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What is Ruby on Rails?

In our latest blog, we discuss a technology that we’ve used extensively in our projects: Ruby on Rails. Since the early 2000s, Rails has been revolutionizing web development by building on Ruby’s developer-centric ethos.


Back in 2003, a programmer from Denmark by the name of David Heinemeier Hansson realized that he was reusing a lot of code to achieve common web-dev tasks. This inspired him to create a framework to simplify the repetitive aspects of web application development. In July 2004, Hansson released Ruby on Rails as an open-source project.

Rails popularized two core philosophies to the developer community:

  • Convention Over Configuration (CoC): A development principle where established conventions eliminate the need for explicit and repetitive configuration decisions. This approach helps reduce redundant code, leading to quicker application setup and development.
  • Don’t Repeat Yourself (DRY): A development principle emphasizing the centralization of information and behavior, ensuring that each is defined once and only once. This approach aids in enhancing code maintainability, preventing inconsistencies, and expediting the development process.

The release of Rails was met with enthusiasm, as it provided web developers with a tool that expedited development without compromising on quality or scalability. One significant milestone in Rails’ history was the creation of Twitter in 2006. Initially built with Rails, Twitter showcased the framework’s capabilities to handle large-scale, high-traffic applications.

Today, Rails is still widely used and remains a cornerstone in the web development world. Supported by regular updates and an engaged community, it’s clear that Rails will remain relevant for many years to come.

Interested in Rails?

Drop us some comments and share how Rails can help with your projects. You’ll find a link to our full blog in the comments section.

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