DEV Community

David Bell
David Bell

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Create an easy search filter in React

Often you want search functionality in your React app. Here is a simple way to implement this using filter() and includes() array methods along with the useState Hook.

Firstly here is the boiler plate code that simply displays a list of dogs with no search functionality. The state is a hard coded array of objects called doggos.

import React, { useState } from "react"
import "./styles.css"

export const App = () => {
  const [doggos] = useState([
    { name: "Spike" },
    { name: "Winston" },
    { name: "Shandy" },
    { name: "Fluffy" },

  return (
    <div className="App">
        { => (
export default App
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The resulting application for my example is a very basic list and search input. That displays all dogs until user types. Once typed only dogs containing those letters will display.


  • Next we need to add some state for filtering as an empty string
const [doggos] = useState([
  { name: "Spike" },
  { name: "Winston" },
  { name: "Shandy" },
  { name: "Fluffy" },
const [dogFilter, setDogFilter] = useState("")
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  • Then add an an input with a onChange event in out App
    <div className="App">
        placeholder="Type to search..."
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We have stated we call handleSearchInput on an onChangeevent so next we must create that function

const handleSearchInput = event => {
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The above code takes an event and the setDogFilter is used to set the state of dogFilter to what is being typed. Adding a console.log( is a good idea to see for yourself.

  • Next create a function which filters through doggos state and returns the name that matches what is being types.
const filteredDogs = doggos.filter(dog =>
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You can see I have used the includes() array method.

  • The includes() method determines whether an array includes a certain value among its entries, returning true or false.

toLowerCase() is used because capital letters don't matter in this instance.

  • Now simply map over filteredDogs instead of doggos
  { => (
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There we have it. A simple search functionality in React using Hooks and some JavaScript array methods.
I'll include the final code below.

The Final Code

import React, { useState } from "react"
import "./styles.css"

export const App = () => {
  const [doggos] = useState([
    { name: "Spike" },
    { name: "Winston" },
    { name: "Shandy" },
    { name: "Fluffy" },
  const [dogFilter, setDogFilter] = useState("")

  const handleSearchInput = event => {

  const filteredDogs = doggos.filter(dog =>
  return (
    <div className="App">
        placeholder="Type to search..."
        { => (
export default App
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Let's connect


Top comments (1)

ianhancock36 profile image

Thank you for this! was getting tripped up on this !