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Daphné Hervé
Daphné Hervé

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Test less and cover more with combinations using Pairwise and Pict

Go straight to the point ! 
Test less and cover more, 
sounds good ! 
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When ? You have a lot of data or different behaviors to test.

Who ? For developers and testers who want to reduce their number of tests cases.

How does it work ?

"Pairwise testing is an effective test case generation technique that is based on the observation that most faults are caused by interactions of at most two factors. Pairwise-generated test suites cover all combinations of two therefore are much smaller than exhaustive ones yet still very effective in finding defects"

In this post we will use PICT to generate efficient combinations of data at entry point of your test cases. Pict is an open source CLI tool developed by Microsoft.

Form your own opinion by using this great online console :

How to use ?
Download the Pict.exe and open a terminal.
It's an .exe, so you need to be on the same folder or to indicate the right path to the Pict.exe.

Pict my_file_to_combine.txt
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💡 Tips : render the results in an external file instead of in the command line interface using a return function :

Pict my_file_to_combine.txt > results.csv
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📝 Pict is also available with a container image. Go to the README to have more infos : README on github

Imagine a database with CRUD authorizations combined with user rights. You need to test if the action of the user properly depends on the right authorization.

Some usual exemples :

  • reader can only see the user-infos-table
  • contributor can create into the user-infos-table
  • admin can also update the localization-table
  • admin is authorized to delete / localization-table ... etc etc.

Without the Pairwise method, we would need to do several iterations for this test to cover all the possibilities.

Let's try the Pairwise method ! Such of entries...

# User's access to your database

userTypes: reader, admin, contributor, editor

accessTypes: view, create, read, update, delete

database name: user-infos, localization
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... give the followings results :

userTypes   accessTypes   database name
admin       read          localization
admin       delete        user-infos
contributor create        user-infos
admin       view          localization
editor      create        localization
reader      delete        localization
editor      view          user-infos
contributor update        localization
editor      read          user-infos
editor      delete        localization
editor      update        user-infos
contributor view          localization
admin       create        localization
contributor read          localization
admin       update        user-infos
reader      view          localization
contributor delete        localization
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Seems like a .csv file. The first row is the header with all the entries we mentioned.

Without the Pairwise method, in the following case we would need to do at least 32 iterations for this test to cover all the possibilities.

With the Pairwise generation method we get 17 results. Amazing !

Now we can add some additional restrictions :

if [userTypes] = "reader" then ([accessTypes] = "view");

# User's access to your database 

userTypes: reader, admin, contributor, editor

accessTypes: view, create, read, update, delete

database name: user-infos, localization

if [userTypes] = "reader" then ([accessTypes] = "view");
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And the results are ...

userTypes   accessTypes   database name
admin       read          localization
admin       delete        user-infos
contributor create        user-infos
admin       view          localization
editor      create        localization
editor      view          user-infos
contributor update        localization
editor      read          user-infos
editor      delete        localization
editor      update        user-infos
contributor view          localization
admin       create        localization
contributor read          localization
admin       update        user-infos
reader      view          localization
contributor delete        localization
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More details here about the Pairwise combination method :

You can find some useful examples of restriction in the official documentation

The time you win with this Pairwise method is precious to any other test action ! Think about exploratory testing !

Hope it helps !
Daphné Hervé (API, monitoring and QA automation lover)

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