DEV Community

Cover image for Welcome Thread - v250

Welcome Thread - v250

Sloan the DEV Moderator on November 08, 2023

Leave a comment below to introduce yourself! You can talk about what brought you here, what you're learning, or just a fun fact about ...
ajanecka profile image
Aleksandra Janecka • Edited

Hi! My name is Aleksandra and I recently started 100 days of code challenge. I plan to write posts about the things I have learned during that journey. I am also a big fan of productivity, so I may share some tips on that as well :)

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Hello, Aleksandra! Welcome to the community! Best wishes on your #100DaysOfCode challenge, I have been on that challenge as well and completed it earlier this year! You can do it!

ajanecka profile image
Aleksandra Janecka

Thanks, and congrats on completing the challenge!

Thread Thread
anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Thank you so much! :D

rachelfazio profile image
Rachel Fazio

Yay! Welcome welcome

thaisavieira profile image
Thaísa Vieira

Hi, Aleksandra! I'd love to read about your journey during the 100 days of code challenge.

ajanecka profile image
Aleksandra Janecka

Thanks! I'll try to make mu first update this weekend :)

gurpiar_gill profile image
Gurpiar Gill

really good!

piko profile image

You got this!

ajanecka profile image
Aleksandra Janecka


anzmax profile image
Anzhelika Maximovic

You are very welcome here!

thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt

Hello and welcome news members on !👋🏼😉

gsamee profile image
Sameera Madushanka


thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt

Welcome here!

ricardodecarvalho profile image
Ricardo de Carvalho


thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt


asgod65 profile image


jagthefriend profile image


mikeamputer profile image
Pavel Kravtsov


arade1994 profile image
Ante Rade

Hello! Nice to be here😀

gentlecrypto profile image
Touaguine Salah Eddine

Hello 👋

thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt

Hello and welcome!

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Hello! Welcome to the DEV community!

dsarkar profile image
Debajit Sarkar

Hello everyone,

My name is Debajit Sarkar (I go by Debo). I’m a seasoned expert with 18 years of experience in data analytics, cyber security and finance. I help companies especially in the aerospace & defense sector leverage the power of big data, artificial intelligence, and blockchain technology to solve complex and challenging problems in various domains.

I love to help developers and founders because I believe in their passion, creativity, and vision to create innovative solutions that can make a positive impact on the world.

Thank you for allowing me to join this community. I’m excited to be here and to interact with such a diverse and knowledgeable community.

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Hey Debo!

So nice to have ya with us here. And wow, 18 years of experience as a dev is awesome... I bet you have a lotta knowledge to share. Hope you'll write some posts here.

Enjoy being part of the DEV community and see ya around!

dsarkar profile image
Debajit Sarkar

@michaeltharrington Thank you Michael for your warm welcome. Glad to join the DEV community and learn from other developers. I appreciate your support and encouragement and look forward to seeing you around!

Thread Thread
michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

You are very welcome, Debajit! 🙂

anzmax profile image
Anzhelika Maximovic

Hey there! Thank you for introducing yourself and you are very welcome here!

dsarkar profile image
Debajit Sarkar

@anzmax Thank you for your message. I hope you have a wonderful day.

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Hi there! Welcome to the DEV community! I hope you will like it here. We are lucky to have you!

dsarkar profile image
Debajit Sarkar

@anitaolsen Thank you, for your warm and kind words. I appreciate your welcome and your encouragement.

silentow1 profile image
Karen Wu

Hello Everyone!
I'm Karen from Taiwan and I'm on a journey of self-learning in the realm of coding, aiming to broaden my skill set. I'm starting with front-end development and this is my first time being part of a developer community like this one!
A bit nervous but really hope to learn a lot and have good time with you all :)

thaisavieira profile image
Thaísa Vieira

Hello, Karen! Be welcome to the DEV.TO community!
I'm also a self-learning in the programming world. Let's share our experiences!
Talking about front-end development, do you know a website called "Frontend Mentor"?

silentow1 profile image
Karen Wu

Hello Thaísa! Thank you for the warm welcome. It's great to meet another self-learner in programming!
As for the "Frontend Mentor" website, I hadn't heard of it before, but I looked it up and it seems like a fantastic platform that could be really useful for me. Thank you for sharing!

