DEV Community

Cover image for Welcome Thread - v241

Welcome Thread - v241

Sloan the DEV Moderator on September 06, 2023

Leave a comment below to introduce yourself! You can talk about what brought you here, what you're learning, or just a fun fact about ...
naveenkumar199901 profile image

I am thrilled to become a part of the DEV community as a Cloud Engineer. My main experience lies in deploying AWS and GCP Infrastructure using terraform, and I thoroughly enjoy actively participating in open-source projects in my leisure time.
I am eager to interact with this incredible community!
Naveen Kumar

dimuthuweerathunga profile image
Dimuthu Weerathunga

Hi all. just exploring the community here!👋. I am interested in web, distributed systems And AI. I’ll post if I encounter something interesting in any of those fields, 😅

Me on github

benjaminh profile image
Benjamin H

Sounds cool man! Looking forward to your posts.

sevda profile image

Hello guys I am still a student maybe you can help me in coding

mainarthur profile image
Arthur Kh

Welcome and feel free to check out tags👋
They're really handful to find what you need.
You can start from #beginners, #tutorial and #guide

giuliano1993 profile image

Hey Karrel, welcome to Dev!
Of course being in a community is really useful to grow and learn!
Take your time to read and engage; about the hashtag you could follow, @mainarthur already gave you them, you can also set your experience in your settings >customization page, so you can find articles accordingly!
Have a great time, and see you around 😃

mannu profile image

Sure Carrel just let us know when you need any help. Btw Welcome to the DEV

sevda profile image

Thank you.
I need help for my gallery page in uploading a photo using the vuejs a javascript framework and node js in back end. And I also use a multer in handling the uploading a photo.

And I also create a post about it. I hope you all can help me.

billysutomo profile image
Billy Sutomo

Hello Everyone 😀!

New user here! I'm a software engineer that specialized at backend engineering. Although I've experience with client side. Primarily code in Golang and Typescript. Currently developing project that support three client side platform (web, android, and IOS) and also integrate with backend API.

Let's connect, either collaborating or just want to talks, feel free to drop message!


jarvisscript profile image
Chris Jarvis

Welcome to DEV!

ridgey28 profile image
Tracy Ridge

Hi Folks. Having read many articles on Dev I have finally created an account. Looking forward to meeting like-minded individuals for advice, inspiration and a blether.

My main interests are JavaScript, Tailwind and SvelteKit at the moment but I also like PHP, Java, Python, WordPress and good old fashioned HTML & CSS.

jarvisscript profile image
Chris Jarvis

Welcome to DEV, glad to have you here.

dumebii profile image
Dumebi Okolo

Welcome, Tracy!

akdevcraft profile image
AK DevCraft

Hello Everyone, I’m little late in sending out welcome message but sometimes late is better than never. So here we go, please send warm welcome to new Dev community members!!

@korenkaplan, @nageshbansal, @workshoprepair, @shuttle, @sebastianconcept, @amitsingh6391

Welcome to community!!

sebastianconcept profile image
Sebastian Sastre

Thank you! o/

meshclan1 profile image

Hey everyone! 👋

My name’s Ayo, and I’m a Full-stack Engineer from London, UK 🇬🇧

I am really excited to finally join the DEV community! I'm a big fan of all things JavaScript and in my spare time, I enjoy developing my vault

If you're interested in collaborating or connecting with me, feel free to reach out via GitHub or on my LinkedIn:

Really looking forward to writing some interesting articles for you guys - honestly keep an eye out!

vanamraghu profile image

Hi all,
Currently working in automation, wanted to switch to full stack

giuliano1993 profile image

Hello Vanam, welcome on Dev!
That's great, automation and full stack integrates well, so you'll for sure have fun!
Have a great time and see you around :D

vanamraghu profile image

Thanks @giuliano1993

sevda profile image

Hello everyone can you guys help me, in my code. There some error in my code and I don't know how to fix it. Maybe you have some comment to my code. If you want to see the code I will sent it. So i hope you can help me.

cicirello profile image
Vincent A. Cicirello

Welcome to DEV

jurkenik profile image

Hello everybody! My name is Jura and I am Code Newbie! Totally!
I am here to seek some help in my journey to become a programmer/software engineer because I have thought for a long time that I could not write a single line of code and I want to prove myself wrong.

