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How to Build a Free Weather App with PySide6 and Open-Meteo

Weather applications have become essential tools for quickly checking current conditions and forecasts.

In this article, we will build a simple yet powerful weather application that leverages two open-source technologies: PySide6 for the graphical user interface (GUI) and Open-Meteo for weather data retrieval.

Our application allows users to enter a city name, automatically fetches the corresponding geographic coordinates using a geocoding API, and then retrieves detailed weather parameters—all without needing an API key!

The full source code is available at the end of the article.

What Is PySide6?

PySide6 is the official set of Python bindings for the Qt framework.

Qt is widely known for its ability to create cross-platform, native-looking GUIs. With PySide6, developers can easily build interactive applications with:

  • Widgets: Buttons, labels, input fields, and more.
  • Layouts: Arrange widgets in a structured, responsive manner.
  • Signals and Slots: A robust event-handling system for responding to user actions.

PySide6 empowers Python developers to create modern desktop applications with ease and flexibility.

What Is

Open-Meteo is an open-source weather API that provides free real-time and forecast weather data without requiring an API key.

This accessibility makes it an excellent choice for developers looking to integrate weather data into their applications.

Open-Meteo offers a variety of parameters such as temperature, apparent temperature, surface pressure, wind speed, wind direction, and weather codes—all of which we will utilize in our application.

Building the Code: Architecture Overview

Our application is structured into several key components:

  • Imports: We import the necessary libraries for our GUI and API calls.
  • Get Weather Description: A helper function that translates numerical weather codes into human-readable descriptions.
  • WeatherApp Class and Setup UI: This class encapsulates the entire application, building the UI and handling events.
  • Search City: A method that uses the Open-Meteo Geocoding API to convert a city name into geographic coordinates.
  • Fetch Weather: A method that retrieves current weather data from Open-Meteo based on the provided coordinates.
  • Main Function: The entry point of our application, responsible for initializing and running the GUI.

Let’s now go through each section of the code in detail.


We start by importing the required modules after we have installed them:

pip install requests pyside6
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The requests library handles HTTP requests, while PySide6 provides all the tools needed for GUI creation.

import sys
import requests
from PySide6.QtWidgets import (
from PySide6.QtCore import Qt
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  • sys: Used to access command-line arguments and exit the application.
  • requests: For making HTTP calls to the Open-Meteo and geocoding APIs.
  • PySide6 Modules: These modules provide widgets, layouts, and message boxes for our GUI.

Get Weather Description

The helper function get_weather_description translates numeric weather codes from Open-Meteo into descriptive text.

This makes the output more understandable for the user.

def get_weather_description(code: int) -> str:
    """Convert Open-Meteo weather code to a textual description."""
    if code == 0:
        return "Clear sky"
    elif code in (1, 2, 3):
        return "Mainly clear/partly cloudy/overcast"
    elif code in (45, 48):
        return "Fog"
    elif code in (51, 53, 55):
        return "Drizzle"
    elif code in (56, 57):
        return "Freezing Drizzle"
    elif code in (61, 63, 65):
        return "Rain"
    elif code in (66, 67):
        return "Freezing Rain"
    elif code in (71, 73, 75):
        return "Snow fall"
    elif code == 77:
        return "Snow grains"
    elif code in (80, 81, 82):
        return "Rain showers"
    elif code in (85, 86):
        return "Snow showers"
    elif code == 95:
        return "Thunderstorm"
    elif code in (96, 99):
        return "Thunderstorm with hail"
        return "Unknown weather"
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This function checks the input weather code against known values and returns a descriptive string.

Class WeatherApp and Setup UI

The core of our application is encapsulated in the WeatherApp class, which inherits from QWidget.

The constructor sets the window title and initializes the user interface by calling the setup_ui method.

class WeatherApp(QWidget):
    def __init__(self):
        self.setWindowTitle("Weather Application")
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Setup UI

The setup_ui method constructs the user interface, dividing it into logical sections.

    def setup_ui(self):
        layout = QVBoxLayout()

        # --- City Search Section ---
        city_layout = QHBoxLayout()
        self.city_input = QLineEdit()
        self.city_input.setPlaceholderText("Enter city name (e.g., Berlin)")

        self.search_button = QPushButton("Search City")

        # --- Coordinates Input Section ---
        coords_layout = QHBoxLayout()
        self.lat_input = QLineEdit()
        self.lat_input.setPlaceholderText("Latitude (e.g., 52.52)")

        self.lon_input = QLineEdit()
        self.lon_input.setPlaceholderText("Longitude (e.g., 13.41)")

        # --- Weather Fetch Button ---
        self.fetch_button = QPushButton("Get Weather")

        # --- Weather Display Section ---
        self.weather_label = QLabel("Weather information will appear here.")

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The method organizes various UI components using layouts to create a structured and interactive interface. Here's a detailed breakdown:

Layout Initialization:

  • A vertical layout (QVBoxLayout) is created to arrange the main sections of the UI vertically.

