll be able to go to Rewards and add your payment link here.
There you go, three platforms where we can add our uphold payment link!
Thank you for reading, and let's connect!
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Top comments (51)
That's interesting, but I would like to understand it more.
If Coil pays me to look at articles on dev.to who pays Coil and why is this transaction worth to them? Is it "only" that now Coil will also collect information about my web behaviour or is there something else?
Oke so Coil is a subscription.
You as a person can get a Coil subscription for let's say 5$ a month, those 5$ will get pushed to people's articles you are watching, the longer you stay on one article, the more that person will receive.
I for one have a Coil subscription because I see value in what I read online and would like to give back, needless to say, it's not mandatory and only if you are cool with it should you get a Coil subscription.
I hope that makes sense, and clear how it works?
I see, the talk about "Add Funds" in the article confused me.
So as an author I don't need to add funds, just sign up and add their code to dev.to (or to my own web site) and the money starts flowing. Or dripping, probably. Sounds promising.
However, I am still a bit unclear, as a read why would I give money to Coil that will end up who-knows-where? With Patreon I can support the specific people I like. With Coil I might pay a web site where I spent time while I don't actually enjoyed being there.
e.g. I can imaging the IRS in the US getting paid by Coil for all the time people are on their site trying to fill out their form.
Same with Facebook, sometimes I waste my time browsing Facebook. With Coil set up it is not enough that I waste my time (which I know is my problem), but now I might even pay Facebook for that. And I still see their ads.
Ah ok clear, the Add Funds is to receive money back actually haha, weird naming.
As an author you literally have to do nothing, just add the meta tag from uphold and you can start to earn.
Well Patreon is cool, but it's one-directional.
How about that one person who you've only read one article from, but that helped you immense.
Perhaps you wouldn't support his Patreon, but now you would support this article in specific.
So you can setup coil to only pay for specific content as well as I understand correctly., it will only fire on certain sites, like not facebook as is now.
Thanks for all the fast responses!
Oh, so the "Add Fund" is really confusing then.
I can clearly see the value of somehow paying an author for an individual article a few cents, (and as an author being paid for all the content I create) I am just worried the lack of control the paying person might feel.
Anyway, I looked at the HTML source of the homepage dev.to. It has the following entry:
I assume that means dev.to monetizes the homepage and probably all the pages via Uphold.
I also looked at the source of this page - your post - and it had the same entry with the same value.
Does that mean you have not configured the monetization on dev.to yet?
Oh and I clearly missed the last sentence from your previous comment about setting the sites. That explains it. I'll check it out.
They use a base payment pointer, and an author one I see, so they are probably also getting some cash from this.
Where do you see the "author one"?
Main one:
Hi @dailydevtips1 my country(INDIA) is not in uphold list. Is there any other option. Please help....
Not sure about country support if i'm honest.
Perhaps best to reach out to their support system.
Have you find anything?
same question!
wait it seems uphold has changed its UI, how to find it in the new uphold view.
In the new UI, you'll have to add a fund, and then click the three dots on that fund type to open the payment pointer.
I'll try and update the article soon.
I see it now,, thanks a lot :)
@dailydevtips1 can you help me I have create coil as well as uphold account and also add payment pointer but in dev no Misc Option is visible to me please help bro
Hi! It's now under "Extensions" -> Web monetization
Hope that helps! 🎉
I added my payment pointer in it now what to do
Thanks in advance
That should be all that is needed! 🎉
So How would dev pay money to my coil account 🤔
and when,
Like I get 10,000 + views/post
That will be through your payment pointer, but really dependant on people with Coil visiting your articles.
It's not really view related.
What do you means by Coil visiting articles
So how it works is that you get paid for everyone who uses the coil subscription that visits your site for x amount of time.
It basically means that you only get paid from users who visit and have the coil subscription to pay out writers.
That not too good🙄
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Thanks Jeff, glad you liked it
I just deleted my Coil Account today because they exposed their users' email-addresses publicly. It's unacceptable for me!
Yep, did get the mail only this morning, quite a miss for launching this article...
Really sloppy indeed!
Yeah, just bad timing :D
Really not so cool if you want to handle money and stuff and can't keep email addresses privately, right?
The idea behind it is still good, so I guess that will stick around, be it with or without coil...
Yep! 100% like that's such a high risk and not even your core business..
But well, at least we can bypass Coil for now just by using uphold as the receiver
Offtopic: Love your posts btw, keep rollin' :)
Wow, thanks Simon, will do
Just a heads up this is no longer relevant,
That's interesting. I did follow the above steps and linked, may I know when I receive the money? I have been checking on uphold account but no pennies so far.
Uphold is no big money maker, and a lot of people have stepped away from using it as paying customers so don't expect too much from that one now.
Is there any other way?
Hmm ads are you're best bet or writing guest blog post?
I like the idea, but I made like 0.02€ this over the last six months.
Haha yeah not a gold mine, also won't help that Coil messed up last night...
they leaked a lot of email addresses and they were the only subscription manager for now.
But when more come revenue could increase.
I have the feeling my email addresses got leak so often in the last years; one more or less doesn't matter anymore D:
Currently, I make most of my money with commissioned articles and DevRel consulting.
Agreed, writing to make money is shit,
But then again how do you explain top x post being in the top lists of dev.to for instance not just weekly, but all-time list.
I don't think those are bad content at all or written to make money from.
This whole concept is just something you do not to earn money, see above you hardly earn cents.
But when you are writing with passion, why not earn those couple cents?