I hope that I will find some help here and that I would be able to help somebody else in future!

Looking forward to meet you all!

Best regards,

aregtech profile image
Artak Avetyan

Hi Jura, welcome to the community.
If you want to get an attention when ask for help, I would recommend to narrow your problem and ask a precise question to receive a precise answer. As a begin, probably you should write what is your programming language and which technologies you'd like to use.
Good luck and have fun :)

fer profile image

Hey there! 👋 I'm a Python coder who loves working on web services. I've got experience building web apps using frameworks like FastAPI and Flask.

I'm excited to start sharing my side-projects and cool things I come across while working as a software engineer. Plus, I'm hoping to improve my writing skills and meet some awesome new people ✨

Thanks for reading

njames profile image
Nigel James

Ha I have been on "dev" for 4 years apparently but it is high time I posted a post.

Let's start with an intro ...

G'day, I'm Nigel.

I am an Enterprise Software Developer.

That means I build or modify software for enterprises to help them run their business more efficiently.

To do this I have used platforms like SAP and Salesforce but have also build my own systems from scratch using open source tools like the Laravel Framework and PHP.

You will find me on Github, Gitlab, Twitter, Stack Overflow and probably a few other places too.

I also am a keen photographer and musician.

Have a great day.

remit profile image
Vladimir Podolskiy

Hi All 👋

I've recently joined to publish my first blogpost on a tricky and often neglected topic of reverse engineering the design of the system from the source code. I hope that it will be interesting to the DEV community here!

Short note about myself: I do software engineering with a focus on distributed systems at a startup whose main product is a highly available distributed MQTT broker (MQTT is an application-level protocol commonly used in industrial/home/city automation). I have background in computer science and engineering + a PhD degree in the same area.

If you want to connect, feel free to reach out on Github or on LinkedIn. You can also follow me here for more content @remit

All the best,

codingforcoding profile image

Welcome All! New to Devs!

danielloz profile image

Greetings ! my name is Daniel and I hail from Los Angeles CA. I am on the self-taught journey , currently focusing on JS. I am looking to learn as much as possible (any support / advice is very welcomed :) and hopefully find an internship / Job soon enough. Best wishes to you and your journey !

agboola234 profile image
Olayinka Agboola

Hello, I'm still a beginner.
I'll love to learn more about coding.

mitchiemt11 profile image
Mitchell Mutandah

Hey Olayinka
Welcome to the exciting world of coding! 🌟
Get ready for a fun ride filled with learning and discovery. 🎉💻
Ask questions, explore, and enjoy the journey! 🛤️🌐

Happy coding! 🚀🎉💻🌟

mannu profile image

Welcome to DEV

kurealnum profile image

Welcome! Feel free to check out tags like #beginners, #tutorial and #guide for some helpful information. I hope you enjoy coding!

poolsapk profile image
Vijay • Edited

Hello DEV community!

I'm thrilled to be a part of this amazing community and to share my passion for ChatGPT with all of you. My journey into conversational AI has been exciting, and I'm eager to learn from and collaborate with fellow developers, enthusiasts, and experts.

If you're as fascinated by ChatGPT as I am or have any related questions, feel free to reach out. Let's connect, share our knowledge, and explore the endless possibilities of conversational AI together.

Looking forward to some fantastic discussions and collaborations ahead! 🤖💬

shubhankarval profile image
Shubhankar Valimbe • Edited


export default const Greetings = ( ) => {
  return (
      <h1>Hello, Dev Community!</h1>
      <p>Happy to make your acquaintance!</p>
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

I'm a full stack developer and a fresh Comp Sci grad. I love working with all levels of the stack, and recently started getting into AI/ML. I feel most adept with the MERN stack as well as Django & PostgreSQL.

Don't be shy, check out my work -

I'm looking to contribute to open source projects as well as meet like-minded developers to chat with!

Let's connect ? LinkedIn/Discord : Nice meeting ya!