City Search Section:

  • A horizontal layout (QHBoxLayout) is created to hold the city search components.
  • A QLineEdit widget (self.city_input) is added for entering the city name, with a placeholder text "Enter city name (e.g., Berlin)".
  • A QPushButton widget (self.search_button) labeled "Search City" is added. Clicking this button triggers the search_city method.
  • Both the input field and the button are added to the horizontal layout, which is then added to the main vertical layout.

Coordinates Input Section:

  • Another horizontal layout (QHBoxLayout) is created to hold the coordinates input components.
  • Two QLineEdit widgets (self.lat_input and self.lon_input) are added for entering latitude and longitude, with placeholder texts "Latitude (e.g., 52.52)" and "Longitude (e.g., 13.41)", respectively.
  • Both input fields are added to the horizontal layout, which is then added to the main vertical layout.

Weather Fetch Button:

  • A QPushButton widget (self.fetch_button) labeled "Get Weather" is added. Clicking this button triggers the fetch_weather method.
  • The button is added directly to the main vertical layout.

Weather Display Section:

  • A QLabel widget (self.weather_label) is added to display weather information. It initially shows the text "Weather information will appear here." and is centered using Qt.AlignCenter.
  • The label is added to the main vertical layout.

Final Layout Setting:

  • The main vertical layout (layout) is set as the layout for the widget using self.setLayout(layout).

Search City (Using Geocoding API)

The search_city method enables the conversion of a city name into geographic coordinates using the Open-Meteo Geocoding API.

This is crucial because the weather API requires latitude and longitude.

    def search_city(self):
        Searches for the city coordinates using the Open-Meteo Geocoding API
        and fills in the latitude and longitude fields if a match is found.
        city_name = self.city_input.text().strip()
        if not city_name:
            QMessageBox.warning(self, "Input Error", "Please enter a city name.")

        geocoding_url = f"{city_name}&count=1"
            response = requests.get(geocoding_url, timeout=10)
            data = response.json()

            if "results" in data and data["results"]:
                result = data["results"][0]
                lat = result.get("latitude")
                lon = result.get("longitude")
                name = result.get("name")
                country = result.get("country")
                # Update the coordinate input fields.
                    "City Found",
                    f"Found {name}, {country}.\nCoordinates set to {lat}, {lon}.",
                QMessageBox.information(self, "No Results", "No matching city was found.")
        except requests.RequestException as e:
            QMessageBox.critical(self, "Network Error", f"An error occurred: {e}")
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The primary purpose of this method is to search for the coordinates of a city using the Open-Meteo Geocoding API and update the application's latitude and longitude fields if a match is found.

Input Validation:

  • The method begins by retrieving the text from a city_input widget, which is expected to be a QLineEdit field where the user enters a city name.
  • It checks if the city_name is empty. If so, it displays a warning message box prompting the user to enter a city name and returns early, preventing further execution.

API Request:

  • The method constructs a URL for the Open-Meteo Geocoding API, including the city name as a query parameter.
  • It makes an HTTP GET request to this URL with a timeout of 10 seconds using the requests library.
  • The method handles potential network errors by catching requests.RequestException and displaying a critical message box with the error details if an exception occurs.

Processing the Response:

  • If the API request is successful, the method parses the JSON response.
  • It checks if the response contains a "results" key and if this key has any data.
  • If a match is found, it extracts the latitude, longitude, name, and country from the first result.
  • The method then updates the lat_input and lon_input widgets with the retrieved coordinates and displays an information message box confirming the city and its coordinates.
  • If no matching city is found, it displays an information message box indicating that no results were found.

Fetch Weather

The fetch_weather method retrieves current weather data for the specified coordinates from Open-Meteo.

The API call requests parameters such as temperature, apparent temperature, surface pressure, wind speed, wind direction, and a weather code.

    def fetch_weather(self):
        Fetches the current weather for the provided coordinates using the Open-Meteo API.
        This call retrieves the following parameters from the current weather data:
          - temperature_2m
          - apparent_temperature
          - weather_code
          - surface_pressure
          - wind_speed_10m
          - wind_direction_10m
        lat = self.lat_input.text().strip()
        lon = self.lon_input.text().strip()

            lat_val = float(lat)
            lon_val = float(lon)
        except ValueError:
            QMessageBox.warning(self, "Input Error", "Please enter valid numeric coordinates.")

