DEV Community

Devin Rhode
Devin Rhode

Posted on

Great node version management

Here's a package.json:

  "...": "...",
  "engines-comment": [
    "When new node/yarn versions are released, you may see these errors:",
    "  engine \"yarn|node\" is incompatible with this module.",
    "Just bump version numbers below:"
  "engines": {
    "node": "16.13.x",
    "yarn": "1.22.15"
  "node-version-rationale": [
    "Give some flexibility by ignoring patch updates",
    "but otherwise force developers to update node every couple 1-4 months"
  "yarn-version-rationale": [
    "Exact yarn version helps us produce consistent yarn.lock files"
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Our pipeline is set always try and use the latest lts.

Our pipeline will run:

# Always run install+build:ci with latest LTS, to see output
# But verify engines at very end
yarn config set ignore-engines true

yarn install --frozen-lockfile

yarn build:ci

yarn config set ignore-engines false
yarn verify-node-and-yarn-versions-against-package-json-engines
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So, we always use latest node LTS in our pipelines. BUT, we don't let a major version bump just fly by - as safe as node releases are - we will require explicit acknowledgement from a developer to use new major version of node LTS.

Now, why use node 16.13.x?
If you want to be strict - by all means set an exact version number. Based on node LTS release history, I estimate you'll need to update package.json engines version every 1-4 weeks.

But if you specify only an exact minor version, you'll only need to update package.json engines version about every 1-4 months.

v14 LTS was cut 10/27/2020
minor version bumps happened on: 9/28, 5/11, 2/23, 10/27
4 months, 3 months, 4 months

v12 LTS was more turbulent (probably due to es modules): 3/30, 2/23, 11/24, 10/6, 6/2, 5/26, 2/11, 2/5, 12/17
1 month, 3 months, 2 months, 4 months, 1 week, 3 months, 1 week, 2 months

v10 LTS: 2/23, 10/27, 7/21, 3/26, 2/5, 12/17, 10/22, 5/28, 12/26, 11/27, (10/30-first v10 lts)
4 months, 3 months, 4 months, 2 months, 2 months, 2 months, 5 months, 7 months, 1 month, 1 month

On mac and linux, if you use NVM, you should setup a bash or zsh profile script to automatically set node version when you cd into a project with a .nvmrc file.

We set out .nvmrc file to: lts/* which means "latest lts" - this is the same as our ci/cd pipeline.

This means, every time you cd into a project, nvm will use the latest lts. (I am assuming nvm does a network call at some point to see what lts/* should map to)

However, if some developers have not setup this zsh/bash script, or are using windows, or maybe they just simply don't want to automatically update node – Then the package.json engines check will force them to at least update every 1-4 months.

Updating the node minor version every 1-4 months feels like a great cadence to maybe update dependencies in your package.json.

Tangent: I need to do some digging on, it may be the only option for some developers using windows.

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