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Daniel Quackenbush
Daniel Quackenbush

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Automating OS NAS Storage Management

According to Forbes, by 2025 the Worlds Data is estimated to hit 163 Zettabytes of storage. As you can imagine, this number continues to grow, from the enormous amount of applications spawning to our favorite puppy videos, data is everywhere. Behind that data is storage, and that storage connects to an operating system. This is where my latest project fits in.

The Problem Statement

How can we make Network Attached Storage (NAS) easily manageable and self service to our customers?


Within my environment, there are three business logics that are key. The first is our configuration management tool, Puppet, which manages tens of thousands of servers across several productions and non-production environments. The second is Bitbucket, which houses code for the entire company and syncs self-created modules to all puppet masters on a cron-style basis. Third is the initiative to allow for system “devineers” to automate the infrastructure into a completely self-servicing environment.

Within this problem statement, there are several key players. For simplicity, I will break them down into a role, rather than their actual title – storage, systems, and customer.


In the environment when a dev group, or a customer, requests storage the request is filtered through to the systems team. The systems team then requests the storage to be provisioned from storage, which today is through an automated API call or self-service page. Once the storage is provisioned and presented to the servers, the systems teams is required to mount, provide permissions, and alert the customer that the new network storage is ready for them to use. Today the systems team task is very manual, and although processes are sync, the paperwork and hands on keyboard could push the request out longer.




Create a containerized API that dynamically scales and manages definition-based files that are then pushed out through configuration management. The Flask based Python API, reaches out to Bitbucket, to grab the latest version of mounts, for both hosts and hostgroups, adds the modification from the API, then commits and pushes back to git. From there Bitbucket syncs with the Puppet, and within thirty minutes (or the next manual puppet run), the new mount appears on the OS for the customer to use.



HTTP method URI path Description
GET / Returns health status to show node is active
GET /mounts Retrieves all mounts
GET /mounts/hosts, /mounts/hostgroups Retrieves just [hostname/hostgroup] mount.
GET /mounts/[hosts/hostgroups]/[servername/hostgroupname] Retrieves servers/hostgroups mounts
GET /mounts/[hosts/hostgroups]/[servername/hostgroupname]/uuid Retrieves invidiual mount point for given UUID
POST/PUT /mounts/[hosts/hostgroups] Create new NAS Point for a particular host or hostgroup
PATCH /mounts/[hosts/hostgroups]/[servername/hostgroupname]/uuid Modifies a NAS Point for a particular host or hostgroup
DELETE /mounts/[hosts/hostgroups]/[servername/hostgroupname] Removes the management for a particular host or hostgroup
DELETE /mounts/[hosts/hostgroups]/[servername/hostgroupname]/uuid Removes the management of a NAS Point for a particular host or hostgroup

YAML File:

The strucute of the yaml defines an array of mount objects, that live on a host/hostgroup.

    -   uuid
    -   ...
    -   uuid
    -   ...
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Puppet Code

The following snippet, loads the yaml, then loops through host and hostgroup, and at runtime checks to see if the host or hostgroup match.

# == Class: nfs_mounts ()
# Base Class for NAS Mounts
class nfs_mounts(
) {
    include '::stdlib'
    # Load in Dynamic Yaml file
    if is_hash($hosts) and has_key($hosts, $::fqdn) {
        # Check if the server name matches item in loop
        $hosts[$::fqdn].each | $mount | {
            if (is_hash($mount) and
                has_key($mount, 'local_path') and
                has_key($mount, 'share_path') and
                has_key($mount, 'owner')  and
                has_key($mount, 'group') and
                has_key($mount, 'options') ){
                # Create the directory to be mounted
                exec { $name :
                    command => "/bin/mkdir -p ${mount[local_path]}",
                    unless  => "/usr/bin/test -d ${mount[local_path]}",
                # Set Ownership
                file { $mount[local_path] :
                    ensure  => directory,
                    owner   => $mount[owner],
                    group   => $mount[group],
                    require => Exec[$name],
                # Mount the share
                mount { $mount[local_path] :
                    ensure   => mounted,
                    atboot   => 'yes',
                    device   => $mount[share_path],
                    remounts => false ,
                    fstype   => 'nfs',
                    options  => $mount[options],
                    dump     => '0',
                    pass     => '0',
                    require  => Exec[ $name ],

    if is_hash($hostgroups) and has_key($hostgroups, $::hostgroup) {
        $hostgroups[$::hostgroup].each | $mount | {
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To see the fully scripted api, check out the project over on my github and let me know what you think in the comments below.

GitHub logo danquack / NFS-API

A containerized flask api that manages a nfs mounts through a mounts.yml file

Build Status

The NFS API was designed to manage a mounts.yml file within nfs_mounts mounts puppet repo. This Python3 application is dockerized and posts to git using ssh keys embeded into the container.

Structure: - flask application that defines the endpoints - the behind the scenes worker to read and update the mounts file
requirements.txt - pip3 install -r requirements.txt - will install the necesary packages needed to run the app

Pre cursor

Acting as a container, the main purpose of this project is to managed a git based hiera defintion. Therefore, you must have a NFS Mounts project in git, that utilizes a hiera based defintion.

Install Instructions

  1. Clone Project
  2. Modify git user profile configuration in dockerfile
  3. Run docker build -t nfs_api:latest .
  4. Run
docker run \
-e REPO_URI=<full ssh git (ex.> \
-v /path/to/ssh/on/host:/root/.ssh \
-e GIT_DIRECTORY=/path/to/store/repo
-p 5000:5000 \
  1. Interact with the api on your…

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