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Cover image for Appwrite x DEV Hackathon Help Thread

Appwrite x DEV Hackathon Help Thread staff on April 12, 2022

**If you're participating in the Appwrite x DEV hackathon and you need some help with your submission, you've come to the right place! If you hav...
georgeisiguzo profile image

"Projects under this category should make use of user-generated content on the internet in some way"

Please can someone elaborate on this a little.

moose_said profile image
Mostafa Said

Hello @georgeisiguzo! in simple English , user-generated content is where a user can generate content on the internet. For example when the user is able to publish an article, upload a picture, submit a tweet, write a review ...etc

terieyenike profile image

I built an income tracker where the user is able to write on the input field, submit their data, edit and update the document, as well as delete the document. Does this qualify it under the category for user-generated content?

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moose_said profile image
Mostafa Said

I think so, I'm not sure. According to my understanding, a user-generated content is where a user is able to generate content for others to see not himself. But this is how I understand the concept I'm not sure if that's the right definition. Anyway, Best of luck and well done on your project, It's actually a great idea!

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terieyenike profile image

Thank you, Mostafa

georgeisiguzo profile image

Thanks @moose_said

So this means on the app I create, the users should be able to create (or generate) content right?

Thanks again

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moose_said profile image
Mostafa Said

I believe so yes. You're most welcome :)

ridays2001 profile image

I have the same doubt. Can someone please explain what that means? Or give some examples?


mshajid profile image

Yes, I need to get an understanding of that, or maybe, if it's necessary keep spaces for user inputs.,

jacksonkasi profile image
Jackson Kasi

Can I host appwrite in Azure?

torstendittmann profile image
Torsten Dittmann

Yes! You can use Azure Virtual Machines :)

tessamero profile image
Tessa Mero

in case anyone runs into this thread, here's an update for azure and appwrite

jacksonkasi profile image
Jackson Kasi

You're welcome! But this reply is after such a long day. 😄☕️

adityaoberai profile image
Aditya Oberai

Hey Jackson
A Standard_B2s VM on Azure is more than enough to get you running Appwrite for yourself. I've tried this one in the past and it works well 😁

jacksonkasi profile image
Jackson Kasi

really thanks :)

elsa profile image

please tell me, how can do it?

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adityaoberai profile image
Aditya Oberai

Can you please let me know till what step you're comfortable? Are you able to create a VM or not?

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elsa profile image

I can create vm. but how to install appwite in ubuntu vm?

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elsa profile image

I can create VM on azure (windows vm or ubuntu vm). but how to install for production level or scalable or maintainable.

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adityaoberai profile image
Aditya Oberai

Once you create an Ubuntu VM, go ahead and install the Docker CLI.

Once that is done, you can install Appwrite on your system by running the following command in your terminal:

docker run -it --rm \
    --volume /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
    --volume "$(pwd)"/appwrite:/usr/src/code/appwrite:rw \
    --entrypoint="install" \
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elsa profile image

really thanks :) ♥

ridays2001 profile image

Hello Appwrite team,
Are we allowed to do the hackathon in a team? I would love to work on this with my best friend.

Also, for the rewards and swag, will both the members receive the swag (stickers and tee-shirt)? Or only one?

Thanks in advance!

adityaoberai profile image
Aditya Oberai

Hi Riday
Yes, all team members will be eligible for swags.

ridays2001 profile image

Thank you so much for the reply!

moose_said profile image
Mostafa Said

I believe you can but Dev Community will not distribute the prize. If you win, they will give the prize to the one who submitted the project.

mrbuddesigner profile image
Mr. Bud

Hey there, everyone! Hope all of you're doing great on the hackathon.

I'm having a little problem with using Avatars API in Python, I'm using this code to get a favicon for a website but have no idea where the image is stored or ready to view.

from appwrite.client import Client
from import Locale
from import Avatars
client = Client()

  .set_endpoint('http://localhost:80/v1') # Your API Endpoint
  .set_project('62583fb9e3****') # Your project ID
  .set_key('hey-is-correct') # Your secret API key
avatars = Avatars(client)
result = avatars.get_favicon('')
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Any idea on that? Thanks!

gewenyu99 profile image
Vincent Ge

The file returned to result is a binary of the image. You can write this to a string or a buffer to save the image.

