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Dan Johansson
Dan Johansson

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Enable annotation based scraping in Azure Monitor managed service for Prometheus

The aim of these instructions is to provide a concise and easy-to-follow guide, without going into intricate details. By following these instructions, you can activate annotation-based scraping of pods in an AKS cluster using the Azure Monitor managed service for Prometheus.

You are assumed to have an AKS cluster up and running.

Step 1: Create resources

Create the following resources as needed...

Step 2: Enable metrics collection in Azure Monitor

In Azure Portal, navigate to the Azure Monitor workspace that was created in step 1. Select Monitored clusters and enable monitoring of your AKS cluster. Select the Azure Managed Grafana instance that was created in step 1 as Linked Grafana instance.

(Can also be done in the Insights/Monitor Settings of the AKS cluster.)

Step 3: Create a config map for the monitoring addon for the Azure Monitor agent

Download sample manifest and change from monitor_kubernetes_pods = false to monitor_kubernetes_pods = true.

The final ConfigMap manifest file should look like this:

kind: ConfigMap
apiVersion: v1
    #string.used by agent to parse config. supported versions are {v1}. Configs with other schema versions will be rejected by the agent.
    #string.used by customer to keep track of this config file's version in their source control/repository (max allowed 10 chars, other chars will be truncated)
  log-data-collection-settings: |-
    # Log data collection settings
    # Any errors related to config map settings can be found in the KubeMonAgentEvents table in the Log Analytics workspace that the cluster is sending data to.

          # In the absense of this configmap, default value for enabled is true
          enabled = true
          # exclude_namespaces setting holds good only if enabled is set to true
          # kube-system,gatekeeper-system log collection are disabled by default in the absence of 'log_collection_settings.stdout' setting. If you want to enable kube-system,gatekeeper-system, remove them from the following setting.
          # If you want to continue to disable kube-system,gatekeeper-system log collection keep the namespaces in the following setting and add any other namespace you want to disable log collection to the array.
          # In the absense of this configmap, default value for exclude_namespaces = ["kube-system","gatekeeper-system"]
          exclude_namespaces = ["kube-system","gatekeeper-system"]

          # Default value for enabled is true
          enabled = true
          # exclude_namespaces setting holds good only if enabled is set to true
          # kube-system,gatekeeper-system log collection are disabled by default in the absence of 'log_collection_settings.stderr' setting. If you want to enable kube-system,gatekeeper-system, remove them from the following setting.
          # If you want to continue to disable kube-system,gatekeeper-system log collection keep the namespaces in the following setting and add any other namespace you want to disable log collection to the array.
          # In the absense of this configmap, default value for exclude_namespaces = ["kube-system","gatekeeper-system"]
          exclude_namespaces = ["kube-system","gatekeeper-system"]

          # In the absense of this configmap, default value for enabled is true
          enabled = true
          # In the absense of this configmap, default value for enrich_container_logs is false
          enabled = false
          # When this is enabled (enabled = true), every container log entry (both stdout & stderr) will be enriched with container Name & container Image
          # In the absense of this configmap, default value for collect_all_kube_events is false
          # When the setting is set to false, only the kube events with !normal event type will be collected
          enabled = false
          # When this is enabled (enabled = true), all kube events including normal events will be collected
          # In the absence of this configmap, default value for containerlog_schema_version is "v1"
          # Supported values for this setting are "v1","v2"
          # See documentation at for benefits of v2 schema over v1 schema before opting for "v2" schema
          # containerlog_schema_version = "v2"
          # fluent-bit based multiline log collection for go (stacktrace), dotnet (stacktrace)
          # if enabled will also stitch together container logs split by docker/cri due to size limits(16KB per log line)
          # enabled = "false"

  prometheus-data-collection-settings: |-
    # Custom Prometheus metrics data collection settings
        # Cluster level scrape endpoint(s). These metrics will be scraped from agent's Replicaset (singleton)
        # Any errors related to prometheus scraping can be found in the KubeMonAgentEvents table in the Log Analytics workspace that the cluster is sending data to.