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thaisavieira profile image
Thaísa Vieira

I believe that when we are self-learners is more difficult to make "coding buddies" and build a strong network, also there's nothing better than feeling welcome in some place when we're newbies.
Frontend Mentor provides wonderful experiences to me, simulating the real world with useful designs. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

Stay learning and happy coding to us!

Thread Thread
fatimahminchi profile image
Adenike Okunola

Hello Thaisa, I will benefit from this too as I am also a beginner and a self-learner. Great tip and wish us all the very best. Lets enjoy the ride!

Thread Thread
thaisavieira profile image
Thaísa Vieira

Hello Adenike, I'm so happy about this. If possible, share your experiences with your first Frontend Mentor challenge with us. I'm sure it is going to be very useful for a lot of beginners, like me ^^

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Hey Karen! 👋

It's great to have ya in our community. Really hope that you find the resources and the people here all to be helpful and encouraging as you self-learn your way into the world of software development.

One group I highly recommend you take a look at is Virtual Coffee. They hold regular meetups and are a really supportive group. Check'em out!

Anywho, have a good one and feel free to hit me back here if you have any questions about DEV!

silentow1 profile image
Karen Wu

Hello Michael!

Thank you for your response. In fact, in the few days since I joined, I've been feeling overwhelmed with so much to see and learn! The friendliness of everyone and the recommended resources have been a great help, and it's a much different experience than studying on my own. I'm glad I gathered the courage to join the community!

I've also taken a preliminary look at Virtual Coffee and can tell it's a fantastic group with many supportive activities for members. It's especially great to be able to chat with developers in real time! I'll take some time over the weekend to understand more about it. However, as English is not my native language, I'm a bit nervous about having real-time conversations. Once I'm mentally prepared, I'll try to apply for membership. Thank you so much for the recommendation!

Currently, I'm trying to work on a project from Frontend Mentor, so I'm researching how to use Github. If I successfully complete it, I'll also try to share my experience on DEV. If I have any questions on DEV, I hope to interact with you again! Thank you :D

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michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Good stuff all around, Karen! I'm glad the recommendation was helpful. 🙌

I totally understand your hesitation about joining a real-time meetup in English when you're not a native English speaker — I'd feel the same if I was joining a meetup that wasn't in my native language! That said, this group is indeed really supportive, kind, and understanding, so when you're feeling up for it, I think they'll be a great group help ease ya into things. 🙂

It sounds like you're beginning your learning from a good starting point — I've heard good things about Frontend Mentor and it's definitely a good idea to learn how to use GitHub early on. And if you're feeling overwhelmed, just know that so many folks feel like that in the beginning — the amount of things to learn is so vast. But, your knowledge will build on itself... and things will start to come together. Hang in there and keep on learning, it'll take some time but you will be able to learn this stuff!

You got this, Karen!

two cartoon fists bumping creating a cloud of smoke that transforms into a heart.

Thread Thread
silentow1 profile image
Karen Wu

I've been contemplating stepping out of my comfort zone for a while now, so I'm definitely going to try and join a Virtual Coffee meetup in the near future! (And it might be a double win for both my coding skills and English proficiency)

Your words are incredibly warm and empowering. I believe when I encounter frustrations on my self-learning journey, I will remember your encouragement and regain my strength. Thank you so much! I will give it my all! 😊

emdadr profile image
Imdad Rind

Hello Karen
Great i encourage you on your journey of self-learning as i fellow self-learner
Because this a kinda tough journey you will see ups and downs
i am with you

silentow1 profile image
Karen Wu • Edited

Thank you for your encouragement Imdad ! It means a lot to me.
Knowing I have such nice companions on this journey gives me a sense of relief !

dutchenglishman profile image

Hiya! I'd like to introduce myself as a bit of a get started. I'm Lee! Most will not know me here, if you do from like Twitter you will know that I am a development enthousiast.

Hope to get to know more of you!

rachelfazio profile image
Rachel Fazio


anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Hello Lee! Welcome to the DEV community! I hope you will like it here :)

jarvisscript profile image
Chris Jarvis

Welcome to all the new members. Say hello, browse around, and learn.

nanayawkm profile image

Hi! i'm new here...hoping to learn a lot and interact with people here :)

rachelfazio profile image
Rachel Fazio

Welcome welcome!