~ Shubhankar

jimmylee2021 profile image
Peter Itunuoluwa

Hi Jimmy here currently learning JavaScript

samyscode profile image
Samia Mahi

Hello dev fam 👋
I'm super thrilled to join the DEV community,
I'm a backend developer falling for the frontend world, i think i fell already 😁,
I believe in learning while sharing, writing posts and sharing knowledge enhances our technical communication and deep understanding of the subject.

Excited to share knowledge and learn all together 🧠

Feel free to follow me on Instagram @samyscode or just pass hi

Looking forward to engage with DEV family 🙏
Stay safe and focused 😊
Samia Mahi

giuliano1993 profile image

Hey Samia! Welcome on dev!
It's always great to have new memebers in the community with such an enthusiasm! 😄
I totally agree with you, sharing and writing is a great way to grow your knowledge, as well as engaging with other developers!
So I'm sure you'll be having a great time here, I'll see you aroung 😊
Welcome again 😁

benjaminh profile image
Benjamin H

Hi I'm Benjamin, I'm currently learning backend development and hope to journal what I'm learning while connecting with others here.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Hey Benjamin, great to have you!

benjaminh profile image
Benjamin H

Thanks Ben!

kayange profile image
Ayubu Kayange

Hello devs,

I am thrilled to be part of this amazing community as a software developer. I am in love with Java, Dart, JavaScript and Typescript code bases. I like contributing to the open source repos and projects.
Lets connect in GitHub and LinkedIn

Kayange dev

Chao 🖖

ilizette profile image

Welcome to the community!

kayange profile image
Ayubu Kayange


dpuljic01 profile image
Domagoj Puljic

print("👋 Greetings, Fellow DEVs!")

I'm excited to introduce myself as a Python Backend Developer stepping into this community and the world of writing articles.
Get ready for posts covering Backend, DevOps, and a variety of other exciting tech-related subjects.
Let's embark on this knowledge-sharing journey together! 🚀

renancferro profile image
Renan Ferro

Welcome everybody, let's make it happen 🤟 🤘

pelleswelle profile image

Hey, DEV! was just told about this community, and yeah... Hi 😊

I love Unity development and try to navigation the wild West that is frontend frameworks. So far Vue and React are (sort of) in my toolbelt.
looking forward to engaging here 😊

giuliano1993 profile image

Hey Dien, Welcome to Dev! It's great to have you here with such wish to engage! Gonna reach out on GitHub, for sure 😃
I'm sure you will have an amazing time here with the community!
Welcome again 😃

akdevcraft profile image
AK DevCraft

Hello Everyone, please send warm welcome to new Dev community members!!


Welcome to community!!

sumandev profile image
suman kumar

Thank you 😊

gmarie profile image
Gnintedem Marie • Edited

Hello everyone! I am a beginner web developer. I'm here to learn more about the job and related skills. I'm mainly into HTML, CSS, and JavaScript (related frameworks). Happy to be here!

lordneic profile image
Lord Neic • Edited

👋 Greetings, Dev Enthusiasts!

I'm thrilled to be a part of this vibrant DEV community, both as a Software Architect/Engineer and a Developer Streamer.

🛠 Introducing mysqlf

It's high time I unveil mysqlf, one of my passion projects aimed at helping comminity to do more open source work and learn from milions of people.

🧠 Words of Wisdom

Thinking outside the box isn't just a phrase; it's a lifestyle. Never confine your creativity—let it soar!

💡 Open-Source Contributions

I'm an avid contributor to open-source initiatives and find immense satisfaction in giving back to the community.

🛠 Current Projects

I'm actively invested in a diverse range of projects:

  • Network and Electrical Documentation
  • LaravelPlus: An enhanced Laravel framework.
  • WebGames and Mods: Because who doesn't like a good game?

🌐 Discover My Work

🤝 Let's Connect

If any of these projects resonate with you or you're interested in collaboration, don't hesitate to reach out:

🎥 Join My Streams

For in-depth discussions on Programming, DevOps, Networking, and Virtualization, follow me on Twitch: LordNeic on Twitch.

🎉 Community Engagement

I can't wait to engage, collaborate, and grow with this incredible community.