        #Interval specifying how often to scrape for metrics. This is duration of time and can be specified for supporting settings by combining an integer value and time unit as a string value. Valid time units are ns, us (or µs), ms, s, m, h.
        interval = "1m"

        ## Uncomment the following settings with valid string arrays for prometheus scraping
        #fieldpass = ["metric_to_pass1", "metric_to_pass12"]

        #fielddrop = ["metric_to_drop"]

        # An array of urls to scrape metrics from.
        # urls = ["http://myurl:9101/metrics"]

        # An array of Kubernetes services to scrape metrics from.
        # kubernetes_services = [""]

        # When monitor_kubernetes_pods = true, replicaset will scrape Kubernetes pods for the following prometheus annotations:
        # - Enable scraping for this pod
        # - If the metrics endpoint is secured then you will need to
        #     set this to `https` & most likely set the tls config.
        # - If the metrics path is not /metrics, define it with this annotation.
        # - If port is not 9102 use this annotation
        monitor_kubernetes_pods = true

        ## Restricts Kubernetes monitoring to namespaces for pods that have annotations set and are scraped using the monitor_kubernetes_pods setting.
        ## This will take effect when monitor_kubernetes_pods is set to true
        ##   ex: monitor_kubernetes_pods_namespaces = ["default1", "default2", "default3"]
        # monitor_kubernetes_pods_namespaces = ["default1"]

        ## Label selector to target pods which have the specified label
        ## This will take effect when monitor_kubernetes_pods is set to true
        ## Reference the docs at
        # kubernetes_label_selector = "env=dev,app=nginx"

        ## Field selector to target pods which have the specified field
        ## This will take effect when monitor_kubernetes_pods is set to true
        ## Reference the docs at
        ## eg. To scrape pods on a specific node
        # kubernetes_field_selector = "spec.nodeName=$HOSTNAME"

        # Node level scrape endpoint(s). These metrics will be scraped from agent's DaemonSet running in every node in the cluster
        # Any errors related to prometheus scraping can be found in the KubeMonAgentEvents table in the Log Analytics workspace that the cluster is sending data to.

        #Interval specifying how often to scrape for metrics. This is duration of time and can be specified for supporting settings by combining an integer value and time unit as a string value. Valid time units are ns, us (or µs), ms, s, m, h.
        interval = "1m"

        ## Uncomment the following settings with valid string arrays for prometheus scraping

        # An array of urls to scrape metrics from. $NODE_IP (all upper case) will substitute of running Node's IP address
        # urls = ["http://$NODE_IP:9103/metrics"]

        #fieldpass = ["metric_to_pass1", "metric_to_pass12"]

        #fielddrop = ["metric_to_drop"]

  metric_collection_settings: |-
    # Metrics collection settings for metrics sent to Log Analytics and MDM
      # In the absense of this configmap, default value for collect_kube_system_pv_metrics is false
      # When the setting is set to false, only the persistent volume metrics outside the kube-system namespace will be collected
      enabled = false
      # When this is enabled (enabled = true), persistent volume metrics including those in the kube-system namespace will be collected

  alertable-metrics-configuration-settings: |-
    # Alertable metrics configuration settings for container resource utilization
        # The threshold(Type Float) will be rounded off to 2 decimal points
        # Threshold for container cpu, metric will be sent only when cpu utilization exceeds or becomes equal to the following percentage
        container_cpu_threshold_percentage = 95.0
        # Threshold for container memoryRss, metric will be sent only when memory rss exceeds or becomes equal to the following percentage
        container_memory_rss_threshold_percentage = 95.0
        # Threshold for container memoryWorkingSet, metric will be sent only when memory working set exceeds or becomes equal to the following percentage
        container_memory_working_set_threshold_percentage = 95.0

    # Alertable metrics configuration settings for persistent volume utilization
        # Threshold for persistent volume usage bytes, metric will be sent only when persistent volume utilization exceeds or becomes equal to the following percentage
        pv_usage_threshold_percentage = 60.0

    # Alertable metrics configuration settings for completed jobs count
        # Threshold for completed job count , metric will be sent only for those jobs which were completed earlier than the following threshold
        job_completion_threshold_time_minutes = 360
  integrations: |-
        collect_basic_metrics = false
        collect_advanced_metrics = false
        enabled = false

# Doc -
  agent-settings: |-
    # prometheus scrape fluent bit settings for high scale
    # buffer size should be greater than or equal to chunk size else we set it to chunk size.
    # settings scoped to prometheus sidecar container. all values in mb
      tcp_listener_chunk_size = 10
      tcp_listener_buffer_size = 10
      tcp_listener_mem_buf_limit = 200

    # prometheus scrape fluent bit settings for high scale
    # buffer size should be greater than or equal to chunk size else we set it to chunk size.
    # settings scoped to daemonset container. all values in mb
    # [agent_settings.node_prometheus_fbit_settings]
      # tcp_listener_chunk_size = 1
      # tcp_listener_buffer_size = 1
      # tcp_listener_mem_buf_limit = 10

    # prometheus scrape fluent bit settings for high scale
    # buffer size should be greater than or equal to chunk size else we set it to chunk size.
    # settings scoped to replicaset container. all values in mb
    # [agent_settings.cluster_prometheus_fbit_settings]
      # tcp_listener_chunk_size = 1
      # tcp_listener_buffer_size = 1
      # tcp_listener_mem_buf_limit = 10

    # The following settings are "undocumented", we don't recommend uncommenting them unless directed by Microsoft.
    # They increase the maximum stdout/stderr log collection rate but will also cause higher cpu/memory usage.
    ## Ref for more details about Ignore_Older -
    # [agent_settings.fbit_config]
    #   log_flush_interval_secs = "1"                 # default value is 15
    #   tail_mem_buf_limit_megabytes = "10"           # default value is 10
    #   tail_buf_chunksize_megabytes = "1"            # default value is 32kb (comment out this line for default)
    #   tail_buf_maxsize_megabytes = "1"              # default value is 32kb (comment out this line for default)
    #   tail_ignore_older = "5m"                      # default value same as fluent-bit default i.e.0m

    # On both AKS & Arc K8s enviornments, if Cluster has configured with Forward Proxy then Proxy settings automatically applied and used for the agent
    # Certain configurations, proxy config should be ignored for example Cluster with AMPLS + Proxy
    # in such scenarios, use the following config to ignore proxy settings
    # [agent_settings.proxy_config]
    #    ignore_proxy_settings = "true"  # if this is not applied, default value is false

  name: container-azm-ms-agentconfig
  namespace: kube-system
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Apply the manifest.

kubectl apply -f container-azm-ms-agentconfig.yaml
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Step 4: Create a config map with a job for Annotation Based Scraping

Create a new manifest file named ama-metrics-prometheus-config-node.yaml with the following content.

kind: ConfigMap
apiVersion: v1
  prometheus-config: |-
    - job_name: 'kubernetes-pods'

      - role: pod

      # Scrape only pods with the annotation: = true
      - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_scrape]
        action: keep
        regex: true

      # If is specified, scrape this path instead of /metrics
      - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_path]
        action: replace
        target_label: __metrics_path__
        regex: (.+)

      # If is specified, scrape this port instead of the default
      - source_labels: [__address__, __meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_port]
        action: replace
        regex: ([^:]+)(?::\d+)?;(\d+)
        replacement: $1:$2
        target_label: __address__

      # If is specified, scrape with this scheme instead of http
      - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_scheme]
        action: replace
        regex: (http|https)
        target_label: __scheme__

      # Include the pod namespace as a label for each metric (namespace)
      - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_namespace]
        action: replace
        target_label: namespace

      # Include the pod name as a label for each metric
      - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_name]
        action: replace
        target_label: pod

      # [Optional] Include all pod labels as labels for each metric
      - action: labelmap
        regex: __meta_kubernetes_pod_label_(.+)
  name: ama-metrics-prometheus-config-node
  namespace: kube-system
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Apply the manifest.

kubectl apply -f ama-metrics-prometheus-config-node.yaml
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Step 5: Restart agent pods

Restart all pods named ama-metrics-node-… in the kube-system namespace.

Step 6: Annotate pods to be scraped

Key Data type Value Description Boolean true or false Enables scraping of the pod, and monitor_kubernetes_pods must be set to true. String http or https Defaults to scraping over HTTP. If necessary, set to https. String Comma-separated array The HTTP resource path from which to fetch metrics. If the metrics path isn't /metrics, define it with this annotation. String 9102 Specify a port to scrape from. If the port isn't set, it will default to 9102.


apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: example
  annotations: true # Enable scraping for this pod ​ 'http' # If the metrics endpoint is secured then you will need to set this to `https`, if not default ‘http’​ '/mymetrics' # If the metrics path is not /metrics, define it with this annotation. ​ 8000 # If port is not 9102 use this annotation​
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Pods are now being scraped and Prometheus metrics can be visualized in the Grafana instance that was created in step 1 using the automatically configured Prometheus data source.



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