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Dannel Bothello
Dannel Bothello

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What is Single Sign On (SSO) and how does it work?

What is Single Sign On (SSO)?

Single sign-on (SSO) is an authentication process that allows users to access multiple applications, websites, and systems with just one set of login credentials, rather than having to remember and enter separate usernames and passwords for each separate application.

In essence, SSO is a central authentication mechanism that enables users to authenticate just once and has that authentication automatically happen across all the systems they need to access. This reduces the need for users to remember multiple sets of login credentials and minimizes the risk of password-related security breaches and attacks.

How does Single Sign On (SSO) work?

The way SSO works is by using an IDP system that authenticates the user once and then passes that authentication token to the various applications and websites when that user needs access. For configuring SSO on your application multiple IDPs such as Shibboleth, Okta, miniOrange, OneLogin, ADFS, and OneLogin.

When a user tries to access an application, the application redirects the user to the IDP, which then authenticates the user and generates an approval token. This token is then passed back to the application, which can use to grant the user access. The token is typically valid till the session is on. You can set the time period for which the session exists and decide the time validity of the token.

There are several different protocols that can be used to implement SSO, including SAML, OAuth, LDAP, and OpenID Connect. The protocol is important as it creates a communication channel between your Service Provider(SP) and Identity Provider(IDP).

Overall, SSO is a powerful tool for simplifying user authentication and improving security, and it is widely used in enterprise environments and on the Internet to provide a seamless and secure user experience.

You can check out miniOrange ASP.NET solutions for SSO:
miniOrange is the top company in the ASP.NET SSO solutions market known for its high standard solutions and quick support.



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