Warm regards,

Lord Neic 🌟

valgod profile image

Hello everyone really excited to be here

yafuso_dev profile image
Yafuso Bera

Hellooo Dev!!!

ben profile image
Ben Halpern


keralix771 profile image

Hello everyone. I am beginer and i would like to learn more about coding and hopefuly get a job

mannu profile image

Welcome Tomislav 😃

clebsf profile image
Clebert F.

Hello everyone, I'm new here in the DEV Community. 🙂

I'm a software engineer with more than 7 years of experience.
Among the technologies that have been evolving the most, currently the main ones are: Java (Camunda, Spring, Quarkus), Kotlin (Android, Spring), Go and Dart (Flutter).

I'm a generalist and I love to learn new technologies.

It's a pleasure to be here in this community and I hope to bring some contributions.

spacecowboy profile image
Corey Vladesov

Hello everyone!

I will be attending a full time, full stack coding bootcamp this month, so I figured why not join an online community for support and learning tips!

Coding has always interested me and being someone who loves puzzles, problem solving and critical thinking, I figured why not dive head first into the industry.

I am very excited to get going with the classwork, and I'm sure you all will hear from me soon enough with plenty of questions!

Corey Vladesov

ambitiousfella profile image
Darlington Uchenna Ugochukwu

Hello everyone
Am really excited to be here, am fairly new to programming, am an aspiring full stack mern developer, but am only just starting react.
Am looking to improve by contributing to open source projects.
I hope this is the right community to help me grow

giuliano1993 profile image

Hey Darlington welcome 😃
That is great you reached here, explore the article and engage and connect with other users, you will have great chances to grow as developer!
So, happy to have you here, enjoy the readings and I'll see you around 😃

othersurfing profile image
other surfing

Hi everyone, self taught VB, PQ, power apps, power automate. Using Jira APIs to create tickets, update, pull data. Using LLMs to help me learn faster, with caution! Looking to learn more, to use tools like postman more effectively and help colleagues with their work getting data.

scag profile image

Hi Everyone I Am a new-be to Code_Z_Life, my passion is Computers every Thing So if there is anyone out there that can give me some pointers && Advise
I Would Gladly except it Because i could use all of the help i can get If you want to Email me With all kinds of of information that would be most kind of you ! And i need< HELP >
My Email is Any way i am so happy to be excepted thank you All And Best Wishes

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Welcome everyone!!

libroru profile image
Alexander, Libroru

Hey everyone!
Just joined DEV in order to learn more about coding and to maybe (in the future) publish some articles that might peak the interested of some other readers!

I am about to start university in software engineering with focus on digital design in Germany!

I also love to learn about new technologies and languages!
Hope y'all have a wonderful time on DEV!

lennydeo profile image

Hello there, hi?
I'm also excited to join th DEV Community and as Teacher, recently developed an interest in AI, ML, WebDev & Data Science. Learning everyday, and doing my best right from the scratch to bridge the digital divide among the marginalized digital deserts by introducing and embracing the 21st Century Literacy Skills & Tools.
Looking forward to learning more from the community. is my github profile... looking forward to more insights and help.

Ashe (Thanks),
Denzel Lenemiria

simpleproxy profile image

Hi guys!

I'm really happy to be here. I am newbie in programming I know programming languages like C++ and Python also some libraries of them, I love to join open-source projects on AI,ML and OpenVision.

Looking for connecting people's like me.


pks0 profile image

Hello everyone,
I am Pankaj from Bharat i.e.India.
Super excited to learn here @DEV.
I don't have any professional background of coding/ modern soft techs and have worked in altogether distant professions so far..but my love/curiosity and novice experimentation (implications and user interface part) with the virtual ecosystem never ended since Java only days. I am here to find and learn as well as collaborate the new soft techs for use in my calling for life. Hope we will connect.
Officer P

kmitt profile image
Keisha Mitto

Hi everyone!🤗
I’m Kerri and I’m super excited to connect with everyone. I’m a beginner, but I’m a fast learner. I look forward to soaking up as much knowledge as possible to get me out into the Tech community.

