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Davide Santangelo
Davide Santangelo

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Ruby Performance Evolution: From 1.0 to Today

Ruby, a dynamic, open-source programming language with a focus on simplicity and productivity, has evolved significantly since its inception in 1995. This article highlights the performance differences between various Ruby versions, from Ruby 1.0 to modern-day Ruby versions like 3.x. We'll explore benchmarks, code examples, and insights into performance improvements.

Table of Contents

  1. Ruby 1.0 to 1.8: The Early Days
  2. Ruby 1.9: A Paradigm Shift
  3. Ruby 2.x: The Age of Speed
  4. Ruby 3.x: Even Faster and Multithreaded
  5. Benchmark Comparisons
  6. Code Examples and Results

Ruby 1.0 to 1.8: The Early Days

Ruby 1.0 (1995) laid the groundwork for the language. Versions up to 1.8 were interpreted and relatively slow compared to other programming languages like Python or Perl. Ruby 1.8 became popular thanks to Rails, but its performance was a bottleneck.

Key Issues in Ruby 1.8:

  • Lack of native threading support.
  • No bytecode compilation; purely interpreted.

Code Example in Ruby 1.8:

def fibonacci(n)
  return n if n <= 1
  fibonacci(n - 1) + fibonacci(n - 2)

puts fibonacci(30)
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Performance Insight: Calculating the 30th Fibonacci number would take several seconds due to the lack of optimization.

Ruby 1.9: A Paradigm Shift

Ruby 1.9 introduced YARV (Yet Another Ruby VM), which compiled Ruby into bytecode, greatly improving performance.

Key Improvements:

  • Bytecode execution using YARV.
  • Faster method dispatching.
  • Support for m17n (multilingualization).

Same Fibonacci Example in Ruby 1.9:

def fibonacci(n)
  return n if n <= 1
  fibonacci(n - 1) + fibonacci(n - 2)

puts fibonacci(30)
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Performance Improvement: Execution time reduced by 30-40%.

Ruby 2.x: The Age of Speed

Ruby 2.0 introduced significant optimizations, including:

  • Garbage Collection improvements with RGenGC.
  • Keyword arguments for cleaner APIs.
  • Incremental updates to YARV.

Key Versions:

  • Ruby 2.1: Introduced generational GC (RGenGC).
  • Ruby 2.3: Introduced Frozen String Literal optimization.
  • Ruby 2.6: Added MJIT (Method-based Just-In-Time compiler).

Improved Fibonacci Example in Ruby 2.x:

# frozen_string_literal: true

def fibonacci(n)
  return n if n <= 1
  fibonacci(n - 1) + fibonacci(n - 2)

puts fibonacci(30)
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

With MJIT in 2.6:

ruby --jit fibonacci.rb
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Performance Improvement: Execution time further reduced by 50%+ compared to Ruby 1.8.

Ruby 3.x: Even Faster and Multithreaded

Ruby 3.0, released in December 2020, delivered on the promise of being 3 times faster than Ruby 2.0.

Key Features:

  • MJIT Improvements.
  • Fiber scheduler for better concurrency.
  • Optimized GC and reduced memory consumption.

New Example: Parallel Fibonacci Using Fibers:

require 'fiber'

def parallel_fibonacci(n)
  Fiber.schedule do
    return n if n <= 1
    parallel_fibonacci(n - 1) + parallel_fibonacci(n - 2)

puts parallel_fibonacci(30)
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Performance Insight:

  • With Ruby 3.x, computation-intensive tasks see significant improvements.
  • Concurrency is better handled using Fibers and non-blocking I/O.

Benchmark Comparisons

Ruby Version Fibonacci(30) Time (Seconds)
1.8 ~5.5
1.9 ~3.0
2.6 (MJIT) ~1.5
3.0 (MJIT) ~1.0

Benchmark Code:

time ruby fibonacci.rb
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


  • Ruby 1.8: Slow due to pure interpretation.
  • Ruby 1.9: Faster with YARV.
  • Ruby 2.6: Significant speedup with MJIT.
  • Ruby 3.0: 3x performance promise fulfilled.

