I just added some URL feeds about job opportunity. Take a look on https://datorss.com. Eg. https://datorss.com/?q=remoteok.io&page=1
"name": "WeWorkRemotely",
"url": "https://weworkremotely.com/remote-jobs.rss",
"category": "remote-jobs"
"name": "GitHub Remote",
"url": "https://jobs.github.com/positions.atom?description=&location=Remote",
"category": "remote-jobs"
"name": "Python.org Jobs",
"url": "https://www.python.org/jobs/feed/rss/",
"category": "lang-jobs"
"name": "Django Jobs",
"url": "https://djangogigs.com/feeds/gigs/",
"category": "framework-jobs"
"name": "RoR Jobs",
"url": "https://www.rorjobs.com/jobs.rss",
"category": "framework-jobs"
"name": "Angular Jobs",
"url": "https://angularjobs.com/wpjobboard/xml/rss/",
"category": "framework-jobs"
"name": "Ember Jobs",
"url": "https://jobs.emberjs.com/jobs.rss",
"category": "framework-jobs"
"name": "Drupal Jobs",
"url": "https://jobs.drupal.org/all-jobs/feed",
"category": "framework-jobs"
"name": "StackOverflow Jobs",
"url": "https://stackoverflow.com/jobs/feed",
"category": "jobs"
"name": "RemoteOk",
"url": "https://remoteok.io/remote-jobs.rss",
"category": "remote-jobs"
"name": "Functional Jobs",
"url": "https://functionaljobs.com/jobs/?format=rss",
"category": "jobs"
"name": "FOSS Jobs",
"url": "https://www.fossjobs.net/rss/all/",
"category": "jobs"
"name": "RemotePython.com",
"url": "https://www.remotepython.com/latest/jobs/feed/",
"category": "remote-jobs"
"name": "CryptoJobsList",
"url": "https://cryptojobslist.com/jobs.rss",
"category": "crypto-jobs"
"name": "Cryptocurrency Jobs",
"url": "https://cryptocurrencyjobs.co/index.xml",
"category": "crypto-jobs"
"name": "Core Intuition Jobs",
"url": "http://jobs.coreint.org/rss.xml",
"category": "jobs"
"name": "Adafruit Job Boards",
"url": "https://jobs.adafruit.com/wpjobboard/xml/rss/?query=&location=&type%5B%5D=7",
"category": "jobs"
"name": "CodePen Job Listings",
"url": "https://codepen.io/jobs/feed",
"category": "jobs"
"name": "Dribbble",
"url": "https://dribbble.com/jobs.rss?anywhere=true&location=Anywhere",
"category": "jobs"
"name": "Freelancer",
"url": "https://www.freelancer.com/rss.xml",
"category": "jobs"
"name": "Golang / Go Jobs",
"url": "https://www.golangprojects.com/rss.xml",
"category": "jobs"
"name": "HasJob",
"url": "https://hasjob.co/feed",
"category": "jobs"
"name": "Indeed",
"url": "http://rss.indeed.com/rss",
"category": "jobs"
"name": "Jobbatical",
"url": "https://feeds.feedburner.com/jobbatical-jobs",
"category": "jobs"
"name": "Jobspresso",
"url": "https://jobspresso.co/feed/?post_type=job_listing",
"category": "jobs"
"name": "Krop",
"url": "http://www.krop.com/services/feeds/rss/latest/",
"category": "jobs"
"name": "Lara Jobs",
"url": "https://larajobs.com/feed",
"category": "jobs"
"name": "Mashable Jobs",
"url": "http://jobs.mashable.com/jobs/search/results?format=rss",
"category": "jobs"
"name": "NTEN",
"url": "https://www.nten.org/feed/?post_type=job",
"category": "jobs"
"name": "Reddit (/r/remotejs)",
"url": "https://www.reddit.com/r/remotejs/.rss",
"category": "remote-jobs"
"name": "Reddit (/r/remotephp)",
"url": "https://www.reddit.com/r/remotephp/.rss",
"category": "remote-jobs"
"name": "Reddit (/r/remotepython)",
"url": "https://www.reddit.com/r/remotepython/.rss",
"category": "remote-jobs"
"name": "Remote Work Hub",
"url": "https://remoteworkhub.com/feed/?post_type=job",
"category": "remote-jobs"
"name": "Remotive",
"url": "https://remotive.io/feed/?post_type=job_listing",
"category": "remote-jobs"
"name": "Stack Overflow (remote)",
"url": "https://stackoverflow.com/jobs/feed?r=True",
"category": "remote-jobs"
"name": "StartUpers",
"url": "http://feeds.feedburner.com/startup-jobs",
"category": "jobs"
"name": "Virtual Vocations",
"url": "https://www.virtualvocations.com/jobs/rss",
"category": "jobs"
"name": "Berlin Startup Jobs",
"url": "http://berlinstartupjobs.com/feed/",
"category": "jobs"
"name": "Vue Jobs",
"url": "https://vuejobs.com/feed",
"category": "jobs"
"name": "42jobs React",
"url": "https://www.42jobs.io/react/jobs.rss",
"category": "jobs"
"name": "42jobs Laravel",
"url": "https://www.42jobs.io/laravel/jobs.rss",
"category": "jobs"
"name": "42jobs Rails",
"url": "https://www.42jobs.io/rails/jobs.rss"
"name": "42jobs Android",
"url": "https://www.42jobs.io/android/jobs.rss",
"category": "jobs"
"name": "JobMote",
"url": "http://jobmote.com/jobs/feed.rss",
"category": "remote-jobs"
"name": "WordPress Jobs",
"url": "https://jobs.wordpress.net/feed/",
"category": "jobs"
"name": "RemoteJobr",
"url": "https://remotejobr.com/feed?category=1&format=rss",
"category": "remote-jobs"
"name": "WP Hired",
"url": "http://www.wphired.com/jobs/feed/",
"category": "jobs"
"name": "Landing.jobs",
"url": "https://landing.jobs/feed?remote=true",
"category": "remote-jobs”
Top comments (17)
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