Try this:

from appwrite.client import Client
from import Avatars

client = Client()

 .set_endpoint(<your endpoint>)  # Your API Endpoint
 .set_project(<your project>)  # Your project ID
 .set_key(<your key>)

avatars = Avatars(client)

result = avatars.get_favicon('')
f = open("reddit.png", "wb")

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mrbuddesigner profile image
Mr. Bud

it works! Thank you.

smppatel99999 profile image
Sahil Patel

Hey there, when I execute the cloud function I get this error. There is only a simple console log in index js file.

TypeError: userFunction is not a function
at /usr/local/src/server.js:38:19
at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5)

gewenyu99 profile image
Vincent Ge

Do you mind providing me the code you've deployed? I can take a look :D

smppatel99999 profile image
Sahil Patel

It is just a simple console,log("Hello there").

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gewenyu99 profile image
Vincent Ge

Did you call res.json() or res.send()?

Did you generate the function and deploy via the CLI or through a compressed file?

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smppatel99999 profile image
Sahil Patel

I tried another example from 30days of appwrite and also from the Appwrite docs. But no luck.

Yes I did generate it and deployed using compressed file on the Appwrite console. And executed as well from there. Yes I did do res.json() and res.send().

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gewenyu99 profile image
Vincent Ge

That's strange 🤔

If the generated example from the CLI worked fine, then it isn't anything wrong with the deployment or executor.

Are you calling the code in a file outside index.js? Where and how is userFunction defined?

If you want to get quicker responses, I recommend you join our Discord and tag me in your questions @VincentGe

tqbit profile image
tq-bit • Edited

Hello guys,

I'm struggling with Appwrite indexes. Here's my use case:

  • I have a database table with three columns: id, username and is_public
  • I would like to use the Web SDK to query:
    • All items from a single user (username =
    • AND only items of this user that were made public (is_public = true)

For this, I tried to create a search index. I tried a few names:

  • is_public-username <- Received error message in the browser's console: AppwriteException: Index not found: user_id,is_public - Link to image
  • is_public,username <- Does not qualify as a valid index key - Link to image
  • Any other index name I tried would not work
  • If I only try and query for a single column, everything works as I would expect it. - Link to image

Here's the part of the FE code that I use to specify the query:

const response = await appwriteClient.database.listDocuments(
        [Query.equal('user_id', userId), Query.equal('is_public', true)]
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Unfortunatly, I could not find any explanation on what I could do. So my question is:

  • What name must I give my search index to consider both query parameters using the web SDK?
  • Am I doing something wrong about the query building? I tried and follow the explanations on indexes and query building with no success
gewenyu99 profile image
Vincent Ge • Edited

Hi, you were reaaallllly close to getting it right. The issue you were having with is_public,username <- Does not qualify as a valid index key - Link to image is that you had a comma in the Index Key. We don't allow commas in the name of an index because that really messes with parsing SQL :P

For example, this is from my project, patina-bot

await database.listDocuments("memedex", [sdk.Query.equal("user_id",, sdk.Query.equal("meme_name", memeName)]);
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Here's how I would create a two column index:


gewenyu99 profile image
Vincent Ge

And here's what the created index looks like


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tqbit profile image

thank you so much for your reply. Works like a charm now 🥳

georgeisiguzo profile image

Hi everyone! Please I need help.

I'm using an express API to avoid CORS issues. How can I implement session management from the server.

doing sdk.account.createsession(...) doesn't manage session across frontend pages


gewenyu99 profile image
Vincent Ge

Hi there, if you're trying to solve CORS issues, add a relevant web platform. We block all cross domain request by default for security, but you can add as many allowed web platforms as you wish.

The Server SDK isn't really meant to be used with end user sessions, they're under an Admin scope. I would just resolve CORS issues and use a frontend SDK :D

Reference =>

georgeisiguzo profile image

Thanks. I was using Gitpod and even though I added web platforms to my project, I still get CORS issues.

I'm using digital Ocean now and its working fine

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gewenyu99 profile image
Vincent Ge

This might be something specific to the way Gitpod routes their requests... But it should work still.

Have you seen Appwrite + Gitpod in this guide?

