For individuals who are unfamiliar with programming, learning to code can seem like an overwhelming and daunting task. However, it can be an exciting and fulfilling journey that opens up a world of possibilities if you have the correct mindset, tools, and roadmap. The secret is to approach it with perseverance, patience, and an openness to change and advance. It's crucial to realise that programming is a skill that calls for constant practice, problem-solving skills, and an eagerness to learn about new technologies and paradigms before you start your coding adventure.
Here's a general roadmap to help you get started:
1. Select a Programming Language
Make a decision regarding the first language you wish to learn. Popular choices for novices are C++, JavaScript, Python, and Java. To assist you in selecting the best language and matching it with market demand, take into account your objectives and areas of interest.
Make use of What programming language should I learn first? as a guide to prevent confusion.
2. Learn the Basics
Start by learning the foundational concepts of the programming language that you have selected. Understanding variables, data types, functions, control structures (loops, conditionals), and fundamental input/output procedures are all part of this. Online resources such as official language documentation, codecademy, and freecodecamp can be excellent places to start.
3. Practice
Practice, practice, and more practice are necessary for mastering the skill of coding. To make sure you understand the concepts you've learned, start with easy exercises and small projects. Practice problems can be found on sites like GitHub or Reddit, or on platforms like HackerRank and LeetCode
4. Develop Projects
After you have a firm understanding of the principles, begin constructing little projects on your own. These could be straightforward scripts, applications, or even web pages. You can apply what you've learned and hone your problem-solving abilities by working on building projects.
5. Learn algorithms and data structures
As you advance, you'll need to comprehend algorithms (like sorting, searching, and recursion) and data structures (like arrays, lists, trees, and graphs). Writing scalable and effective code requires an understanding of these ideas.
For DSA in C++ you can follow Striver, for DSA in Java you can follow Kunal Kushwaha
6. Explore Development (For Example, Web Development)
Acquire knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript if you're keen on developing websites. Building static websites is a good place to start before moving on to dynamic, interactive web applications.
7. Version Control
Acquire proficiency with version control platforms such as GitHub and Git. These are the tools that developers need to manage code repositories, track changes, and work together.
To understand GitHub and Git you can watch Complete Git and GitHub
8. Join Groups and Look for Mentorship
Surround yourself with a developer community that is supportive. Participate in local meetups, join online forums, or look for a mentor who can offer advice and criticism on your code.
Joining the Let's Code Developer Community will help you advance your networking.
9. Never Stop Learning
New programming languages, frameworks, and tools are always being developed as a result of the rapid advancement of technology. Adopt a mindset that values lifelong learning and keep abreast of the newest trends and industry best practices.
10. Create a Portfolio
To demonstrate your abilities to prospective clients or employers, begin compiling a portfolio of your work as you get experience.
You can take reference from HackerNoon for portfolio ideas.
Always keep in mind that learning to code is a journey that requires patience, commitment, and perseverance. Being proficient in programming languages and concepts takes time, so patience is needed along the way. There will inevitably be difficult times during the learning process, including moments of frustration, uncertainty, and even self-doubt. Seize them as chances for improvement and self-realisation.
Be patient, stay motivated, and enjoy the process of problem-solving and creating with code.

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