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Dotnet Benchmarks – How To Use BenchmarkDotNet For Beginners

In nearly all modern applications and services, performance is critical. At its core, benchmarking is the systematic process of measuring and comparing the performance of a specific piece of code or an entire application. For those diving into the world of C#, ensuring that applications run efficiently is not just a luxury but a necessity. As applications grow and evolve, understanding their performance becomes pivotal, and dotnet benchmarks give us visibility into the performance of our applications.

This is where BenchmarkDotNet steps in, serving as a premier tool for dotnet benchmarks. Designed specifically for the .NET ecosystem, BenchmarkDotNet simplifies the intricate process of benchmarking, making it accessible even to those new to C# benchmarks. Whether you’re keen on fine-tuning a specific method or gauging the efficiency of different coding approaches, BenchmarkDotNet provides a robust platform for all your benchmarking in C# needs.

As we continue further, we’ll uncover how to harness the power of BenchmarkDotNet, ensuring that your C# applications are not just functional, but also optimized for performance.

Why Benchmark Your Code?

As software developers, writing code is just one piece of the puzzle. Understanding how that code performs under various conditions is equally, if not more, crucial. This is where the practice of benchmarking comes into play. By collecting the data for a dotnet benchmark, developers can gain insights into the speed, efficiency, and overall performance of their code.

Imagine that you spent time building one of these projects and you’re using it even though it hasn’t undergone any form of performance testing. While it might function correctly, inefficiencies lurking in the code can lead to slow response times, increased resource consumption, or even system crashes. Such issues can have real-world implications, from frustrated users abandoning a slow-loading application to businesses incurring financial losses due to system downtimes.

C# benchmarks, facilitated by tools like BenchmarkDotNet, offer a structured approach to measure these performance metrics. By comparing different implementations or iterations of a method, developers can identify bottlenecks or performance hitches. This benchmarking in C# not only highlights areas that need improvement but also provides a quantitative measure to gauge the effectiveness of optimization efforts.

In essence, benchmarking isn’t just about numbers and graphs. It’s about ensuring that your application delivers a seamless and efficient experience to its users. And with the power of BenchmarkDotNet, even beginners can get started with performance optimization with confidence.

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Getting Started with BenchmarkDotNet

Benchmarking in C# has been made significantly more accessible with tools like BenchmarkDotNet. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or just starting out, using this library can provide invaluable insights into your code’s performance. Let’s delve into the initial steps to get you up and running with BenchmarkDotNet.


Before diving into dotnet benchmarks with BenchmarkDotNet, ensure you have the following:

  1. .NET SDK: Given that we’re focusing on dotnet benchmarks, having the .NET SDK installed is essential. It’s the foundation upon which you’ll build and test your applications.

  2. IDE: While not strictly necessary, an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) like Visual Studio can streamline the process, especially for beginners.

If you’re following along with this article, I would personally recommend grabbing the latest .NET SDK (or one that you have installed that you’re comfortable with) along with Visual Studio. That will be my frame of reference for the following sections.

Setting Up Your Project

Create a New Project: Start by creating a new C# console application. This will serve as the base for our benchmarking experiments.

dotnet new console -n BenchmarkDotNetDemo
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Install BenchmarkDotNet: Navigate to your project’s directory and install the BenchmarkDotNet package. This package equips your project with the necessary tools to conduct C# benchmarks.

cd BenchmarkDotNetDemo
dotnet add package BenchmarkDotNet
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Your First dotnet Benchmarks

With the setup out of the way, let’s create a simple benchmark. For this example, we’ll benchmark a method that calculates the factorial of a number. You can also follow along with this video on getting dotnet benchmarks using BenchmarkDotNet:

In your Program.cs, add the following code:

using BenchmarkDotNet.Attributes;
using BenchmarkDotNet.Running;

public class FactorialBenchmark
    public int CalculateFactorial()
        int number = 5;
        int result = 1;
        for (int i = 1; i <= number; i++)
            result *= i;
        return result;

public class Program
    public static void Main(string[] args)
        var summary = BenchmarkRunner.Run<FactorialBenchmark>();
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Run your application:

dotnet run -c Release
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If you’re in your Visual Studio IDE, I would switch to Release mode and then right-click on the project in the solution explorer, right-click and go to “Debug” and then “Start without debugging”. It’s a bit convoluted, but we want to run in Release mode AND without the debugger attached, ideally, but if you just press the big Play button then you’ll have a debugger attached.

After execution, you’ll see a detailed report showcasing the performance of the CalculateFactorial method. This is just the tip of the iceberg; BenchmarkDotNet offers a plethora of features to refine and expand your benchmarking endeavors.

In these simple steps, you’ve started on the journey of performance optimization in C#. As you delve deeper into BenchmarkDotNet, you’ll discover the vast learning and development opportunities in the workplace it offers, ensuring your applications are efficient and performant.

Best Practices for Benchmarking in C

If you’ve enjoyed this article so far, continue reading about the best practices for benchmarking in C# in the full article! Remember to subscribe to Dev Leader Weekly to have software engineering and dotnet topics sent right to your inbox once per week! That includes links to all of my full-length articles!

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