Today we'll be looking into working with Cookies in JavaScript.
It's not the most widely used function, but great to keep track of small things like whether someone clicked a cookie bar.
We can set
, get
, change
and, delete
a cookie.
JavaScript Set Cookie
To set a cookie in JavaScript
, we use the document.cookie
First we must understand cookies are set as a key, value pair
key = value
So to set a cookie:
document.cookie = 'username=Chris';
We can even set a expire date:
document.cookie = 'username=Chris; expires=Sun, 01 Jan 2023 12:00:00 UTC';
JavaScript Read Cookie
To read a cookie we can use the following:
var username = document.cookie;
username = Chris;
second = bla;
This will return the full cookie object, so we need to split it ourself like so:
var username = getCookie('username');
// Chris
function getCookie(name) {
// Add the = sign
name = name + '=';
// Get the decoded cookie
var decodedCookie = decodeURIComponent(document.cookie);
// Get all cookies, split on ; sign
var cookies = decodedCookie.split(';');
// Loop over the cookies
for (var i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) {
// Define the single cookie, and remove whitespace
var cookie = cookies[i].trim();
// If this cookie has the name of what we are searching
if (cookie.indexOf(name) == 0) {
// Return everything after the cookies name
return cookie.substring(name.length, cookie.length);
JavaScript Changing a Cookie
Sometimes we want to update a cookie; this is the same as the creation:
document.cookie = 'username=Nicole; expires=Sun, 01 Jan 2023 12:00:00 UTC';
JavaScript Deleting a Cookie
To delete a specific cookie, we have to set its date to be passed:
document.cookie = 'username=; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 UTC;';
View the demo to test with on Codepen.
See the Pen JavaScript Cookies by Chris Bongers (@rebelchris) on CodePen.
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