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Mediator Pattern Self Created Documentation

About Mediator

Mediator is a UI/UX pattern for building components and interacting with Api Calls, by using the Mediator pattern the UI/UX can maintain a micro-service architecture for easier testing and reusability.

Graph Representation of Data Flow

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In this example we have both the GRPC Api and a mock Api which imitates the GRPCApi. This allows us to test our components and logic without having to repeatedly hit the backend methods by simply calling the MockApi instead.

ApiMediator Example

The ApiMediator is where we define our class definition and functions. Below is an example implementation.

export class AnimalMediatorExample {
  private api: AnimalApi;
  animal = new AsyncActionRunner({name: "cat", legs: 4});
  changedAnimalsCount = new ObservableValue(0);

  constructor(api: AnimalApi){
    this.api = api;
  getBigCat() {
    const action = new AsyncAction(()=>{
      const [request, cancel] = this.api.getBigCat(); // returns Promise.resolve({name:"lion", legs: 4});
      action.onCancel(cancel); // optional method
      return request;


    return this.animal.execute(action);
  getSmallCat() {
    const action = new AsyncAction(()=>{
      return this.api.getSmallCat(); // returns Promise.resolve({name:"bobcat", legs: 4});


    return this.animal.execute(action);
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AsyncActions: extend the functionality of Promise, they are able to retry and cancel the execution.

AsyncActionRunner: extends ObservableValue to handle only Asynchronous Values.
To do this it executes AsyncActions and notifies any party of the status of that action. AsyncActionRunner stores the following properties:

  • status: "initial" | "pending" | "success" | "error" | "disabled"
  • value: { name: string, legs: number } // From AnimalMediatorExample
  • error: any

These properties can be updated indefinitely, and can be subscribed to in the the components.
For more information on Observables and Subjects see RxJs

note: AsyncActionRunner does trigger component re-renders every time it updates.

ApiProvider Example

import React, { useMemo, useEffect } from 'react';
import { AnimalMediatorExample } from './AnimalMediatorExample';
import { MockApi } from './MockApi';
import { IApi } from './IApi';

export const AnimalContext = React.createContext(new AnimalMediatorExample(new MockApi()));

export interface Props {
  children?: React.ReactNode | React.ReactNode[];
  api?: IApi;

const AnimalProvider = ({ api, children }: Props) => {
  const mediator = useMemo(() => {
    if (api != null) {
      return new AnimalMediatorExample(api);
    } else {
      return new AnimalMediatorExample(new MockApi());
  }, [api]);

  useEffect(() => () => mediator.dispose(), [mediator]);

  return (
    <AnimalContext.Provider value={mediator}>{children}</AnimalContext.Provider>

export default AnimalProvider;
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In the AnimalProvider we create a Context that can be passed to any children components, this is similar to instantiating the class AnimalMediatorExample and saving it to a local const so that we can access the properties and functions.

React Example Usage for AnimalProvider

import React from 'react';
import AnimalProvider from './AnimalProvider';
import CatComponent from './CatComponent';

const AnimalProviderWrapper = () => {
  return (
    <AnimalProvider> //or can pass in as a prop an Api to override the MockApi <AnimalProvider api={AnimalApi}>
      <CatComponent />
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This would ensure that <CatComponent /> has access to the AnimalMediator context.

More information on React Context can be found here

Functional Components Using Mediators Data from Context Provider Example

import React from 'react';
import { useAsyncValue } from '@operator/shared/utils/mediator/hooks/useAsyncValue';
import { AnimalContext } from './AnimalProvider.tsx';

const CatComponent = () => {
  const mediatorContext = React.useContext(AnimalContext);
  const bobCat = useAsyncValue(mediatorContext.getSmallCat()); //useAsyncValue returns the value insde of the promise { name: 'bobcat', legs: 4 }
  return (
      <p>I Have a pet {}</p>
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note: useAsyncValue is a custom hook built to retrieve the value inside of a Promise

Notes on writing Tests for components

Jest will occasionally throw a strange error with our new mediator pattern, the error details are usually not very clear but a few things that can help clear up where the problem is coming from is by wrapping the test component in a context and ensuring it is provided a mockapi.

const mockApi = {
  getSmallCat: jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => [Promise.resolve(), () => {}]),
  getBigCat: jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => [Promise.resolve(), () => {}]),
test('Should Display Animal Component', () => {
  render = (
    <AnimalProvider api={mockApi}>
      <CatComponent />
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Mediator Principles

Single Responsibility Principle

Mediators should have one responsibility and do it well.

YAGNI -You aint gonna need it

Mediators don't need a bunch of type converters to pass the data to the component. I've noticed adding to many converters and methods clutters up the simplicity of the mediator pattern.

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