Every Tuesday we round up the previous week's top posts based on traffic, engagement, and a hint of editorial curation. The typical week starts on Monday and ends on Sunday, but don't worry, we take into account posts that are published later in the week.
Free as in licenses
@krtirtho created a helpful breakdown of various open source licenses and tips on which to choose, when.

Choosing Open Source License Wisely🤔
Kingkor Roy Tirtho ・ Jan 16 '22
The "someday" list of your codebase.
AKA, tech debt! @michaelmangial1 has created a handy resource for developers to better understand tech debt, how to log related information, and how to prioritize all of it.

An Introduction to Tech Debt (And Why It Can Change Your Career)
Michael Mangialardi ・ Jan 12 '22
Easing design/dev handoff pain with Figma
"Designers are expected to have a pretty thorough understanding of the front-end web: HTML elements, the CSS box model, how responsive resizing works, component-based structure, etc. And yet, when we flip the script, developers are rarely expected to have an understanding of design basics – what's up with that?" asks @kathryngrayson. GREAT question and great intro to Figma and how it can help ease design/dev handoff pain!
KollerCode's motivation to code
@kollercode has been faced with a number of personal challenges in 2021. But they used these experiences as fuel to change the course of their career and life. As they so beautifully put it: "when I am [coding], it's like I am solving problems in my own life and it reminds me that as long as I don't give up and I am persistent I can do anything."
Don't miss this post ❤️

The Sad Truth as to Why I Chose to Change Careers to Software Engineering
KollerCode ・ Jan 16 '22
How many asteroids came close to hitting the Earth — and how big were they?
No, this is not Netflix Studio spon-con for their new film, "Don't Look Up" — it's an awesome post by @flippedcoding all about how you can use one of the NASA APIs to create an asteroid map. Pretty cool, no?
A thoroughly-vetted book recommendation
@puritanic read The Pragmatic Programmer (you might have heard of it!) and makes a strong case for adding it to your must-read list in this article.

I've read... The Pragmatic Programmer
Darkø Tasevski ・ Jan 16 '22
Good job or a tar pit?
@mauriciolinhares has a handy list of questions to ask your potential employers at your next interview to answer this quandary.

What to ask at job interviews when you are being interviewed
Maurício Linhares ・ Jan 12 '22
That's it for our weekly Top 7 for this Tuesday! Keep an eye on dev.to this week for daily content and discussions...and be sure to keep an eye on this series in the future. You might just be in it!
Top comments (1)
Great work with these fantastic posts @krtirtho, @michaelmangial1, @kathryngrayson, @kollercode, @flippedcoding, @puritanic, & @mauriciolinhares ⭐️