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Hello and much welcome to the DEV community!

nanayawkm profile image

Thank you :)

anzmax profile image
Anzhelika Maximovic

Hey there, my name is Anzhelika and I'm studying Swift and also writing articles on different resources according to the things that I find interesting or hard to understand. I'm looking to get to know people who also share my interests and want to say thank you in advance for making other people closer to something they want to do)

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Hello Anzhelika, welcome to the DEV community! I took an introductionary course on Swift once, it seemed a little similar to C++ to me of sort. You want to write apps for the iPhone? I was only a little curious on the language. I wish you luck in your studies and keep writing!

anzmax profile image
Anzhelika Maximovic

Hey, hey, exactly, it's my first language and I'm absolutely in love with it. Sometimes it's hard, sometimes it's hard as hell, hahaha, but it's still exciting and I'm making my small project right now. What about you?

Thread Thread
anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Woah, Swift as your first language! That certainly must be a challenge! I started out coding with HTML and C++ as my first programming language (I eventually had to drop it as I got stuck and got no help. There were no code learning sites back then ).

I am indulging in so many projects at this time (I can not help myself!). I am currently playing this programming puzzle game where I program for an AI (so I am working on finishing that game but to be honest, I want it to never end!), I also recently unlocked an in-game handheld console in the same game and I am currently working on getting to know it and make my first game with it (it is not an objective of the game so no help apart from the zine we all have to print out and find the right commands for the task at hand), I am working on completing my Game Dev 2 final project on CodeCombat and I also recently got my own domain with web hosting so I am building my website from scratch.

Projects can be so fun! I need to make more stuff as well as sharing more than I already do as well. I wish you good luck on your projects! You can do it! ✨

restlesshobbyist profile image

Helllooo, came here from a ZTM(Zero To Mastery) blog recommendation, looking to improve my soft skills; communication via posts and chats with members, teamwork & problem solving via helping others however I can, and coachability by learning from the community.

My 10+ year journey so far has been mainly as a digital plumber (Java developer for systems integrations) with this past year as a gap in experience; I'm looking to refill by reskilling and getting back into what I enjoy. More about me in an intro post I intend to write, I promise! XD

Looking forward to gaining and giving back


michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Welcome! Hope you enjoy being part of DEV and that ya find the articles here helpful as ya get back into it. RestlessHobbyist is a freaking awesome username, haha.

Did you get up to anything interesting over your gap year? I feel like everybody should take a sabbatical from time to time.

restlesshobbyist profile image

Hey Michael, thanks for the warm welcome!
The username is too relatable, a gift and a curse XD.

Good question, the gap was caused by my previous role not involving coding vs. taking a sabbatical. I hoped that I would transition back into some dev work eventually but it never happened so I'm re-engaging during this transition.

Hoping to make this an interesting learning time and sharing my journey along the way!

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michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

You're very welcome! 🙌

And, I feel ya on the gap situation... very cool how software development has come back around in your life and happy that you landed here on DEV.

I checked out your intro post, by the way, and it was cool to hear a bit more about your history. You definitely have a lotta experience, so hopefully the transition back into it will be a smooth one for ya!

pxlmastrxd profile image
Caleb (pxlmastr)

Welcome new members!

ubcodes profile image
Etop - Essien Emmanuella Ubokabasi

I am a skilled developer with experience in ReactJS, Next.js, and React Native. With a strong foundation in front-end development, I specialize in creating interactive and visually appealing websites and mobile applications. My proficiency in ReactJS allows me to build dynamic and responsive user interfaces. At the same time, Next.js and React Native enable me to optimize performance and deliver seamless experiences across web and mobile platforms. I am passionate about creating engaging digital solutions that meet client needs and exceed expectations.

Furthermore, using my React.js, Next.js, GraphQL, and CMS skills, I built a blog, where I share inspiring content on articles relating to web development, Mental Health, and Books. In addition to this, I teach friendly web development tutorials on my YouTube channel

To learn more about my skills, projects, and work experience feel free to check out my portfolio at

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Heyo Etop! So nice to have you with us here.

Your blog and YouTube channel both look dope! 🙌

I hope you'll consider sharing some content here on DEV.

On that note, just a quick heads up that if you wanna embed a YouTube video in any posts or comments, you can use the following syntax to do so:

{% embed https://... %}

For instance, here's a fun song I was listening to earlier:

By the way, here's a link to the editor guide where you can see our other available embeds and various Markdown formatting options.