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asaoluelijah profile image
Asaolu Elijah 🧙‍♂️

I was having the same cors issue (with Gitpod), however, changing the host name from the default http to httpsfixed the issue for me.

gewenyu99 profile image
Vincent Ge

To participate, your projects can be as complex or as simple as you feel comfortable with. We encourage you to build what ever you have the time/knowledge to build. If you're out for the prizes, you might want to do something more novel or cool to catch the judges eyes ;)

thevinitgupta profile image
Vinit Gupta

I had a question about the storage :
Since there is no cloud version of Appwrite, where do we store the user data like email, password and media?

adityaoberai profile image
Aditya Oberai

Hi Vinit
For the hackathon, you can either host Appwrite on your local machine or a cloud VM. In the setup process, Appwrite creates a Docker volume on your local storage. After that, you don't need worry about the user data, Appwrite's APIs, like the Account API (for authentication) and the Storage API (for media), will manage all the rest.

thevinitgupta profile image
Vinit Gupta

Thanks a lot for the clarification.
Also, even after installing Appwrite using npm, CMD returns :
appwrite command does not exist.

Is there another way to install Appwrite CLI on Windows 10?

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adityaoberai profile image
Aditya Oberai

Is this issue occuring after running the command npm install -g appwrite-cli?

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ikumen profile image

Does restarting the shell help?

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thevinitgupta profile image
Vinit Gupta

Yes it is occurring after that

loicgeek profile image
ngou loic

Hello, I am building my project with appwrite, Can I query database in a cloud function? I keep getting "execution timeout" error.

 const { parcel_title,parcel_id,amount,username} = data;
  const notifTitle = `New offer  for "${parcel_title}"`;
  const notifBody = `${username} offered ${amount}XAF to carry "${parcel_title}"`;

  let parcelPromise = database.getDocument(parcelsCollectionId,parcel_id);

  parcelPromise.then(function (parcel) {
    let userPromise = database.getDocument(usersCollectionId,parcel.sender_id);


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elreyes profile image
Fabian Reyes

Is it possible to participate with the same application developed for mobile and web in different categories? i.e.:

  • BOT" application made with Web Technologies and apply in Web2 Wizards.
  • Application "BOT" made in Flutter and apply in Mobile Moguls

thanks !

devencourt profile image
Brian Bethencourt

Hey Fabian! When it comes to submitting to multiple categories, we will decide a category for you when it comes time for judging. Typically based on whichever category your project fits best into.

yamitrvg12 profile image

Hello :)
Can i use ReactNative?

adityaoberai profile image
Aditya Oberai

Hi Yamit
Yes, you can. Our Web SDK can be used with React Native.

yamitrvg12 profile image
yamit villamil

I checked and it working fine :)

adexta profile image
Ad Xt

First time working with Appwrite and I am trying to add login/signup features. I was able to install it with Docker but things didn't go well on localhost, so I decided to deploy the app with vercel, now I have a 405 Error - Appwrite Exception.

gewenyu99 profile image
Vincent Ge

Hmmm, what error did you get on local host?

Were you able to access the Appwrite console on local host?

adexta profile image
Ad Xt

I can access the console on localhost.

Error on localhost:
Access to XMLHttpRequest at 'localhost/v1/account' from origin 'localhost....' has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource.

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adexta profile image
Ad Xt

The error is gone, the "hostname" in console platforms was incorrect.

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gewenyu99 profile image
Vincent Ge

That would makes sense. The platforms are meant to whitelist cross origin requests. Afterall you don't want someone to spoof your frontend and make requests to your Appwrite instance. They'd then be able to inject code to steal passwords etc ;)

seek4samurai profile image
Gourav Singh Rawat

Hi everyone. I was recently deploying my appwrite application. But where I tried creating a session, it shows cross-origin error.

Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at http://localhost/signup/v1/account/sessions. (Reason: CORS header ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ does not match ‘https://localhost’).
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Does anyone knows how do I fix this. I'm used npx create-react-app

gewenyu99 profile image
Vincent Ge

What you're missing is adding a Web Platform in the console. Check this out:

We block CORS request by default for security, you just need to allow them through adding a Web Platform.

gulshanaggarwal profile image
Gulshan Aggarwal • Edited

Help Required!

My one of the document field path is going to be like array of objects, nested objects in the image shown below but I'm confused is this possible with appwrite because appwrite only supports attributes such as string ,float, integer, email, ip, enum, boolean & url.

data field

gewenyu99 profile image
Vincent Ge

You have a few options, document attributes can be made into arrays, or you can save your JSON as a string.

