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Dan Marks
Dan Marks

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What Not to Do When Starting a Code Project

Today, I want to share a little chat about something we've all been through - the "what not to do" moments when coding on a new project.

Avoiding Documentation Like the Plague

I know, it can be dull and time-consuming, but not documenting your code is a recipe for chaos.

Trying to Reinvent the Wheel

I get it; we're creative, and we love to build things from scratch. But don't fall into the "Not Invented Here" trap. Embrace open-source libraries and frameworks. It's okay to stand on the shoulders of giants; it makes our lives easier and projects more robust.

Not Seeking Help

Don't be shy about asking for help from fellow developers, forums, or online communities. We're part of a vast and supportive coding family; there's always someone who's been through the same issues.

Conclusion: Keep Coding, Keep Learning

So, those are some NOT to do when starting a code project. We've made these mistakes, learned from them, and grown as developers. The most important thing is to keep coding, keep learning, and keep the passion alive.

Remember, every project is a chance to improve and do things better. Happy coding!

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