We recently shipped the groundwork for internationalizing Forem. Initially, this means that admins can set the default locale for their Forem in ca...
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Here is a live PR example I just tossed up — different from what I walked through in the post. That is still up for grabs at the time of writing this.
What type of PR is this? (check all applicable)
This follows existing patterns of internationalization to translate the filters on the notifications page.
The only added translation is "All".
The use of
is following existing patterns. This may not be the most scalable as we broaden translations, but I think appropriate for now.Related Tickets & Documents
QA Instructions, Screenshots, Recordings
Added/updated tests?
Great initiative! We recently wrapped up a massive internationalization project at my work, and I'd love to contribute to translating DEV ❤️ I was wondering: do you have any rules around structuring your yml files? We broke our tokens up into flows/areas of the app, and we had a strict rule around not having too many nested levels (no more than 3), to keep things clean and easy to read. Have you thought about any rules for that?
We have not yet strictly defined these rules or properly had the discussion yet internally, but I anticipate us landing on these types of rules. For the time being, use your judgment and influence us towards a good decision with good clean PRs — which I see you are already doing.
Once we make some choices here, I think we should comment the rules and principles right in the locale files to complement the docs and keep people informed as anything changes. So keep checking in, and your contributions are very much welcome!
Hey Ben! this is quite interesting, i'd love to contribute to translating DEV to Indonesian! do you think it's possible?
Once we get more of the variables in place we’ll start accepting specific languages. So please start by finding some hard coded English and change it to an i18n variable.
Thank you! i'll look up to the code!
Hi @hasobi let's get in touch. I also thinking to contribute on Indonesian support lang after some backbone of I18n.
Do you have Rails experience?
Yay! Awesome Ben! I'll be helping to translating into Portuguese! Forking as soon as possible to help it out!
Awesome! Portuguese translations will be very helpful!
At this very moment we're mostly looking for contributions which uncover un-translated templates and remove hardcoded copy with variables, but we will very soon graduate to wanting to expand language lists.
My intentation it was to schedule a call meeting with you to see a good way how can I help you to translate dev.to website to Portuguese and make good engagements here in Brazil. If you want to, reach me out here or twitter: @glaucia86 (I work as Cloud Advocate at Microsoft)
Hello ben,
I'm Ready to volunteer as translator.
I'm native arabic speaker and i can spare sometime during the day to translate forem.
Please share with me the link to your weblate or any other service and i can start from tomorrow.
Meanwhile can please also tell me if the RTL is supported through the current status?
Can't wait!
What’s the current status of the i18n work and what’s still on the i18n roadmap?