These wouldn't result in queryable data, because querying unstructure data is terrible for performance.

If you want to create something like this that must be queried, creative relational DB design allows you achieve much the same.

gulshanaggarwal profile image
Gulshan Aggarwal • Edited

It means it's not possible with Appwrite ? Thanks for the detailed solution but now I have decided to use Firebase for database and Appwrite only for login service in my current project.

tamalcodes profile image
Tamal Das

How do i deploy a web app which uses Appwrite, like normally i deploy a react app to vercel, is it the same way for Appwrite too ?

Or are there some changes you need to make to the .env files and declare environment variables in vercel ?

I am totally new to these stuffs, i'll be glad if ya'all reply !!

ikumen profile image

Appwrite is the backend (e.g, database, storage, user, functions) that you self host where ever you like (see one-click section). The 30 days of appwrite is good place to start, helped me a lot in understanding how it all works.

tamalcodes profile image
Tamal Das

Thanks a tonn !! <-- This was what i was looking for !!

reveurguy profile image
Priyanshu Singh

Hii, I'll try Appwrite for the first time. So would basic projects that use Appwrite be considered as a valid project??

moose_said profile image
Mostafa Said

Well, I will try appwrite for the first time too. I believe if you think of any idea where a user can generate content on the internet. User-Generated content like making a tweet, publishing an article, uploading pictures... etc

eldadfux profile image
Eldad A. Fux

Yes :)

loicgeek profile image
ngou loic

Hello, I hosted appwrite on my vps, I am query the datase inside cloud function, But I got an error in logs : Executionn timeout.

loicgeek profile image
ngou loic

The code

gewenyu99 profile image
Vincent Ge

I would sanity check that you've passed in all the required environment variables.

We pass in project ID by default, but you have to add your project's endpoint and API key in the settings of your cloud function :)

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loicgeek profile image
ngou loic


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gewenyu99 profile image
Vincent Ge

Do you know how long it takes to execute the query outside of cloud function? If you're getting a timeout, the query might be really large and slow. I would also try to do a simple write to a collection to see if your client is initialized correctly and your API key has the correct permissions.

By default, the function times out after 15 seconds. If you're getting a timeout error, consider increasing the timeout in the settings of your function.

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loicgeek profile image
ngou loic

I tried debugging the first getDocument request, it failed, I tried the same request on postman it worked, then I tried to use axios manually, it did not worked, maybe there is something in cloud functions environnement that prevent execution, I am not experience enough on Docker to watch there..

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gewenyu99 profile image
Vincent Ge

You should certainly be able to use the SDK just fine in a cloud function... There's a few things you can look at for reference:

Sloan, the sloth mascot
Comment deleted
leviarista profile image
Leví Arista

Nevermind. Fixed by changing my domain from to

gersondi profile image

Appwrite when installed locally has it's endpoint "locahost". I have Appwrite on Gitpod then what will be my Appwrite endpoint?

brandontroberts profile image
Brandon Roberts

Your Appwrite endpoint is in the settings for the project. Go to your project inside the Appwrite instance, and go to Settings, and the API endpoint is there.

Gitpod Appwrite

You need to use https instead of http.

For example, using our integration repo with a new instance. An example Appwrite endpoint URL would be:
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gersondi profile image

Got it. Thanks!

moose_said profile image
Mostafa Said

Does a not deployed project has less chance to win in the hachathon?

gewenyu99 profile image
Vincent Ge

Yep. As long as you have a repo, a demo, or something we can use to try and judge :D

moose_said profile image
Mostafa Said

Gotcha! 👍

anshles profile image
Ansh Saini

How can I access the currently logged in user's ID on my next js server? If I create an API with next js, I need to know the credentials of the user who is using the API.

adityaoberai profile image
Aditya Oberai

After you create an account session (log in a user) using the Accounts API, the userId of the logged in user is available in the session object returned as the response from theSDK.

anshles profile image
Ansh Saini

Session is created by the frontend. I want to identify the user on the server.

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adityaoberai profile image
Aditya Oberai

In that case you can create a JWT. The user details should be identifiable in the payload, which you can pass to and check on the server.

anshles profile image
Ansh Saini

Someone answered this on discord.

spiritupbro profile image

can we use appwrite lite? @eldadfux

eldadfux profile image
Eldad A. Fux

Unfortunately, Appwrite lite is a work in progress

spiritupbro profile image

thanks for the response, but what if i can make it work? does it qualified as a legitimate submission?

