DEV Community

Dario Di Carlo
Dario Di Carlo

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Selling devtools to devs ― building a growth motion in public

Hey everyone—first time posting here. I’d love your feedback to help me be helpful!

I’m diving into sharing my journey of selling devtools as a devtool startup founder—and I thought this community might find it interesting.

Here’s what I’ve learned so far:

Selling to devs is a unique game.

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At Bricks AI, we’re still figuring out how to nail it. But honestly, it’s been a lot of fun.

One thing I’ve noticed: devs are no-BS people. They see through the typical sales fluff.

So, we ditched the standard sales tactics and crafted our own approach.

Our go-to-market strategy is all about:
― Meeting devs where they’re at
― Aligning with our mission: automating admin panel development for everyone

Over the next few weeks, I’ll share how we’re:

  1. Defining our ICP
  2. Generating leads
  3. Converting leads into paying customers
  4. Tracking the entire funnel

I have to admit, it’s a bit nerve-wracking.

Why? Because:
― We’re not 100% sure it will work
― It’s our first time doing this

But we’ve got some things going for us:
We’ve built internal tools ourselves and know the pain points because we’ve felt them.

We are our target audience.

So, here’s to figuring it out together.

I can’t wait to look back in a year and chuckle at how much we’ve learned.

Stay tuned!

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