mitchiemt11 profile image
Mitchell Mutandah

Greetings, Kerri! 🤗

Welcome to our tech-loving community! 🌟
Your enthusiasm is inspiring, and we're delighted to have you on board. 🚀
Your ability to learn quickly is a valuable asset in the tech realm, and the DEV Community here to support your growth! 💪

Here's to your exciting journey ahead! 🚀🌟👩‍💻

kmitt profile image
Keisha Mitto

Thank you! I’m super excited! 🙌🏽🙏🏽

krybone profile image
Kaustubh Shinde

Welcome Keisha

arthurassuncao profile image
Arthur Nascimento Assunção

My best advice is: "Mastering the fundamentals is the key to success."

Learn logic programming, including loops and functions. Understand how HTML and CSS work, including the concept of cascading in CSS. Instead of memorizing every command or function, focus on understanding how things work, as you can always find commands and functions on Google when needed.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Thanks for joining Juliana!

evabroberg profile image
Ieva Broberg

Hey there, fellow tech enthusiasts! 👋 I'm thrilled to join this vibrant community. What brought me here? Well, it's the endless pursuit of knowledge and the excitement of connecting with like-minded individuals who share my passion for all things tech.

About Me:

🚀 I'm currently diving deep into database design and optimisation, as well as API creation because I'm on a mission to transition from frontend to backend roles in my career. :)

💡 Fun fact: When I'm not immersed in lines of code, I enjoy playing long open-world games, reading, and trying out new restaurants!

I'm here to make new connections, engage in thought-provoking conversations, and perhaps even collaborate on some exciting projects. So, don't hesitate to say hello or share what's on your tech horizon—I'd love to connect! :)

gedons profile image
Nerdy Gedoni

Welcome to the community🌟

It's fantastic to have you here, and your passion for technology and learning is truly inspiring. Your journey from frontend to backend roles, diving into database design, and exploring API creation is a commendable endeavor.

This community is a hub of knowledge, and you'll find many like-minded individuals who share your enthusiasm for tech. Feel free to ask questions, share your insights, and engage in conversations; you're in the right place for all things tech-related.

Once again, welcome aboard! 🚀🤖👩‍💻

sattineez profile image

🙋‍♀️ Hi everyone!

I'm so happy to have found and joined the DEV community as a programmer and learner.🥰
I mainly programme in Python and do Figma mockups. I'm pacionate to learn codding and contributing to OPS projects when I'm able to.💻

These are my linkedin and github profiles if you want to connect :

Feel free to reach out to me and I do appreciate if you can help me learn(tutorials, guides...) 💕💕💕💕

dbautsch profile image
Dawid Bautsch • Edited

Hi folks. C++ dev here. I both love and hate this language. I like Go a lot as well, but somehow I usually end up with cpp.
I was brought here by Google when I was looking for some ideas for my pet project and I stayed.
See you later :D

wesleyrds profile image

Hey guys!

I'm a sixth semester computer engineering student and I'm glad I discovered this community. I have experience with programming languages, Python, Java and PHP with Laravel but I intend to work with hardware description languages ​​like Verilog if possible, I am also interested in automation and robotics, projects using microcontrollers, computer architecture and other hardware related subjects

fridajoymatt profile image

Hello everyone, I'm a web developer specializing in PHP Laravel and WordPress. I work as a freelancer, and I'm looking to join a developer community to discuss code. I'm taking my first steps in this field, and I'm a hard worker. It would also be a pleasure to have a mentor.

My github

aregtech profile image
Artak Avetyan

Hi and welcome all!

zehranur profile image
Zehra Nur

Hi all 🙂👋🏻
Excited to be here! I primarily develop in Python, mainly web apis and AWS architect.
I would like to improve my github repo and collaborate with devs here.
Looking forward to future endeavors 🙂

chirag__dev profile image
Chirag Gupta

Hello everyone 👋

I am excited to be a part of such huge community. I post about javascript, React, Nextjs and other stuff in front-end ecosystem.

Connect with me : Twitter

imnaqihassan profile image

👋Hello everyone!

