1. Docker Default
Will Docker be the default choice for containers in the same way that Git has become the default choice for version control?
2. 🎩✨Get shit done ✨🎩
Who can resist some good productivity tricks? Christian shares their tips from special keybindings to email workflow.

My Productivity Boosters — A random collection of tricks and tools — What are yours?
Christian Dewein ・ Apr 10 '18
3. Just do it
Henry Zhu shares his experience of becoming the full-time maintainer of Babel. In this post, he talks about building confidence and practicing self-forgetfulness.

I was not ready to become the maintainer of Babel
Henry ・ Apr 10 '18
4. Postgres vs MySQL
As the title suggests, this is a very thorough comparison of Postgres and MySQL -- from schema layout to type differences to querying data.
5. Learn Like A Developer
It's impossible to learn every single technology, but it is possible to learn like a developer and quickly understand how to put new technologies to use, when needed.
Article No Longer Available
6. A Enjoyable Framework
Lynne recently started working with Vue.js and shares a list of reasons why you should give it a try.
7. WSL Setup
John takes advantage of the creators update with Windows 10 and buys a PC instead of shelling out for a Mac. This is his windows subsystem for Linux setup.
Article No Longer Available
That's it for our weekly wrap up! Keep an eye on dev.to this week for daily content and discussions...and if you miss anything, we'll be sure to recap it next Monday!
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