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Stressful: How can we help laid off Devs from Twitter, Strip..etc?

Dear Developers,

Our dev community is under fire. Big tech companies are firing people to maintain their own budget.
They should have thought of this before hiring these people. Really it's outrageous that people get fired overnight or to put them on very stressful situation as what happened in Twitter.
Literally, people are getting fired during their stand ups and they got logged off. In addition, they are requested to provide an update of their work.
It's neither human , nor professional to put people under this stress.
Have they ever thought how trust issues these employees will feel? Later, these companies are asking people to be loyal and devoted to their companies.
That's why we (Devjour) advocate to make people take care and track their mental health and productivity.

Nevertheless, we need to help Devs from our community. It's an honest question, what shall we do to help Devs during this time? Please let's think together below...

Top comments (1)

alec profile image
Alexey Poimtsev • Edited

Every employment is a 2-side agreement between developer and company. Each side can break employment because of the current situation - needs, budget, open project, etc. Why do you think that company cannot fire a developer because there are no budgets, but a developer can be hired by google because they pay more? Have you ever thought about entrepreneur's stress, when they need to hire talented developers, who are looking for higher salaries every day?