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Discussion on: A Call For Testers: If You Hoard Tabs or Want To Manage Your Reading List Better, I Need your Help

dangolant profile image
Daniel Golant

Glad to hear it resonates, Shannon! Thanks for helping out :).

scrabill profile image
Shannon Crabill

I'm happy to help! I just downloaded the extension and have an initial comment.

On the dashboard, it would be helpful if it showed which email address I have associated with my account. I signed up without a problem, got the TabMailer Activation email (which came SUPER fast, btw. Kudos!) but without having that email handy, I wouldn't know which one was associated with my account. I would also assume, adding another email address in the "Enter new email" field overwrites the previous one (as opposed to emailing both). Is that correct?

It's not a major thing, but I could it see it being a pain point if a user put in their email address incorrectly on set up and wasn't aware that it was mistyped.

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dangolant profile image
Daniel Golant

That's a great idea, I hadn't thought of that, thanks! Should be a fairly simple addition.

Yes, it does overwrite the previously associated email, I'll be sure to add some copy for that when I add the above suggestion. The writing will most likely go through quite a bit of change over the next few weeks, much of it was written at 3 AM as I kept plugging along on the project 😅.

Good to hear about the email, I was having some issues early on with Mailgun emails being marked as spam by default.