
Top 10 JavaScript Frameworks to Master – Which One Leads in 2023?

Delia on November 04, 2023

JavaScript frameworks are like the Marvel Universe; there’s a hero for every scenario, and occasionally, they join forces for an epic showdown. But...
cmcnicholas profile image
Craig McNicholas

List is confusing for someone new to this.

You have a full stack framework mixed in with frontend frameworks mixed in with libraries.

You mention one full stack at the end but it's a meta React framework (Next.js) yet no mention of other popular full stack frameworks like Nuxt or Remix.

lexiebkm profile image
Alexander B.K.

I underestimated the number 1, but several days ago I found it impressive when reading on its documentation. Unfortunately I cannot use it now due to Node.js version which my laptop doesn't support yet; to upgrade the required version, it needs upgrading on Windows version to at least Windows 10 which is impossible now due to my laptop specs.

suricat89 profile image
Thiago Monteiro de Paula

Try using some lightweight Linux distro, like Linux Mint. You'll feel the difference

lexiebkm profile image
Alexander B.K.

I wish I had another laptop or PC to install Linux. I had tried Linux using Virtual Box on my current laptop, but it ran very slowly. I know Windows 10 or 11 have Linux subsystem, but that could not be enough for certain development. I hope I can afford for another laptop or PC.

deugene profile image
Ievgen Samoilenko

Windows is for gaming and .net development only 🙂

lexiebkm profile image
Alexander B.K.

Not true. I had used Windows for web app development, a full-stack (using PHP, Laravel, mySQL, React) from which the app was deployed to the cloud hosted on Linux CentOS server.
Windows can be used to develop mobile apps too, using Java/Kotlin or React Native, Flutter.
Java can also be used on Windows for creating a database GUI desktop app.

abdulmuminyqn profile image
Abdulmumin yaqeen

I came here to find SVELTE, and I did 😁!!

I love what you called it - The Silent Assassin 🥷🏾!

Svelte is truly an elegant framework, and I think it has the best developer experience. It silently eliminates the hassle 😅!

rajaerobinson profile image
Rajae Robinson

React.js and Next.js all the way! These are my favourites because of how easy it is to build production-grade websites with them. They are also really popular, making it easier to find a job if you master these. I have a blog dedicated to React.js/Next.js/Typescript

mezieb profile image
Okoro chimezie bright

I agree Vue.js – The Rising Star , i was exploring it,i love it simplicity in geting complicated stuff done quickly with an understandiable logical flow❤

mathlit profile image

It seems odd to me to place Angular this high, without mentioning that both development and support for it have ended since December 2021. You're listing age and support as cons for Vue and Backbone, after all.

delia_code profile image

The support was ended for AngularJs which is the old version, but its successor Angular still has support and has new releases every year.

mathlit profile image

Thanks for clearing it up, didn't know that!

antuvillegas_19 profile image
Antú Villegas

That's for AngularJS (a.k.a. Angular v1). Angular 17 is the last version and still going.

jeroen profile image
Jeroen van Meerendonk

No love for AdonisJS :( It's the Node variant of frameworks like Laravel or Ruby on Rails. Worth to check it out if you come from other languages and want to try something in Node.

mikelmi profile image
Mike Lmi

what about Nest.js?

librorum profile image
Jin Jae-Kwon

In no sense.

omar_belkhodja profile image

Polymer is stopped since many years, and was replaced by the lit project. I think most most if this article frameworks is are completely outdated.

getclibu profile image
Neville Franks

Seriously dated content. Editors please check.

vulwsztyn profile image
Artur Mostowski

Extremely low quality and probably ai generated post. Look at this list and tell me what information it would give to a beginner that a 30s on Google wouldn't.

degesis profile image

If you are new to development please ignore this list. It has some ancient and obscure frameworks listed that by no means should be used in 2023.

getclibu profile image
Neville Franks

Possibly written by AI. Sad that the author presented such inaccurate content.