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eldadfux profile image
Eldad A. Fux

It will, but its been outdated for a few good versions, it will be a challenging task 🙂

anshles profile image
Ansh Saini • Edited

"Projects under this category should make use of user-generated content on the internet in some way"

Does this mean we have to scrape already existing content from the web and create an app that makes use of that content? (for example fetching a user's tweets using Twitter API) OR,
Does this mean that users should be able to post NEW content on the app we build?

mrbuddesigner profile image
Mr. Bud

Hey there! Does any buddy here know how to open AppWrite console in Python? I have installed AppWrite but have no idea about opening the console.


adityaoberai profile image
Aditya Oberai

Once you've installed Appwrite on your local system, the next step is to run http://localhost/ in your browser.

yongchanghe profile image
Yongchang He

Hello, I have installed Appwrite console, and would you please let me know where I can find the 'Appwrite console'? MacOS. Thank you.

yongchanghe profile image
Yongchang He

Just open your browser and input localhost and hit return.

adityaoberai profile image
Aditya Oberai

Once you've installed Appwrite on your local system, the next step is to run http://localhost/ in your browser.

pratikbutani profile image
Pratik Butani

For Flutter, All platforms are required?

Any idea to develop will work?

adityaoberai profile image
Aditya Oberai

Hi Pratik
As long you leverage Flutter for any platform you prefer, you're good to go 👍
And yes, since Flutter is a valid part of our "Mobile Moguls" track, any idea you develop will be eligible 😁

itssubhajit profile image
Subhajit Gorai

How am I going to submit my project?

adityaoberai profile image
Aditya Oberai

Please use this post template to create your submission:

smppatel99999 profile image
Sahil Patel

How to change the default email template? I want to customise the the look of it. Is there a way to do so?

christyjacob4 profile image
Christy Jacob

Yes you can edit the template by modifying this file

detunjisamuel profile image
detunjiSamuel • Edited

Will a react native mobile app that does not use of user-generated content fall under the Mobile Moguls category or have to fall under Web2 Wizards since it would be making use of the Web SDK ? It is finance based

gewenyu99 profile image
Vincent Ge

I wouldn't worry about this at all! Focus on building something cool. If it's a mobile app and it's cool, we don't care if it's built with React Native, or any crazy cool tech!

moose_said profile image
Mostafa Said

Hello, How to make every user to have a bio for example with appwrite web?

adityaoberai profile image
Aditya Oberai

Sorry, what do you mean by have a bio with Appwrite Web?

moose_said profile image
Mostafa Said

Hi! I already accomplished what I needed. Thank you so much for trying to help!

smppatel99999 profile image
Sahil Patel

Hey guys, What is the use case of node js server sdk of appwrite. I think the web sdk can do almost everything. Just curious to know the difference between them for JAM stack development.

christyjacob4 profile image

Great question...
The Node JS SDK is a Server SDK whereas the web SDK is a Client SDK

They have different powers ( if you may ).

You can refer to this article which explains the differences

smppatel99999 profile image
Sahil Patel

Thanks for clarification.

menard_codes profile image
Menard Maranan

Hello there, just a question regarding deployment. Is it possible to deploy Appwrite to Heroku? I'm totally new to Appwrite and I've been struggling with this for quite some time now.

gewenyu99 profile image
Vincent Ge

Ah, yes. You're not alone. Heroku should be possible in theory, but I've seen similar complaints. It seems Heroku doens't play nice with Appwrite at the moment. I would recomment a DigitalOcean droplet, GCP VM, Elastic containers from AWS, or similar VPCs (like azure, vultur, alibaba cloud, linode, etc).

menard_codes profile image
Menard Maranan

Thanks for answering!
Actually, I just went for digital ocean after struggling with it for quite some time.

fkkarakurt profile image
Fatih Küçükkarakurt

I'm trying to completely use Appwrite for the backend and it seems fine for now. But can we include express or socket in the project? I'm just curious.

adityaoberai profile image
Aditya Oberai

You can have whatever you'd like in there :)

jafzak profile image

In the mobile moguls category, is there a particular category of apps to create, or can we create any type of app as long as it uses the appwrite SDK

gewenyu99 profile image
Vincent Ge

You can create what ever you wish :) I wouldn't worry about the exact category of app you've created. If it's cool enough, we'll figure out something for you!

