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Why are all my podcasts switching to Youtube?
My once loved weekly podcasts have added in YouTube videos as one of their latest offerings. Maybe you've also noticed this change?
In a recent New York Times article, they report:
"[YouTube] is now the top platform for podcast consumption in the United States, overtaking both Apple Podcasts and Spotify. According to a survey published last fall, 28 percent of podcast consumers now do so on YouTube most frequently, compared to 15 percent who use Spotify and 12 percent who use Apple Podcasts. Those results are the reverse of five years ago, when 29 percent of consumers used Apple Podcasts and just 15 percent preferred YouTube."
I have many mixed feelings on consuming my podcasts digitally, mainly because I am on a lifelong quest to decrease my screen-time (even as a digital graphic designer). However, certain hosts are far too charismatic to limit to just audio, when video can much better serve comedic timing and expressions.
Alls to say, I have been enjoying quite a bit of YouTube podcast content while I wrap up my workday or fold my laundry. Finding the middle-ground between media that is a bit more engaging than a podcast and simultaneously not as engaging as a TV show is not a media gap I foresaw needing filled. I also hope genuinely to stay off screens more, of course. However, the content I have been engaging with is ultimately a net positive, something I look forward to, and something that helps convey complex messages quicker.
Are you listening to podcasts on YouTube? What are you listening to/watching? What is your preferred media platform? Am I the only one noticing the shift?

How We Do
Here we go— drop your links to what you have been listening to recently + browse others' suggestions. You can follow the suggested genre if you'd like, but don't feel confined to it; you're free to suggest whatever you want!
PS: If you are loving this theme, we also have a podcast tag for your listening musings, sharing your very special new episodes, and finding new things from other people on the internet. Check it out.
See ya below!
Top comments (6)
I haven't looked, but are "podcasts" on youtube audio-only, or do they mean more vlogging style stuff? If people are changing their format, or even just wanting to occasionally sprinkle in some video episodes, that would make sense to keep it in one place.
I didn't even realise you could listen to podcasts on Spotify, and I half-assume that Apple limits them to only people who buy Apple hardware. Half-assume meaning I don't know and can't be bothered to research :)
There are no requirements. It can be audio-only with a static image, a looped video with some motion, or a full-on video. I have some reservations because YouTube does not generate an RSS feed for your podcast on YouTube, (and does not have plans do to so, although they will gulp up your existing RSS feed) breaking what is really the superpower of podcasts i.e. "listen wherever you listen to podcasts"
I hope people use it as a marketing and discovery channel but not as their primary host as one would then be forced to only listen to or watch the podcast on YouTube/YouTube music.
One I do tend to listen to on YouTube is Lex Friedman.
Yes to this!
I see the shift too. I still listen to most podcasts on Apple Podcasts, with the exception of ThePrimeagen. That’s always on YouTube. I prefer audio only podcasts, because I don’t actually need to see these people to hear them. Plus, I can distract myself with other things if it gets boring
Well, as part of this shift, we've ended up creating a YouTube channel for our, um, audio-only podcast (that was formerly on Google Podcasts, as well as remaining in all the other places!). A mixture of tech, gaming, and what's new in social.
Ooo! Will have to check this out!