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How to build a Good Portfolio Website - My Approach.

Amrasakpare Lawrence on February 29, 2024

When endeavoring to create your own portfolio, the first thing that comes to mind is what kind of design your Portfolio should have and how should ...
lincemathew profile image

Good, More than design i give importance to informations and content. A person visiting the portfolio needs to frame a structure, Also there are some unique portfolio websites, some of it:
ubuntu themed:

pedrorfpacheco profile image
Pedro Pacheco

Good aproach!
I liked the website with a lot of information and cool animations.

I did one with javascript and react.
You can check here: Website Portfolio

devlawrence profile image
Amrasakpare Lawrence

Thanks Pedro. I will check it out.

master_aless profile image
Jhon Alessandro

A portfolio it's the straightforward way to showcase your capabilities to other people, and I think we should pay more attention on how our portfolio represents us rather than simply showcase something

devlawrence profile image
Amrasakpare Lawrence

Noted. Thanks Jhon 🙌

fpaghar profile image
Fatemeh Paghar

Building a good portfolio website involves several key steps to showcase your skills, experience, and personality effectively. Start by selecting a clean and professional design that reflects your personal brand and highlights your work prominently. Ensure your website is easy to navigate, with clear sections for your portfolio, about me, contact information, and any additional relevant content such as testimonials or blog posts. Customize your portfolio section to showcase your best work, including detailed project descriptions, images, and links to live demos or source code repositories. Incorporate responsive design principles to ensure your website looks great and functions well across different devices and screen sizes. Finally, regularly update your portfolio with new projects and achievements to keep it fresh and engaging for visitors. By following these steps, you can create a compelling portfolio website that effectively showcases your skills and impresses potential clients or employers.

devlawrence profile image
Amrasakpare Lawrence

Thanks Fatemeh for adding such a well detailed contribution 🙌

wesborland profile image
Marcos Javier Gomez Hollger

Very good post & portfolio.

For suggestion in your portfolio:
-> Your photo(about section) maybe with transparent instead of blue background are better.
-> Your socials maybe are better if they appears in Home or About section. My personal choise is in home section.

Regards buddy!

devlawrence profile image
Amrasakpare Lawrence

Thanks Marcos for the suggestion

arjuncodess profile image
Arjun Vijay Prakash

Hey, great article!

And can you please provide me insights on my new portfolio?

Thank you.

devlawrence profile image
Amrasakpare Lawrence

Thanks man, should I do it here or i should DM you?

arjuncodess profile image
Arjun Vijay Prakash

As you wish! But I think you can do it here only, no need to complicate it.

Thanks in advance, man.

nickhodges profile image
Nick Hodges

I appreciate the resources at the end. Thank you.

devlawrence profile image
Amrasakpare Lawrence

You are welcome Nick

bdmorin profile image

Am i blind? Is there a link to your portfolio?

devlawrence profile image
Amrasakpare Lawrence

lol.'s the first link in the article

mkwasi5930 profile image
Abednego Tati

love it

devlawrence profile image
Amrasakpare Lawrence

Thanks, man. I appreciate 🙌

ygwilliams4 profile image
Yireobong William

Thanks for the detailed information. Would it be necessary to add a photo of one's self on his/her portfolio website?

devlawrence profile image
Amrasakpare Lawrence

I think it's a subjective thing. But it is good to add one because employers would love to see who they are hiring.

kushagra_aa profile image
Kushaga Agnihotri • Edited

Good Insight, I will keep them in mind when reworking my portfolio 🙌🏻🙌🏻

Current Version:

devlawrence profile image
Amrasakpare Lawrence

Thanks man 🙌

royson_menezes_479ed50941 profile image
royson menezes

thanks, will check that.

devlawrence profile image
Amrasakpare Lawrence

alright man. Glad you liked it.

deeplake profile image
Guilherme Fortunato

Hello, I recently deployed my portfolio, I'm open for feedbacks, here's the link: