DEV Community

Follow Friday: Hacktoberfest Edition (7 Oct 2022)

Erin Bensinger on October 07, 2022

Happy Friday, friends! πŸŽ‰ Follow Friday is your weekly opportunity to shout out fellow DEV Community members doing awesome work. Check out the comme...
michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington β€’

I wanna give a shoutout to @pachicodes who has been a long contributor on DEV, writing under (and moderating) the tag #braziliandevs (along with @lissatransborda πŸ™Œ) amongst many other things! Just to say, Pachi and Lissa have been incredible at fostering our Brazilian community here on DEV β€” really appreciate you two for this!

Anywho, Pachi recently wrote up a helpful guide in Portuguese that explains how to prepare for Hacktoberfest. This guide is meant for both maintainers and contributors, and it's super thorough! Really appreciate ya sharing this resource, Pachi. πŸ˜€

By the way, if you don't speak Portuguese, but want to read Pachi's guide, it's likely that you can use an in-browser translation to do so. At least, that's what I did!

pachicodes profile image
Pachi πŸ₯‘ β€’

Thank you soo much Michael!!! πŸ’–πŸ’–

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington β€’

Oh of course!! πŸ™Œ Thank you as well. πŸ’š

Thread Thread
thechiennguyen profile image
the chien NGUYEN β€’


Thread Thread
thechiennguyen profile image
the chien NGUYEN β€’


lissatransborda profile image
Lissa Ferreira β€’

Thanks Michael ❀️❀️❀️

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington β€’

Oh fasho!! Appreciate ya, Lissa!!

andypiper profile image
Andy Piper β€’

I added the #hacktoberfest tag to one of my repositories, in case folks would like to contribute. It’s an Awesome List, so it’s low code (mostly a markdown document to add to or improve); but it does require a level of interest in the relevant topic, and ideally some testing of any contributed linked projects to ensure that they really are β€œawesome”! My first time trying this as part of #hacktoberfest; I’ve started the month with travel, so I haven’t had a lot of time to contribute elsewhere just yet.

GitHub logo andypiper / awesome-modern-twitter-api

A curated list of awesome apps built with, or libraries and resources for using, the modern Twitter API

Awesome Modern Twitter API Awesome

v2 CC-0 license


A curated list of awesome libraries, SDKs, software and resources for the modern (post-v1.1) Twitter API.

The Twitter API is the programming interface that enables developers like you to build apps and tools on top of the Twitter Developer Platform. Version 2 of the API represented a complete rewrite from the legacy (v1.1) platform, with new endpoints, data formats, and semantics. This list only includes content that is directly relevant to the modern API.

This list is community-contributed, and it is not owned by Twitter. The list can only be even more awesome, with your help! Feel free to contribute, or add to the discussion around items that could be included in the future. Spotted a dead link, typo, or other mistake? Please raise an issue πŸ™Œ


dhravya profile image
Dhravya β€’

Hey andy! I have a couple projects but they aren't open source, would it still be worth adding to the list?

andypiper profile image
Andy Piper β€’

I don’t know… I think most Awesome Lists usually cover Open Source and free resources, but I’d have to look into it to be sure. The idea was definitely to highlight resources that would help folks to get started and inspired with the new API. Happy to consider it but I haven’t really decided! Wondering what others might think…?

thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt β€’

Hacktoberfest in itself is a contribution to Open Source. πŸ’š

A few weeks ago, @nickytonline mentioned me on Twitter to help Astro translate their documentation in French. Now I enjoy taking a break from training and translating new pages. The community is friendly, and we easily discuss on their Discord. 🀩

So, for this Hacktoberfest 2022, I make a lot of contributions for the Astro doc. πŸš€πŸ€©

GitHub logo withastro / docs

Astro documentation

Astro Docs Astro logo

To all who come to this happy place: welcome.

This is the repo for This repo contains all the source code we use to build our docs site.

πŸŽƒ Participating in Hacktoberfest? See our Hacktoberfest guide! πŸŽƒ

We are Astro

Astro is an all-in-one web framework for building fast, content-focused websites We want everyone to be successful building sites, and that means helping everyone understand how Astro works.

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You can also help make the docs awesome Your feedback is welcome. Your writing, editing, translating, designing, and developing skills are welcome. You being a part of our community is welcome.

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andypiper profile image
Andy Piper β€’

A Follow Friday shoutout to @thomasbnt who has inspired me to get involved with #hacktoberfest this year!

thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt β€’

Oh thanks, I'm happy you participate in the Hacktoberfest ! πŸŽ‰

smitterhane profile image
Smitter β€’

I added a label haktoberfest-accepted in my open source project

I welcome new contributions. You can view the project in npm :

adamkdean profile image
Adam K Dean β€’ β€’ Edited

For Hacktoberfest, I'm going to be writing some more articles. I've written a few in the past that seem well received, such as Automatic SSL with Let's Encrypt & Nginx and Your job title is what you do, not who you are, but I'd like to try to write a little more, and what better time than during Hacktoberfest?

I've just published my top 10 tips for new coders for #hacktoberfest, with more on the way, so follow along as I try to share some of what I've learnt over two decades as a software engineer.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern β€’

How about a shout out to @chris__sev, DigitalOcean dev advocate.

chris__sev profile image
Chris Sev β€’

Hey thanks Ben! Happy Hacktoberfest everyone!

bobbyiliev profile image
Bobby Iliev β€’

Hacktoberfest πŸ’™πŸŽƒ