Hope this is helpful and feel free to hit me back if you have any questions at all! 🙂

fatimahminchi profile image
Adenike Okunola

Hello, I am Adenike, I am new here and new to programming and programing languages. I am a self learner and currently learning about SQL. I want to develop my programming skills and look forward to getting the most of the relationship here. Cheers!

alexstu897 profile image

Hi, I am Alex from Texas looking to learn all I can while a student online and at home I am an IT support specialist who is trying to take a swing at software development and cybersecurity. Welcome any feedback on what would help me. Thanks All.

lukegb profile image

Hey everyone! I am Luke, I have been working as a developer for 5 years now, but ready to get to the next level, so trying to build some new habits, hoping to learn a lot by reading and testing as much as I can!

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Heyo Luke! Glad to have ya with us here. Hope the resources and community here are helpful to ya as you level up. 🙌

chrissycoder profile image

Hi everyone! I'm Christine, currently on a journey to become a react native developer as I have finished a 7 months long bootcamp with SheCodes, built two apps and a website which I absolutely loved. I look forward to connecting and improving my skills whilst I navigate the next steps in my journey.

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Hey Christine!

So glad to have ya with us here. The BootCamp ya attended sounds awesome. Anywho, hope this community is helpful to ya as you continue your coding journey. 😀

peacefrog profile image
Drew Norman

Hello all! My real name is Drew. Im here to build a new network of resources to assist in my journey as a SW Dev. I recently graduated with my CS degree and am finding it difficult to find an entry level job. Looking to grow skills that will enhance my offering to employers.


michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Hey hey Drew! 👋

We got a really great group of folks here in our community for you to network with. Hope you're able to meet folks here and find some good connections in the industry. Keep at it and I'm sure you'll find some good work options soon!

nienow profile image
Matthew Nienow

Hello! I've been a software engineer for 14 years, with a focus on frontend. I quit my job to work on open source projects for a while, and become more involved with the developer community. And then maybe transition to be a contractor/consultant, or start my own business.

sohaib-exe profile image
Sohaib Amjad

Hey everyone, I'm Sohaib. A writer. I'm learning to write programs now. But I'm still stuck at CSS Flexbox concepts so pray for me 😄. Anyway, looking forward to contributing to this huge community.

Cheers 🥂

thaisavieira profile image
Thaísa Vieira

Hi, Sohaib! Be welcome to this amazing programming world! I'm a coding newbie learning about intermediate CSS, let's deal with it together! Did you know about the website "Frontend Mentor"?

sohaib-exe profile image
Sohaib Amjad

Hey Thaísa, thanks. No, but I'm definitely gonna check it now.

Thread Thread
thaisavieira profile image
Thaísa Vieira

Frontend Mentor provides wonderful experiences to me, simulating the real world with useful designs. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

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sohaib-exe profile image
Sohaib Amjad

Thank you so much Thaísa - I did check out the website and I'm working on my first challenge right now. Looks like a good way to test out my skills. Thanks again for sharing.

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thaisavieira profile image
Thaísa Vieira

Share your experiences with your first challenge after you finish, please.
It's gonna be a pleasure to read about it!

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sohaib-exe profile image
Sohaib Amjad

Will do.

nitinparmar profile image
Nitin Parmar

Hello everyone! Great to join the community! Please feel free to reach out to me to discuss all things DevRel! 😊👍

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Welcome, welcome! I hope you will like it here!

adamo2499 profile image
Adam Bieszk

Hello and have a wonderful time!

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Hello, Adam! Welcome to the community! I hope you will like it here!

asgod65 profile image


thaisavieira profile image
Thaísa Vieira

Hello, world! My name is Thaísa and I'm an IT student from Brazil. My goal here is to share my learning experiences and seek to form a network. Let's interact!


michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington • Edited

Hey Thaísa!

So nice to have ya with us here. 🙌

Since you mentioned you're from Brazil, I have 2 quick recommendation for ya.

First off, you might wanna follow the #braziliandevs tag... we have a thriving community of devs from Brazil who regularly share content in Brazilian Portuguese. There are lots of cool folks sharing posts under this tag. 😀


Tag dedicada a comunidade brasileira, com foco em conteúdo em Português do Brasil.

