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David Bilson
David Bilson

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8 Proven Strategies to Land Your Dream Tech Job in Q4

Have you been trying to get a job in tech, and you have had zero success despite your efforts? You may feel like you are doing everything right—applying consistently and improving your skills—but the truth is that the tech industry is more competitive now than ever.

The industry is seeing a significant increase in the number of junior and mid-level professionals. With this surge in competition, how can you differentiate yourself and secure your dream tech job in Q4 2024?

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In this article, we will explore multiple strategies that are proving effective in Q4 to help you stand out in the competitive market and land your dream tech job.

Follow these strategies closely and note down the key points and actionable insights.

1. Update your resume

Your resume must be spot on. Include every relevant experience and skill required to get the job you are interested in. Check if your resume is at least 80% ATS-friendly; chances are, it currently isn’t.

First, use this resume checker to check the ATS score for your resume. Does it meet the 80% minimum mark? If your resume is not ATS-friendly, do not bother to apply for that job! Check My Resume ATS Score.

Why does your resume need to be ATS friendly?

ATS, or Applicant Tracking System, is a software used by recruiters and hiring managers to filter candidates by scanning their resumes for key points, matching skills, and relevant experience.

Your resume needs to be ATS-friendly because most companies use the ATS software to filter and screen out job applicants.

If your resume/cv is not well-formatted to meet ATS requirements or doesn’t include the right keywords, which would have been pre-written in the software by the hiring managers, the ATS software would likely reject it before it even reaches the recruiter’s desk.

This is the reason why you get rejection emails the following day or the following week after you apply, and you wonder if it ever got to the table of the hiring managers.

How can I improve my resume and make it ATS-friendly?

You can improve your resume by structuring it according to ATS standards, with minimal design. Keep your language simple and concise. In the experience section, use this format: "What you did, how you did it, and the result you got out of it."

If you're unsure how to create or optimize an ATS-friendly resume, you can use a resume builder or a pre-made Canva CV template like the one I have prepared for you here. Just edit it with your name, skills, and relevant experience. Click here to use the template.

For those looking to create an outstanding CV, consider using a CV maker or refer to other top professional resume examples that align with your desired role. Having a strong resume is critical in securing your dream job.

2. Create a portfolio

Your resume and your portfolio are your first impressions. My perception of a portfolio is that of a salesman; it is the one to speak for you, especially when you are not there.

Portfolios are a key asset in your job search, showcasing your skills, projects, and creativity. Focus on quality over quantity.

Your best works should be on your portfolio. If you have 10-20 solid projects that you have worked on before, you don't have to include them all. Having about 4-6 high-quality projects on your portfolio website is enough.

For each project that you include on your portfolio, make sure to talk about them in a separate paragraph using this simple format: "What you did, how you got it done or the role you played in the project, and the results the project achieved."

Include case studies that show your problem-solving skills. Continuously update your portfolio as you add new skills and accomplishments, and remove outdated projects that no longer represent your best work.

Include testimonials from clients that speak to your skills and professionalism. Your contact information should be easily accessible on your portfolio website.

You can include a direct link to your LinkedIn, Twitter, and your email or any other easy medium through which potential clients or recruiters can contact you.

If you are not a developer and you need a professional portfolio website built for you that effectively showcases your strengths, past projects, and your skills, click here to get in touch with a developer who can assist you.

3. Optimize your social media profiles


LinkedIn is a powerful tool for networking. It's a professional platform where you can connect with HR professionals, recruiters, and founders globally.

Your profile picture should have a plain background, and you should be dressed professionally. Your header can include more details about you. Make sure to use your full name.

In your bio, share information about yourself and list your skills. Recruiters often search by skills, so including them will help you show up in search results.

Use Danny Thompson's profile as a case study

Image description

LinkedIn also has a section for listing your projects. Include your best 3-5 works in the section and write detailed information about each project.

Lastly, attracting clients or potential employers is an approach that has proven to work many times over.

How do you attract rather than chase? On a professional platform like LinkedIn, it is important for you to have at least two posts daily about a project you are working on or have completed. Connect with other professionals and make sure you have at least 2k followers. Study how the algorithm works and what drives engagement on the platform.

X (formerly known as Twitter)

X is a social media platform that you can use to your advantage. There are active founders and talents on the platform.