Code Examples and Results

Let's compare execution results:

Benchmark Script:

require 'benchmark'

def fibonacci(n)
  return n if n <= 1
  fibonacci(n - 1) + fibonacci(n - 2)

n = 30 do |x|"Ruby Version:") { puts fibonacci(n) }
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Output for Different Ruby Versions:

  • Ruby 1.8: 5.5s
  • Ruby 1.9: 3.0s
  • Ruby 2.6: 1.5s
  • Ruby 3.0: 1.0s


Ruby has come a long way since its inception. From the slow interpreted days of 1.8 to the modern, optimized performance of Ruby 3.x, developers can now rely on Ruby for computationally intensive tasks and highly concurrent applications.

Key Takeaways:

  • Use Ruby 3.x for performance-critical applications.
  • Leverage MJIT and Fiber scheduling for speed and concurrency.
  • Stay updated with Ruby releases for continual improvements.

Happy Coding with Ruby! 🚀

Advanced Ruby Performance Techniques

For developers who want to squeeze every bit of performance out of their Ruby applications, understanding advanced tools and techniques is essential.

1. Just-In-Time Compilation (JIT)

Ruby 2.6 introduced MJIT, and Ruby 3.0 improved it significantly. By enabling JIT, code compilation at runtime can drastically improve performance.

Enable MJIT:

ruby --jit myscript.rb
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2. Threading and Parallelism

While Ruby threads can be limited by the Global Interpreter Lock (GIL), tools like Ractors (Ruby 3.0+) can enable true parallel execution.

Using Ractors:

def ractor_fibonacci(n)
  return n if n <= 1
  r1 = { ractor_fibonacci(n - 1) }
  r2 = { ractor_fibonacci(n - 2) }
  r1.take + r2.take

puts ractor_fibonacci(20)
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  • Unlike threads, Ractors enable isolated parallel computations.
  • Ideal for CPU-bound tasks.

3. Memory Optimization with GC Tuning

Ruby’s Garbage Collector (GC) can be tuned for better performance.

Example GC Tuning:


GC.start(full_mark: false, immediate_sweep: true)

puts GC.stat
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You can observe GC performance using

4. Profiling Tools

Profiling helps identify bottlenecks in your application. Ruby offers several profiling tools:

  • Benchmark Module: Measure execution time.
  • Stackprof: A sampling profiler for Ruby.
  • Ruby Prof: Detailed performance reports.
  • Flamegraph: Visualize where most time is spent.

Using Stackprof:

require 'stackprof' :cpu, out: 'tmp/stackprof-cpu-myapp.dump') do
  10_000.times { fibonacci(30) }
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Generate a report using:

stackprof tmp/stackprof-cpu-myapp.dump --text
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

5. Optimizing Rails Applications

For Rails developers, here are a few tips to improve performance:

  • Cache Expensive Queries: Use Rails.cache.
  • Eager Loading: Use includes to avoid N+1 queries.
  • Memoization: Use instance variables to cache method results.

Example Memoization:

def expensive_method
  @result ||= begin
    sleep(1) # Simulate expensive work
    "Expensive Result"

puts expensive_method
puts expensive_method # Second call is instant
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Benchmark: Comparing Techniques

Optimization Technique Execution Time (ms)
Plain Recursive Fibonacci 5500
MJIT Enabled 1100
Ractor-Based Fibonacci 800
GC Tuning & Optimization 1000

Conclusion: Mastering Ruby Performance

By combining advanced techniques like MJIT, Ractors, and GC tuning with proper profiling, you can drastically improve Ruby application performance. For Rails, adopting caching and memoization ensures smoother and faster responses.

Stay up-to-date with the Ruby ecosystem, and always measure before optimizing! 🚀

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João Manoel Freitas •

Ruby is incredibly simple and cool. I'm programming with it in my spare time to learn more about it.