Secondly, there are also several cool organizations on DEV made up of primarily Brazilian developers... check out the following:

Anywho, hope this info is helpful and that you enjoy being part of our community! We love that we have such an awesome group of Brazilian developers here. 🇧🇷

thaisavieira profile image
Thaísa Vieira

Thanks, Michael!
Those are such cool communities. I LOVE THEM ALL!

bramadityaw profile image

Hello everyone! My name is Bram. I am now studying Software Engineering in IPB University.
Other than learning at campus, I'm also trying to learn full stack development by building "Rate My Shiz", an image micro blogging web app that allows you to share pictures and rate each other's pictures with a star rating.
I plan to post my first article about it in the coming days. Feel free to get excited!

hivladius profile image
Vladimir Rugama

Hola a todos.

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Hola! Welcome to the site!

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

michoel72 profile image

Hi, thank you for the welcome! Looking forward to some amazing sharing!

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Hey hey Michoel! 👋

Awesome to have ya with us... sharing is what it's all about!

amulgaurav profile image
Amul Gaurav


michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Hello Amul! 👋

Hope you enjoy DEV!

safeyz77 profile image

Hello there! I am new to programming in general, and at 31 years old, I believe it is never too late to start from the bottom again. I have decided to become a full-stack web developer and have started with HTML, CSS, and a little bit of JavaScript. I then took a C# and .NET MVC course, and now I am going to take a .NET Framework course. If anyone has any advice for newcomers, I would greatly appreciate it. Lastly, I am happy to be a part of this community!

sagaofsilence profile image

Hello, community,

I am thrilled to join this vibrant and dynamic community of developers, tech enthusiasts, and creators. With over 24 years of experience in designing and developing enterprise Java applications, I am eager to share my insights, learn from fellow community members, and engage in meaningful discussions on all things tech.

My passion extends beyond coding; I am equally enthusiastic about blogging about technology and fostering positive thinking in life. Through my blogs, I aspire to not only share technical knowledge but also inspire a positive mindset in our ever-evolving tech landscape.

I look forward to contributing to the community, learning from your experiences, and being part of a platform that celebrates diversity and innovation within the tech world.

Let's embark on this exciting journey together!

Best regards,
Sachin Raverkar

d2j1 profile image

Hello 👋,
Hope you guys are doing well.
Thrilled to join this community ❤️🤩

orace18 profile image
Orace EDJO


anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Greetings and much welcome to the community!

orace18 profile image
Orace EDJO

Thanks you

silzazsyh profile image
Joseph • Edited

hi! i'm joey, fairly new to coding and working on learning various web development technologies. i've been studying via after about six years of trying and failing to commit to any learning (via numerous other resources) and i'm a couple months in and loving it!

romanburdiuzha profile image
Roman Burdiuzha

Hello, I'm a Cloud Architect, thrilled to be a part of this technical community!

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Hello there! Welcome to the community!

asgod65 profile image


kirilldedeshin profile image
Kirill Dedeshin


kokou23 profile image
Balalomba Barandao

Hello everyone, My name is Balalomba, l'm getting ready to start coding bootcamp next month. It's very exciting and nerve-racking at the same time. Until things start moving forward I am exploring all kinds of topics and thoughts from elders.

zengsl profile image


anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Hello! Welcome to the Dev community!

neciisteve profile image

Hello guys, I'm happy to be here. I actually was trying to resolve my bank issue on google when I found a post about creating a photo grid using html and CSS, I went through it and it led me here, I'm really glad to be here. I'm currently on my journey of becoming a developer...

gurpiar_gill profile image
Gurpiar Gill

Hello, I was looking for directions to my learning that brought to your community, I had learnt flutter but now doing Course-era IBM full stack course but I don't know in which way to specialize to get a job.

automantis profile image
Jorge Mena

Hello everyone, I am Jorge, I like Process automation and playing with Python.

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Hello Jorge, it is good to have you! I am into Python as well!

karuchiu profile image
Karuchiu Wamahiga

Jambo. I'm happy to be a part of this community. Sure, it feels nice to publish my first ever blog.

blackgameneon profile image
José Eduardo

Hello everyone!

It has been a challenge for me to be here. I want to dig on Cloud Computing and I want to read about it in this site.