I have noticed that the best way to attract clients or potential employers to you on the platform is by consistently posting about what you do, how you did it, and the results it gave you.

Update your profile with a detailed bio, a professional picture, background, and header. Pin a post with more details about your work. Share your projects at least twice a day and network with other talents on the platform.

Engage with other people's posts that are within and closely related to your niche by commenting and liking their posts.

You can use other platforms like Reddit, Discord, and Instagram to your advantage through strategic networking.

4. Leverage networking and referrals

Networking is important in today's job market. Submitting your resume and clicking on apply for a job every day would probably work for some people, but there is a lot of competition out there now. Networking will give you that edge above other people.

Attend virtual and in-real-life meetups, participate in discussions on platforms like X, join spaces on X, and don't be afraid to reach out to professionals for informational interviews.

If you have a project you just completed, reach out to seniors on different platforms to critique your work. Don't be too timid to put yourself out there.

If someone in your network can refer you to get a job, your chances of getting an interview will increase significantly. Build relationships and let people know you are on the lookout for opportunities.

5. Improve your skills

The tech industry is always evolving, and you need to stay ahead of the curve by learning and adding new skills to your kit.

This not only makes you more competitive but also shows potential employers that you are committed to staying current in your profession.

If you don't have a tech skill yet, don't just go straight to picking up one skill—you need to first do your own research to identify the in-demand skills specific to the field you are interested in.

You can go to YouTube to learn more about that skill that you are interested in. For example, on your YouTube application, search "Content writing in 2024", or "Data analysis in 2024". Click and watch a video that gives more details about that skill and what you need to get started.

6. Tailor each job application

I've heard of cases where some people have a single resume, a single cover letter, a single cold DM/email template, and they just go right ahead to use the same resume and cover letter for all job applications, copying and pasting the same cold email/DM template to every recruiter or potential client they are looking to work with.

This is a very bad approach in your job search, and it will not yield the expected results in time. What is the right way to go? For every job you apply for, you need to tailor your resume to the job requirements, and the experience section on your resume should highlight how you have worked with the skills required in the job requirement. This is also a good way to beat the ATS system.

When sending cold emails or DMs, it's important to do some research on the company you are looking to work with, the founder, or the recruiter. This way, you can mention specific details in your message, making it more personalized. This shows the person you're sending the message to that you have done your due research and that you have a keen interest.

7. Prepare for interviews

There is a popular saying that goes, "If you fail to prepare, then you prepare to fail." Landing an interview is just the first step; now you need to perform very well in the interview. Make sure you have done extensive research about the company and prepare for common interview questions. Be ready to demonstrate your knowledge of the role and how your skills fit into the company's objectives.

You should also practice answering technical questions related to your field. For example, if you are applying for a software engineering job, be prepared to answer algorithm-related questions and solve coding challenges during the interview. You can use platforms like LeetCode and Codewars to practice your coding skills.

During the interview, communicate clearly and confidently with your interviewer and make sure to ask questions to spark conversations. Don’t let fear stop you from showing your problem-solving skills. To overcome any fear, psychologists recommend practicing in front of a mirror.

Additionally, review the job description to tailor your responses to the specific role. Don’t forget to prepare questions for the interviewer to demonstrate your genuine interest in the position and company. Finally, ensure your technical skills are up-to-date and be fully prepared for any technical assessments.

8. Stay persistent

Job hunting can be exhausting, but persistence is key. Don't let the high competition and rejections discourage you. Each loss should become a lesson that helps you refine your approach and mindset in finding a tech job. Stay proactive, and if your current approach isn't working, be willing to adapt and try a different strategy.

Maybe it's time to explore more networking opportunities or reach out to new contacts. Use your experiences from failed applications as steppingstones toward success. Each application, interview, and networking opportunity bring you one step closer to landing that dream tech job you're aiming for.


Finding an opportunity in today's competitive job market can be challenging, but it is not impossible. By optimizing your resume, creating or updating your portfolio, optimizing your LinkedIn profile, networking, and continuously learning, you can stand out among other applicants and eventually secure yourself that dream job.

If you are looking for daily job opportunities, freelance gigs, and resources to get you started in learning a tech skill, or if you need advice on building your brand on social media to attract clients, join our free Telegram channel! We provide real-time job opportunities every hour, so you can skip the endless scrolling through websites. Click here to join our free telegram channel for job opportunities and freelance gigs.

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