        # Construct the API URL with the specified 'current' parameters.
        url = (

            response = requests.get(url, timeout=10)
            data = response.json()

            if "current" in data:
                current = data["current"]
                temperature_2m = current.get("temperature_2m")
                apparent_temperature = current.get("apparent_temperature")
                weather_code = current.get("weather_code")
                surface_pressure = current.get("surface_pressure")
                wind_speed = current.get("wind_speed_10m")
                wind_direction = current.get("wind_direction_10m")
                weather_time = current.get("time", "N/A")

                description = get_weather_description(weather_code)

                weather_info = (
                    f"Weather as of {weather_time}:\n"
                    f"Temperature (2 m): {temperature_2m} °C\n"
                    f"Apparent Temperature: {apparent_temperature} °C\n"
                    f"Surface Pressure: {surface_pressure} hPa\n"
                    f"Windspeed (10 m): {wind_speed} km/h\n"
                    f"Wind Direction (10 m): {wind_direction}°\n"
                    f"Weather Code: {weather_code} ({description})"
                weather_info = "No current weather data available."

        except requests.RequestException as e:
            QMessageBox.critical(self, "Network Error", f"An error occurred: {e}")
            self.weather_label.setText("Failed to retrieve weather data.")
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The method is designed to handle user input for latitude and longitude coordinates, validate these inputs, and then construct an API request to fetch specific weather parameters.

Input Handling:

  • The method retrieves latitude and longitude values from input fields (self.lat_input and self.lon_input).
  • It strips any leading or trailing whitespace from the input values.
  • It attempts to convert these values to floats. If the conversion fails, it displays a warning message using QMessageBox and returns early, preventing further execution.

API Request Construction:

  • The method constructs a URL for the Open-Meteo API, including the validated latitude and longitude values.
  • The URL specifies several parameters to be retrieved from the current weather data: temperature at 2 meters, apparent temperature, weather code, surface pressure, wind speed at 10 meters, and wind direction at 10 meters.

Data Retrieval and Display:

  • The method sends a GET request to the constructed URL with a timeout of 10 seconds.
  • It checks for a successful response and parses the JSON data.
  • If the "current" key is present in the JSON data, it extracts the relevant weather parameters and constructs a formatted string (weather_info) to display the weather information.
  • It uses a helper function get_weather_description to convert the weather code into a human-readable description.
  • The method updates a label (self.weather_label) with the weather information. If an error occurs during the request, it displays an error message using QMessageBox and updates the label to indicate the failure.

Main Function

The main function initializes the PySide6 application, creates an instance of the WeatherApp class, and starts the event loop.

def main():
    app = QApplication(sys.argv)
    window = WeatherApp()
    window.resize(500, 400)

# Entry point of the application
if __name__ == "__main__":
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Here's a detailed breakdown:

Function Definition:

  • main(): This function initializes and runs the GUI application.
  • app = QApplication(sys.argv): Creates an instance of QApplication, which manages application-wide resources and controls the application flow. sys.argv is passed to handle command-line arguments.
  • window = WeatherApp(): Creates an instance of the WeatherApp class defined previously.
  • window.resize(500, 400): Sets the initial size of the window to 500 pixels wide and 400 pixels high.
  • Makes the window visible on the screen.
  • sys.exit(app.exec()): Starts the application's event loop and ensures a clean exit when the application is closed. app.exec() runs the event loop, and sys.exit() ensures that the application exits properly.

Entry Point:

  • if __name__ == "__main__":: This conditional statement checks if the script is being run as the main module. If true, it calls the main() function to start the application.
  • main(): This call within the conditional statement ensures that the main() function is executed only when the script is run directly, not when it is imported as a module in another script.

Running the Application (Example)

To run the application, simply ensure that the code is saved (for example, as and run it with Python:

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A window should appear with the following sections:

  • City Search Section: Enter a city name (e.g., "Paris") and click Search City.
  • Coordinates Input Section: The latitude and longitude fields will be updated automatically.
  • Weather Fetch Section: Click Get Weather to display the current weather information retrieved from Open-Meteo.

For example, getting the weather for Paris:

You can download the source code here:

Source Code


In this article, we built a complete weather application that combines the power of PySide6 and Open-Meteo.

We walked through the code architecture, detailing each section from imports and helper functions to the core class methods that handle city search and weather fetching.

This modular approach not only demonstrates how to create a functional weather application but also lays the groundwork for further enhancements, such as adding more weather parameters, improving error handling, or even integrating asynchronous API calls for a smoother user experience.

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