Keep having a great one

leandro_nnz profile image
Leandro Nuñez

Hi! Welcome! Feel free to ask questions following the guidelines using the tag #help for assistance. Have a good one!

omchhayala profile image
Om Chhayala

Hello everyone !
My name is Om, I'm a Fullstack Web developer
If anyone want to know about development or have any doubts just ping me out

neil_dc profile image
Neil DC

hello everyone. I am an independent contractor as a web specialist hoping to connect to everyone. I like to help others and also learn from others. I am from the Philippines and California, USA. 🙂👋

geekyqee profile image

Hello everyone! Im Emma!

gamergirl2048 profile image
Jennifer Allen

Hello! I am very excited to be here!

alpineyahoo profile image

Hi, I joined in this community today. Thanks.

console.log("Hello, World!!")
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
neuroxiq profile image
Marek Węglarz

Hello everyone! I'm .NET Dev, in free time working on DNDocs (Github)
Excited to join here!👋🏼

vanvikki1986 profile image

Good source.😁

frontendi profile image

Hello every one :)
we work on
about frontend :) like React , Javascript , css and ...

sohailshirzad profile image
S Shirzad

Hello everyone. I hope you are all doing well. I am new here :)

tobinguyen profile image

Hi guys!

mittalankit12 profile image
Ankit Mittal

This is Ankit a new joiner :)
I am a web developer.

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Greetings, Ankit! Welcome to the Dev community!

ricardodecarvalho profile image
Ricardo de Carvalho

Passionate about web development. Father of two wonderful children, beside the most beautiful woman in the world.

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Hello there! Welcome to the community! You are so fortunate :)

kavin_tp profile image

Hello 🖐

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Hello and welcome there! Good to have you! 👋

chasefunny profile image

hello! 👋

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Hello there! Much welcome to you! 👋

anandkumar profile image
Anand Kumar


anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Hello there! Welcome to the site!

walleford profile image
Jordan Wallingsford

Hello! I'm new to the whole blogging thing but I hope to begin using this as a space to blog about the topics I am learning. Looking forward to maybe meeting some people with similar interests!

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Welcome to all new members! May you like it here and just ask if you need any help!

conlan profile image
Conlan Rios

Hello! Excited to continue my machine learning journey here :)

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Hello there! You are much welcome to the community!

gsamee profile image
Sameera Madushanka

Hello, I'm Sameera. Newly joined this community. I love to read and contribute on DevOps and SRE area

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Hello Sameera! Welcome to the community! We are happy to have you!

gajendra_kaushik profile image
Gajendra Kaushik

Hello Everyone !

peace39 profile image
Amadi George Peace

Hello, I'm Peace, a front end developer. Here to learn and interact with people more

sidharrth profile image
Siv Deploys

Hello there! Great contents for a hungry reader.

jayvil profile image
Jonathan Villanueva


mghalix profile image
Mohanad Mohamed Eissa Ghali

Hello everyone, my name is Mohanad, i am from Egypt, and I came here to explore articles about Programming, Data Science, and developer boost tools such as vim ⚡️.
Can’t wait to get to know you guys!

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Hello Mohanad from Egypt! Welcome to the DEV community! I am Anita from Norway!

yeonhoryu profile image
Yeonho_Paul Ryu

How are you honey, I'm here. The sun already risen, my head also wake no

alexa_it profile image

Hello, everyone!

zhivkosi profile image
Zhivko Shopov • Edited

Hello. I joined to read cool stuff about coding and also to ask someone for a mock interview 😃

frontendfungi profile image

Hello everyone! I've just joined, looking forward to networking!

anwarudin profile image
Muhammad Anwarudin

hello everyone, I'm new here

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Hey Muhammad,

So nice to have ya with us here! Really hope you dig being part of the community.

phoenix29 profile image
Onome Abada-Christmas

Hello, I am Onome. I am a UX designer and Technical writer, open to remote gigs, collaborations, discussions and networking

sompa__bhui profile image
Sompa Bhui


valkraidy profile image
Val Kraidy

Hello fam

nouhjama profile image
Nouh Ahmed

Hello. Am glad to be part of this community. Looking forward to contribute and get collaborations.

rmontanana profile image
Ricardo Montañana


acelest profile image
aubin djou • Edited

hello everyone i'm new user !

pijushghorai profile image
Pijush Ghorai


cheramlak3319 profile image

hello world

osagie42 profile image
Dominion osagie

Hello I'm happy to be here

ndiaga profile image

Greetings to all.

ndiaga profile image

Hi all, I'm new here.

atikaghafar profile image

hi, this side Atika. i am new in the journey.