I'm excited to join this vibrant community of developers. My name is Naqihassan, I'm currently a computer science student hailing from Pakistan. I have a passion for crafting visually stunning and interactive websites as a front-end developer.

My love for web development led me to specialize in creating animated and interactive web experiences that captivate users. I take pride in transforming ideas into captivating digital realities.

Apart from web development, I'm also a dedicated blogger, where I share insights, tips, and my journey in the world of tech and development.

But that's not all! I believe in the power of being a well-rounded developer. That's why I'm actively learning back-end development to earn the coveted title of a full-stack developer.

I'm eager to connect, collaborate, and learn from all of you. Let's build amazing things together and make the web a more engaging and user-friendly place! Connect with me at

njavokhir profile image

Hello guys!
I am happy to be here with you. I am a Software Engineer and Project Manager at IT sphere. I can write code in JavaScript and Golang. I look forward to communicate and collaborate with you!


Javokhir Nematov

jarvisscript profile image
Chris Jarvis

Welcome to DEV!

rendrabing profile image

Hi, Hello everyone!

I'm a librarian with zero knowledge about programming and i just learned html, css and a little bit of javascript.

I hope joining this community can hone my skills because i want to change careers.


jarvisscript profile image
Chris Jarvis

Welcome to DEV!

lucy6 profile image

I agree just like the Beiteck, it's a great company. You may discover luxurious apartments for sale in Beirut through BeiTeck, where modern living meets historic charm. Explore our exclusive listings in the heart of Lebanon's vibrant capital.

prodevcode profile image

Hi all,

I am excited to join the DEV community. I am currently working as a Delivery Director in large Tech company. But my first love is building applications.

As a part of this passion, I am now developing a Billing Application to begin with. Ofcourse, once the foundation is built, will add more & more building blocks around it. All these applications will be opensource & built ground up with using technologies & design patterns .

I am planning to document & share my journey on this platform. Looking forward for your comments & suggestions from time to time.

Thanks !!!

babsy profile image
Alex Babeanu

Hi all !
DEV newbie here, but I'm coding veteran looking forward to participating here! This looks like a warm community!

I'm the CTO of 3Edges, a no-code / low-code SaaS platform that can get you going with GraphQL and Graph DBs in minutes, literally. If you have a project you'd like to use Graphs for, then check it out! Also looking for feedback on the platform, so if you feel adventurous, give me a shout...

All the best to you all!


gagamax profile image
Okpozo Oghenewogaga Maxwell • Edited

Hey everyone! My name is Gaga-Maxwell from Delta, Nigeria, Am new here and a beginner.

I am looking to collaborate, work with you guys and get support from anywhere in the world.

Be free to follow me, and i will follow back.

My Github link:

aladina profile image
Phiona Aladina

Hello Everyone,
Am new here. Excited to join the DEV Community.
Trying to break into tech, starting to learn HTML, CSS.
Happy to learn from all of you.

tvstrad profile image
Thiago Trad

Hello everyone!

I'm excited to join the DEV community. I've worked mostly as a Front End programmer and I primarily code in JavaScript using React , NodeJS ,mongoDB and MySQL .

Looking for a open source project to contribute with

If you're interested in collaborating or simply want to connect, feel free to reach out to me on my GitHub profile:

Have a great one !

Thiago Trad

tusharops23 profile image

Hello everyone!!

Working a devops engineer in the DEV community excites me.
Please feel free to contact me through my GitHub page at if you're interested in working together or just connecting.

eager to interact with this wonderful community!

shivitripathi13 profile image

Hello everyone
I have just joined this community as a software development student. I am very excited to be onboard this platform. I am currently working on some frontend projects. I also want to contribute to open source projects.
I am looking forward to the valuable insights I would get from the community members.

sai8197 profile image
Sai Kumar

Hello Everyone 😁

New user here! I'm a software engineer that specialized at backend engineering. Although I've experience with client side.

Let's connect, either collaborating or just want to talks, feel free to drop message!

daiannefigueredo profile image
Daianne Figueredo

Hello everyone!

