Every Monday we round up the previous week's top posts based on traffic, engagement, and a hint of editorial curation. The typical week starts on Monday and ends on Sunday, but don't worry, we take into account posts that are published later in the week. ❤️
1. We're in it together!
Sarthak shares five things to keep in mind while working remote during these unprecedented times.
Article No Longer Available
2. Switcharoo
Patrícia found themselves regularly switching between different Node and Angular versioned projects. In this post, they they explain how to manage these projects in a simple and straightforward way.

How to run multiple Node and Angular versions simultaneously
Patrícia Pereira ・ Mar 20 '20
3. Opportunities
Nader tweeted a call to action looking for companies that are still hiring. For anyone looking for work, this list is a compilation of those who responded.

100 Developer Jobs - Companies Still Hiring Amid the Coronavirus Crisis
Nader Dabit ・ Mar 22 '20
4. All The Ways
Samantha likes understanding multiple solutions to a problem. In this post, they share four ways to split a word into an array of characters.

4 Ways to Convert String to Character Array in JavaScript
Samantha Ming ・ Mar 18 '20
5. The Kitchen Sink
Shawn shares every web performance test tool they know about. Each tool helps identify issues in your app and provides some key speed metrics.
6. Start Here
There's an overwhelming amount of resources to learn frontend develpment. In this post, Greg curates six YouTube channels they recommend for learning.

Top Front-End Development YouTube Channels
Greg Fletcher ・ Mar 18 '20
7. Intimidating -> Intuitive
Nick helps us understand memoization, an optimization technique used in many programming languages.
That's it for our weekly wrap up! Keep an eye on dev.to this week for daily content and discussions...and if you miss anything, we'll be sure to recap it next Monday!
Top comments (5)
Damn! After a long while 😅
Almost got in it Remote Jobs Sites 😱😂
cool. guys keep doing thunders.
i reported you one issue on twitter DM please check it out...
This all articles are appreciated .You guys can check it out your feed then check Week section and see😊👋