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Krypcore Web 3.0 - Easy Metamask Configuration

Krypcore Web3 stands as KrypC's flagship product, a revolutionary platform crafted to streamline and expedite the integration of Web3 technologies. With its powerful toolkit, extensive node infrastructure, and user-friendly SDKs and APIs, it paves the way for enterprises to effortlessly dive into decentralized technologies.

Metamask, a popular crypto wallet browser extension, is a must-have for anyone diving into the world of blockchain and cryptocurrencies.

Challenges Arising from Default Node Providers
Default node providers, often used for interacting with blockchain networks, can cause several challenges that hinder dApp development and user experience.

These issues include:

  1. Slower Transactions
  2. Data Inconsistencies
  3. Gas Estimation Problems
  4. Scalability Limitations

Krypcore Web 3.0 - The endless benefits

Efficiency and Reliability: Krypcore's advanced Web3 infrastructure simplifies dApp development and management, offering increased efficiency and reliability.

Scalability: The infrastructure seamlessly scales to meet growing demands without sacrificing performance.

Metamask Integration: Configuring Metamask with Krypcore Web3 endpoints unleashes the full potential of your dApps.

Simple Steps to configure Metamask with Krypcore Web3 Endpoints

Step 1: Create an account with Krypcore web3.

Step 2: Once, you have created an account, get to Dashboard.

Step 3: Click on create new endpoint, and voila — select your protocol, network and you’re done.

Step 4: Your endpoint has now been created, you can now copy the RPC URL and you’re good to go.

Step 5: Open Metamask, and click on add network tab.

Step 6: Configure with the network details, look up the chain ID, currency symbol and explorer URLs.

Step 7: Enter the configs, and hit save. You’re good to go.

Step 8: Voila ! Your Metamask is now configured with Krypcore node infrastructure.

Check out this article to get a detailed view -

To learn more about Krypcore Web3, join the conversation, connect with the creators on our Discord.

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