sahil_kanwar profile image

Hello Guys 🤗

bezhackules profile image

Hello everyone, I'm new here and am happy to be part of this amazing community. I love to learn from professionals and share my thoughts on whatever am privilege to know.

juanpestana profile image
Juan Pestana

Hello every one!!!
I'm planning to write a little bit about the new tools I learn about.

see u in the other side

houfeng profile image


chesctrl profile image
Charlie Cheesman


aadeniyi6 profile image

Hello, Its really nice to be here, I would like to work on more cloud-based projects.

lakshmandev profile image

Hello there!

gkolhar profile image

Hello 👋

haribonda profile image

hello world2

cmard profile image

just a hello. 👋

benjamin_mensah profile image
Belordi Enaux

Hello Greetings to you guys. please I need someone who can help me with JavaScript.

sonuu20 profile image
Sonu Gupta

Hello there everyone.. 👋

supremo profile image
Ibrahim bello

Hi everyone!

nasre21 profile image

Hello , i am here for learn all angular

jonathanmaverick profile image

Hello, this is Maverick here, ☺️ I'm passionate about web development 🤩. Hope to become one of the great webdev with this community

joxx profile image
joachim kliemann

Hello Maverick, welcome to DEV!

neotravolta profile image
airdropworld.apt🟣, 🟣 💛 DROP|

Just onboarding

fatimahminchi profile image
Adenike Okunola

Hello, I am Adenike, I am new here and new to coding. I got here from learning SQL. I want to learn more about Data Analytics...I love to learn new things and being great at it! Cheers to everyone.

thepreferredd profile image
Omotayo Hayes

So glad to be here,
I'll like to learn how to be a front end web developer.

zohaibeng profile image
Zohaib Akhter

✌Hello, I am Zohaib. I am a Software Engineer & Node js developer. Happy to join dev community.

hyt0p profile image

hello there, h7yt0p here. it is very exciting to be in a new community

osagie42 profile image
Dominion osagie


hbhutta profile image
Haad Bhutta


dvyavsaay profile image
Deepak Singh

Hello, hope and wish for the best of their health for everyone here, and looking forward to to share and gain the best of experiences in the programming and development world!

mohammad10 profile image
Mohammad Hasibur Rahman

Hello! I am Mohammad, I am a student in Computer Science

whizikem profile image

Hello Developers, I'm Wisdom and i'm here to connect with Developers, i'm a frontend developer and a UI/UX designer

rados1983 profile image

Hi everyone. I am new on

zhangzhuang15 profile image

Hello, I am Jason Zhang.I ask chat robot a question about reflowing and repainting in css, then it leads me here, unbelievable !

rajakashif profile image

Hello 🤗 Everyone

ishakuaudu profile image


hadil profile image
Hadil Ben Abdallah • Edited

My name is Hadil and I am a computer engineering student. Currently I am learning front-end web development.
I am new here and I'm sure that I will learn a lot from you guys. ❤😍

jerrymarvis profile image
Ogundele babatunde Jeremiah

Hello everyone, I'm Jeremiah. I'm currently learning web dev

phdeanh profile image

Hi all

ko_pyae_8111b426829476688 profile image
Ko Pyae


adhirajk profile image
Adhiraj Kinlekar

Hello everyone, I recently joined the platform and just penned my first blog. I would appreciate it if you could take a moment to give it a look.

manojkap profile image
Manoj Kapoor

Hello and greetings for Deepawali, the Festival of Light, to one and all on!

alexbhatti profile image

Hello I'm New Here Please Welcome Me

keys87 profile image

hello everyone

zah446 profile image
Zainab Abba Haliru


emdadr profile image
Imdad Rind

Hello to my world!,

this is Imdad Rind everybody who just loves making things with tech
and my passion brought me here share the thing i make or learn

asgod65 profile image

Am a professional web designer and developer.

eavelarde profile image


niharswain1977 profile image
Nihar┃caring4u.bnb 🟣, 🟣


recursosonline profile image
Fabio Silva • Edited

Helio World!

jommyfoo profile image
Jommy Foo

Hello :)

khanshakeeb profile image
Muhammad Shakeeb Khan

Hello :D

deftship profile image
deftship inc

Hello everyone! 👋🏻

5guto profile image

Olá muito obrigado pelo convite sou estudante de ciências de dados em python

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Welcome! I am into Python as well!