As a DevOps specialist, I see the continuous search for knowledge as the basis for providing high-quality solutions that meet customer demands. I believe that the fusion of knowledge in DevOps and programming is essential to create highly efficient and adaptable development and operations environments. My passion for DevOps and programming motivates me to stay up to date with industry trends and best practices in order to provide world-class solutions.

dev_leandrodias profile image
Leandro Dias

Hello everyone, I'm new here in the DEV Community. 🙂

I'm a Dev PHP with more than 4 years of experience. I love to learn new technologies. It's a pleasure to be here in this community and I hope to bring some contributions.

wezerpixel profile image

Hello guys.

I am excited to be part of this community. I am a PHP developer. I like the Laravel framework. I am also learning Python programming and more. I work on my personal projects and learn in my free time.

If you would like to connect or check out what I do here is my GitHub profile:

Feel free to engage wit me on here.

ghostradomus profile image

Hello. I’m trying to learn to code in python to use in financial services, preferably, I’m a trader and would love to connect with other trader that can maybe teach me the Jedi mind trick ways of both a great trader and coder I guess would be the ultimate goal!! Connect with like minded people with similar ideas and or goals!!

mfoysal profile image
Md Mohibullah Ahamed Foysal

I'm excited to join the DEV community as a beginner.I love contributing to open-source projects during my free time. 💻

If you are interested you can always check me out,
GitHub profile: 🌟

Looking forward to engaging with this amazing community! 🎉

itsyelionz4ck profile image
Zack Altom

Hey Everyone my names Zack, ive been developing for a few years. Took a short break and I've been getting back into it heavy for a bit lately.
Looking to contribute to interesting projects and further my skills as a programmer. 🤙

jossw27 profile image

Hi Everyone.
I am on my coding journey with the hope of getting out of IT Support and into Frontend. I have dabbled with PowerShell and Visual Basic in other jobs but have 0 formal IT training (I did a Zoology degree :') ) and fell into IT for work and have been here for 10 years. I really have enjoyed coding when I have had the chance to use it and decided to take the plunge and just go for it.

Really looking forward to starting my journey and connecting with the DEV community.

Happy coding,
Joss x

scousedev1 profile image

hey everyone, im Ash new here, i wanted to try and give something new a go, and developing seemed to be the most obvious as all my friends have said i do know my stuff so thought f**k it, anyone wanna help me further my career ur help would be much appreciated

khalid11 profile image

Hello everyone i am thrilled to be part of this dev community i am looking forward to know and work with like minded peoples.

wraith profile image
Jake Lundberg

Welcome! Looking forward to seeing you get involved with the community! 😀

natigreat54 profile image

I'm trying to learn about system development process got here to learn from the best of the best

pavelee profile image
Paweł Ciosek

Welcome! Nice to have you here!

afwxdev profile image

hey guys!

i'm so excited to join this community, it's what i've been looking for.
i'm a hobbyist programmer and can't wait to become good!

vipinchauhan39 profile image


bell profile image

Olá Pessoal! Estou iniciando os estudos, então estou aqui para somar junto com vocês. Ainda não escolhi uma área específica, más sempre gostei de tecnologia. Principalmente sistemas. __

johnmarit profile image
John Marit

Hello members, am John Marit. Am a web developer, community organiser at my campus. I really love connecting with people and learn from their stories. Couldn't be happier more!

joelkawa profile image
Joel Nahabwe

am glad****

pharsalus profile image

Morning all, when you open a door and find yourself looking at the big bright beautiful world of dev, good to meet you all.

riorbor profile image
Rior bor

hello everyone, let's welcome my here

marsultorr1 profile image


doomster profile image
Dimitris Valilis

hey all, happy to be here! i primarily write php/html/js for webdevelopment.i wanna dip my toes in laravel. thank you for having me here

johnkay profile image

Hi everyone! I'm Ayomikun Johnson by name. I'm a junior Full-stack Dev. Just finished my training about a week ago. It's nice being here.

mainarthur profile image
Arthur Kh

Welcome and feel free to write your first post about stuff you do 👋

thecheapaudiophile profile image
Griff Polk

Welcome bro!

overflow profile image

hey there new guy !!! This is a new reply from me to you... to make you feel good!!! No return policy!!! once I hit send; its gone!!!
its all yours!!!
Feel good!!

