DEV Community

Experimenting with brain-computer interfaces in JavaScript

Charlie Gerard on November 22, 2018

Post originally published on Medium For the past couple of years, I’ve had a growing interest in neurotechnology. This blog post is about sharin...
martinhaeusler profile image
Martin Häusler

Very interesting... just imagine: coding without having to do the typing. Navigating around the IDE without ever having to know a single hotkey. Looking things up on the web by providing no more than a vague thought instead of a query. The possibilities are literally endless. It's good to see that people are working on this topic, but I think it's still a thing of the future, I don't expect any major adoption any time soon.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

It is absolutely fascinating what is accessible to software developers these days.

256hz profile image
Abe Dolinger

What an incredible time to be alive, that one curious & intelligent person can buy these tools and make actual, working software controlled only by the brain. The 3D-controlled landscape was the high point for me. Thanks for sharing your work & research!

I think a hybrid approach would be really interesting, I've used VR sculpting/art tools that would flow a lot better with these extra controls. Like having an extra hand or two for mode selection or whatever, to complement the excellent spatial control/awareness we already have in our hands. And the form factor would make sense, since you're already strapping things to your head.

gabypentin profile image
Gabriela Amundarain

Amazing article! it truly is a fascinating topic. And awesome profile too, btw! I come from a somewhat similar educational background (currently on month 3 of a bootcamp) so it's quite inspiring to read :)

rokkoo profile image

That was amazing, thank you for sharing this fantastic article :) !!

joelbonetr profile image
JoelBonetR 🥇

That's amazing! 🤯 😁

apedreroes profile image
Alberto Pedrero

Amazing!! Without a computer science degree and you are able to do that!!! Wowwwww!!! Congratulations!! Wishing to read more

33nano profile image

Lovely post, among the first Neuroscience posts that I've come across on the DEV Community

kylessg profile image
Kyle Johnson


carloslfu profile image
Carlos Galarza

Wow! great article!

elcotu profile image
Daniel Coturel

This is just great.