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Discussion on: Vue.js vs. React — Not Your Usual Comparison

dakujem profile image
Andrej Rypo

Yeah, I agree that learning Vue is simpler than learning React, at least it was for me.

The opinion might be biased, though, as most will first learn React and then Vue, and those tools are very similar in what they do. I mean the whole ecosystem, not just the core React/Vue, I mean Vuex/Redux, router, templates/jsx, bundling, tooling and all that. So for those who have already learned React and all, Vue might come as pretty simple, since they already know most of the concepts.

I wonder if there's anyone who learned Vue first, then took React on.

thabisomagwaza profile image

I'm about to start my journey into frameworks so I'll take this on. I was going to start with React because it gives the base knowledge that I need to go into ReactNative ( a soft intro into the mobile dev world ) but the discussion here is fascinating so I'll start with Vue to settle the debate😅

domagojvidovic profile image
Domagoj Vidovic

Well if you want to learn ReactNative, definitely pick React over Vue!

It’s gonna be much easier since they have a lot of similarity 🙂

domagojvidovic profile image
Domagoj Vidovic

I agree, I would love to hear opinions from somebody who switched from Vue to React (without prior knowledge about React)

sebastianvitterso profile image
Sebastian Vittersø

I can speak for this crowd! I learnt Vue in the summer of 2019, and loved it pretty much immediatly. I spent the summer internship learning it, both broad strokes and details, and it was a lot of fun, and very efficient.

The following semester (in school) we had "Web development" as a subject in school, and we learn (JQuery and) React.
Whenever I was faced with a new challenge in React, it just felt as if everything was hard to do.
Example: We built an infinitely scrolling application, and in order to make the content load on the correct event (and not somehow get stuck one event behind), we had to use both useState and useRef-hooks, and I still don't know what the latter of those does.

In vue, however, you just add a listener, and then remove it. No need for extra concepts. Love it.