Focus on building something interesting, fun, or cool!

jafzak profile image

For the mobile moguls category, what kind of apps are we supposed to make, also does the app have to be fully functional?

georgeisiguzo profile image

I have limited space on my PC. Can I install Appwrite on digital Ocean instead?
Is it allowed?

tessamero profile image
Tessa Mero

Yes, DigitalOcean is fine as long as you select minimum of 1 vCPU and 2 GB RAM =)

(Thx Aditya for info)

georgeisiguzo profile image

Thanks @tessamero

teyim profile image
Teyim Asobo

Hi,Please the Web2 Wizards category is not clear..i dont understand the goal

adityaoberai profile image
Aditya Oberai

Answered your question in the following comment Teyim:

teyim profile image
Teyim Asobo

Hi,please the Web2 Wizards category is not really clear to me..any further explanation by what is meant by user-generated content on the internet will be appreciated

adityaoberai profile image
Aditya Oberai

Hi Teyim
In the Web2 Wizards, you're essentially building any application that caters to the internet of today. Essentially, it must feature the creation or consumption of content or information by a user on the web.

arnu515 profile image

Am I allowed to use a Javascript-based mobile app framework like React Native or Quasar and enter in the Mobile Moguls category?

gewenyu99 profile image
Vincent Ge

Yeah! That sounds super cool!

mdsahiloss profile image
Md Sahil

can I update my post that was posted for #appwritehack on 12th may ?

adityaaryam profile image
Aditya Aryam

Any idea, when would the results be out

stonith404 profile image
Elias Schneider

I would love to participate but unfortunately I am not 18 years old yet. Is there a specific reason why you have to be 18 years old?

devencourt profile image
Brian Bethencourt

Hello! Unfortunately, DEV hackathons are currently only open to community members 18 years of age and older. We would absolutely love to open this up to younger community members, but we are legally unable to at this time. We revisit the topic frequently as a team and intend to open up our challenges to younger folks if and when it's possible for us to do so. I'm so sorry to bear this news. We really value having all of you as part of DEV.

stonith404 profile image
Elias Schneider

Thanks for your reply! Is it allowed that an adult family member signs up for the hackathon and I create the project? If yes, what are the criteria? For example, can I use my personal account?

moose_said profile image
Mostafa Said

There must be a work around. I mean why don't you collaborate with a trusted above 18 friend where they can submit the project for you and they will get the prize if you win.

teyim profile image
Teyim Asobo

Hi,Please the Web2 Wizards category is not clear..i dont understand the goal

adityaoberai profile image
Aditya Oberai

Answered your question in the following comment Teyim:

ivayloiv profile image
Ivaylo Ivanov

Is there a way for teen to participate in?

devencourt profile image
Brian Bethencourt

Hello! Unfortunately, DEV hackathons are currently only open to community members 18 years of age and older. We would absolutely love to open this up to younger community members, but we are legally unable to at this time. We revisit the topic frequently as a team and intend to open up our challenges to younger folks if and when it's possible for us to do so. I'm so sorry to bear this news. We really value having all of you as part of DEV.

nikolayadvolodkin profile image
Nikolay Advolodkin

So we're just submitting an app somewhere? How is the contest being judged and on what criteria?

adityaoberai profile image
Aditya Oberai

Hey @nikolayadvolodkin
For your submission, we'll definitely need a public code repository for your project. Aside from that, we would appreciate a video recording or screenshots of your project too.

As far as judging goes, we'll be looking at the project you build and how it leverages Appwrite to solve your problem.

rohitraje786 profile image
Rohit Patil

I want to deploy my app on vercel, how to do that?

gewenyu99 profile image
Vincent Ge

You would have to deploy your frontend app on Vercel, then deploy Appwrite on a separate VPC or container somewhere. Make sure you add a web platform pointing to the vercel deployment to allow cross origin requests!

mixko50 profile image
Apisit Maneerat

Hello, I have participated in the #appwritehack and I got 2 credits for community listings, badge, but I didn't get the code for the Forem shop via email, How can I get the code for the Forem shop.

gersondi profile image

Appwrite when hosted locally has its endpoint as "localhost". I have Appwrite on Gitpod then what will be my endpoint?