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Paavni Goyal for Dev Market

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Is Coding Hard?

It's not, and if you think that it is, let's make it easy together.

The field of coding may seem congested, but it offers a wealth of chances, potential, and endeavours. Most significantly, it is relevant both today and in the future. Understanding the highs and lows that people often experience when learning to code is necessary before beginning.

If you follow these suggestions, you won't ever think that coding is hard:

1. Never Compare yourself to others

Let's start by examining a real-world example to better grasp coding. Say, your friend inspired you to follow through on your goal to tone and improve the shape of your body. The very following day, after learning the benefits of maintaining your physical fitness, you made the decision to visit the gym. You got up early, got ready for the gym, and headed there.
When you go back from the gym, you feel demotivated since you saw that others your age or younger are already fit and in good physical form. Individuals often begin comparing themselves to others before they even begin, which is why it's important to concentrate on your own objectives and monitor your own advancement.
One life lesson, as stated by "Jordan B. Peterson" in his book

"The 12 Rules of Life," is to "Compare yourself to who you were yesterday, not to who someone else is today."

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2. Do your own research before starting

Most people don't do their own research. In this instance, you followed your friend's advice and joined the gym, but after leaving the gym, you felt demotivated. Whatever your friend recommended, you began implementing it before conducting your own research, which is why your curiosity waned.

By asking yourself two key questions, you can pique your interest in the topic of coding study and develop your curiosity.
Those are as well:

  1. What information is necessary to acquire? such as what grabs your interest, what needs to be done, etc.
  2. How to acquire knowledge, conduct your own research, compile a roadmap, and stick to it.

As Bruce Berkowitz famously quipped, "Tell me where I'm going to die, that is, so I don't go there," you can prevent yourself from dying with careful research.

Few popular sources to make a roadmap for your coding journey:

Developer Roadmaps -

Community driven roadmaps, articles and guides for developers to grow in their career.


3. Don’t bite more off than you can chew

Now that you know everything there is to know, let's imagine you have planned your journey to the gym for the next six months. You exercise vigorously for a solid two weeks, but since the amount of load you take on is no longer something your body can adapt to, you become demotivated once more.

Taking on several tasks at once is not going to help you become a proficient developer. It takes time to develop as a skill. People tend to "overestimate what they can achieve in the short term and underestimate what they can achieve in the long term," which
makes them desire to complete tasks more quickly.

4. Stop questioning your abilities

Now you know the art of researching, taking on jobs that your body can handle, and going to the gym every day, but you are now confronted with the issue of your capabilities since, despite your best efforts, you don't notice any physical changes in your body.

Here's a lovely idea from Dan Sullivan's book "The Gap and the Gain," where he clarifies The term "gap" describes the perceived difference between one's current situation and desired future state, frequently emphasising inadequacies or limitations. Conversely, "gain" emphasises development, learning, and making the most of opportunities and strengths to signify the constructive steps taken in the direction of betterment. The mentality that is focused on closing the gap must give way to one
that is focused on making progress; this requires redefining
obstacles as opportunities, accepting constant improvement, and
developing perseverance in the face of failure.

To avoid questioning your abilities you can network here Dev Market, where you can ask for assistance from others and express your unwavering interest in coding.

5. Get yourself a coding partner

Finally, and perhaps most importantly, coming to the gym with a friend will make it more enjoyable for you. Sometimes your friend helps you at the gym, and other times you help your friend. Sometimes you elevate your friend's spirits when they don't want to go to the gym, and other times you do the same for them.

It's quite helpful to have a code buddy for a number of reasons. They provide encouragement and inspiration when you run into difficulties or feel stuck, as well as assistance through the ups and downs of coding projects. Working together with a code buddy helps you develop a feeling of accountability since you're more inclined to remain dedicated to your objectives and maintain concentration when having someone to discuss your progress with. Working with a friend also facilitates sharing of knowledge and skill development since you can share ideas, solve issues together, and benefit from each other's experiences. This helps you acquire new information more quickly and become more adept at solving difficulties.

The Let's Code community, where members network with one another to increase future possibilities, can provide you with a coding buddy. Use this link to become a member of the community Let's Code

"The person you look upto and admire is your future self."

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