Greetings, everyone!
Wishing you all a Happy New Year. I have been absent from interaction and posting here for a while due to numerous real-life obligations that have been both time-consuming and mundane but lucrative.
Nevertheless, finances constitute the ten-thousandth part of what I wish to share here—an expression of boredom and an interpretation of The Art Of Messy Code that I previously penned on this platform.

The Art Of Messy Code - Chapter 0 : Preface
Imam Ali Mustofa ・ Jul 23 '23
Indeed, this is a library or framework that I crafted to satiate my ego and alleviate boredom. The Fck PHP Framework for Freestylers represents nearly everything stemming from the chaos within my mind.
The fck PHP Framework for Freestylers
fck - Work in Progress
Welcome to my fck framework! This project is a work in progress and is being developed just for fun. It follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern and aims to provide a structured and modular codebase for web development.
Project Overview
This fck framework is designed to showcase my dancing knowledge, experiment with different features, and serve as a playground for trying out new (old) ideas. Please note that this project is not intended for production use (yet), and some features may be incomplete or under development.
- MVC Architecture: The project follows the MVC architectural pattern for better organization and separation of concerns.
- Routing: Custom routing system to handle URL requests and map them to appropriate controllers and actions.
- Views and Templates: Implementation of views and templates to render dynamic content.
- Controller Actions: Handling user requests through controller actions for different…
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