tomoekanzashi profile image

Hi there, I`m a kindergarden forest teacher and sound artist learning frontend! Bizarre, but very true. Looking for help and tools coding!

unsettling profile image
Richard Bogle

Hello Dev,

I'm here because when I read articles about coding there's a certain kind of quick, interesting and niche content that excels at. I think I'd like to contribute!

oluwatobi195607 profile image

Hello dev team 👋
I'm really excited to be here

I'm a frontend developer and I will like to learn more from here. Thank you 😊❤️

starlitdevs profile image
Starlit Devs

Welcome to DEV!

platinumdepression profile image

Hi, beginner dev here. I love to write bugs and squash discussions.

smruti profile image

Hello Everyone, I am Devops Enginner. And support for Aws services

ahmedelkhateeb01 profile image
Ahmed Elkhateeb {{/♛}} (م.أحمد الخطيب)

Welcome to DEV

micwannabedev profile image

Hi everyone guys, just landed here :)

I started learning frontend a couple of months ago so i've a lot to learn.
I'm very excited to be part of this community!

raulopez579 profile image
Raul Lopez

Hello everyone! Thanks for the warm welcome!

shravzzv profile image
Sai Shravan Vadla

Hi everyone, I'm Sai Shravan. I'm excited to be a part of

bestlife_ineye profile image

Hello guys very much excited to joint DEV community, very much new to the developers rank... A beginner on Java language.

arkagme profile image
Arkaprava Gaine

Hello everyone this is Arka. Am extremely excited to join the DEV community. I am a beginner in this realm . Looking forward to learning and engaging with this community!!!

ravi1727 profile image
Ravikumar P V

Hello Everyone

I'm still a beginner.
I'm excited to learn more about coding.

sisay_44 profile image

hello friends

nnatobryno_58 profile image
Nnamdi Ayogu

Happy to be part of this wonderful community, i'm new in web development and hope to gain enormous insight

marny profile image

Hello Guys am am student in programming currently studying Html css and javascript programming, i need some help with my coding i would appreciate your assistance

blunder0_0 profile image
Abhishek Dixit


I'm a developer with experience in .Net and JavaScript.
Hoping to learn a lot from the community.

samthemogul profile image

Hi everyone,

Im excited to be here and am looking to connecting with amazing developers here. I am a code in Javascript and React is my favourite framework.


lcarmenate1997 profile image
Luis Enrique Carmenate Morales


daveboese_35 profile image

Hello I'm Dave, I've been learning full-stack for 1 1/2 years and graduated at the end of September, I'm looking forward to becoming a part of you.

hina786 profile image

I am very much excited to join the community. Hopefully there will be no redemption.
Looking for cooperation and road map direction for full stack developer.

akshgl47 profile image

As a novice coder, I'm embarking on a journey to explore the world of programming, eager to learn and develop my skills from the ground up.

ranjithvutnoor profile image

Hello Dev!! nice to come across you.

muhnatha profile image

Hello guys, I'm still a beginner.
I'm interest to learn more about coding.😁

surafelfikadu profile image

Hello every one.
My name surafel I am very happy to join DEV Community. I am student at Holberton School (alx-Africa). I am very beginner I hope you guys help me alot. Thankyou.

fuco profile image
Jakub Bednár

Hey guys, I'm keen to explore this platform to learn something new, and possibly contribute !

bilunabeelmv profile image
Mohamed Nabeel MV

Hi everyone

svf5073 profile image
Sergio Falconi

Hello everyone,
I'm thrilled to join the community. I am fairly new, looking to expand my knowledge and contribute to some open source projects.

mitchiemt11 profile image
Mitchell Mutandah

Hello, Sergio and welcome! 🌟

We're excited to have you as part of our community. 🚀
Being fairly new is the perfect place to start your journey. 🌱
Expanding your knowledge and contributing to open-source projects are fantastic goals, and the community here to support you! 💪🌐

Get ready for an incredible adventure ahead! 🎉👨‍💻

app_modernize profile image
Krishna R

This is really good community for learn and improve knowledge