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Cover image for Pokemon-Teams App Template Released!
Davina Leong
Davina Leong

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Pokemon-Teams App Template Released!


This template is the first part of a 3-part project. The second part is to build a React App, and part-3 is a CMS to update the Pokemon teams. I've always enjoyed playing the main Pokemon games like Pokemon Sun & Moon and Pokemon Sword & Shield. I've been playing them since Pokemon Red & Blue. I can get quite fanatical about battle strategies. Currently I store my own teams on Google Docs. Now finally confident enough in my development skills, I've decided to build an app to house all these teams I made.

Tech Stack

This is a pure CSS template built in SASS, using the Materials Colors palette. I also took advantage of the opportunity to also explore CSS Grid. For example, CSS Grid is used to layout the sidebar and main content. Flexbox is used to layout the team-cards.


Top comments (1)

eyesfitt profile image

Raichu is a lightning type of Pokemon you can check raich pokemon card here. Lightning Varieties (Electric in computer games) have a number of useful assistance cards, but they also have flaws that prevent them from ever becoming a major threat. Lightning decks shouldn't have to worry about accumulating basic Energy Cards for their Kind because of their support cards. The evolution of the Pokemon card game over time