DEV Community

Cover image for Welcome Thread - v287

Welcome Thread - v287

Sloan the DEV Moderator on July 31, 2024

Leave a comment below to introduce yourself! You can talk about what brought you here, what you're learning, or just a fun fact about yourself. ...
piyushtechsavy profile image
piyush tiwari

Hey Community.

I am back on after quite a long time. I have been spending last few years working with startups and launching products. Recently I have been back to coding , learning new technologies, newer paradigms etc. Would love to learn and share here.

jennavisions profile image

Welcome back @piyushtechsavy

ravixalgorithm profile image
Mr. Algorithm

Welcome back

karim_abdallah profile image
Karim Abdallah

Welcome Back

akshay_bachhav_ profile image
Akshay Bachhav


martinbaun profile image
Martin Baun

Hello Piyush! Welcome to Dev! :)

thaisavieira profile image
Thaísa Vieira

Welcome back! I'm sure you will make DEV Community an even better place with your sharing and will find amazing people to learn and connect with.

sherif_abdulakeem_1eb445b profile image
Sherif Abdulakeem


cyber_fre4k profile image
Cyber Fre4k

Welcome back.

mark-programador profile image
Marcos Osorio quiñones


mkwparth profile image
makwana parth

That's Great

habiba24 profile image

Welcome back

_hyfer profile image
Ahmad Ferdian

Go get them!

nyong profile image

Welcome back

markfyoung0711 profile image
Mark Young

Hi. Good luck!

darrenfj profile image

Start-ups! noice

Sounds like you are going to have a ton of good advice for us all.

ack profile image
Anu Charley K

Hey Dev Community! 👋

I’m Anu, and I’m excited to join you all! After taking a break, I’m getting back into coding and sharing my journey here.

About Me
I know some HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap. Now, I’m learning modern front-end tools like JavaScript and React.

Why This Blog?
I want to share my learning experiences, tackle challenges together, and help anyone else who's in the same boat. If you're new to tech or coming back like me, I hope you find my posts helpful!

What You'll See Here

Updates on what I’m learning.
Honest talk about what’s hard.
Tips and resources I find useful.
Join Me!
I’d love to hear your stories and any advice you have! Let’s support each other and grow together.

Thanks for reading!

mohitha_bagadi_13 profile image
Mohitha Bagadi

Hello Anu I am a beginner in HTML and all web development so I want to learn HTML kindly help me with how to start learning web development

ack profile image
Anu Charley K

Hi Mohitha! Great to hear you're starting your web development journey! I recommend starting with freeCodeCamp's HTML and CSS curriculum. It's interactive and beginner-friendly. Feel free to ask any questions along the way!

Thread Thread
mohitha_bagadi_13 profile image
Mohitha Bagadi

Recommend me how to learn HTML and CSS which is the best way to learn

stevo82930 profile image

I am a noob too. GO US!

Thread Thread
mark-programador profile image
Marcos Osorio quiñones

Hola aqui para ofrecer conocimientos

mark-programador profile image
Marcos Osorio quiñones

Hola, yo te puedo ayudar ya sea acerca de html y css medio avanazandos, actualmente ya estoy adentrandome en JS scripts

Thread Thread
ack profile image
Anu Charley K


Thanks so much for offering to help with advanced HTML and CSS. I really appreciate it! Right now, I’m brushing up on the basics of HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap before diving into JavaScript. Do you have any tips on which areas are especially valuable to focus on?

Thanks again!

iwa_samuel_bc30bbc988d09d profile image

Hi I'm sam, your post is great
I'm getting back into coding just like you I know html, css bootstrap and intermediate JavaScript.

ack profile image
Anu Charley K

Hi Sam! Thanks for the kind words! It's awesome to connect with someone on a similar journey. Let’s support each other as we dive back into coding! Feel free to share your experiences and tips.

Thread Thread
iwa_samuel_bc30bbc988d09d profile image

Yeah I will like to do that infact we can connect on WhatsApp for us to be able to get along together I have front end materials you might be interested in
My contact is +22955094038

thaisavieira profile image
Thaísa Vieira

Great, Anu! Be welcome to DEV Community! It's great to read learning journey posts

ack profile image
Anu Charley K

Thank you, Thaísa! I'm glad to be here and share my journey. Looking forward to learning together with this amazing community!

cory_doebel_96 profile image
Cory Doebel

Welcome Back!!!

noolangelo profile image
Mark Angelo Nool


samandar_abduraxmonov_0ec profile image
Samandar Abduraxmonov

Hello, You are welcome!

ack profile image
Anu Charley K

Hello! Thank you for the warm welcome!

enowegbe_larontakor_f73f profile image
Enowegbe Laron Takor

Hello Dev community!

Hello guys,
I am new here. I am called Laron, I am excited to join you all in this amazing platform.

About Me

I am a backend engineer intern. I use PHP - Symfony for my daily scripting tasks. I intend to keep learning on-the-job, especially APIs, CI/CD, version control, and cloud technologies just to list a few.

Why this blog?

I choose this blog because it is full of like-minded developers like myself and it is the ideal environment to maintain my rhythm as a embark on this exiting journey.
I want to share my experiences and collaborate with other developers.

What will you see here?

  • Updates on what I am learning

  • Challenges/blockers faced

  • Solutions and tips to solving these challenges

  • Sharing helpful resources.

thaisavieira profile image
Thaísa Vieira

It will be a pleasure learning from your experience.

best_codes profile image
Best Codes

Welcome to DEV!

markfyoung0711 profile image
Mark Young

Hi, I hope you are successful.

enowegbe_larontakor_f73f profile image
Enowegbe Laron Takor

Thank you.
I wish you same

paulsebastianmanole profile image
Paul-Sebastian Manole

Just moved from Hashnode to, after feeling like I need a fresh start and wrote my first article here just minutes ago. It's about contract testing. Check it out if you're interested in a quick intro as well as a practical code example.

darrenfj profile image

What was Hashnode like to work with?

paulsebastianmanole profile image
Paul-Sebastian Manole

Just typical blogging platform. It supports custom domain so that is why I tried it at first. Not much traffic though.

Thread Thread
darrenfj profile image

Well I hope Dev works out better for you.

I think I have a blogger site on coding from forever ago but coldn't even recall the name of it now. No action there either tbh.

jennifer_collins_c852fa50 profile image
Jennifer Collins

Hi All 👋. Special ed teacher here desperately seeking a way in to the tech industry asap.

So many new things to learn and not sure of the best first step to take. Would anyone be willing to share their origin story?

My hope is to gleam a bit of guidance from those who have successfully broken into tech from other professions without attending an expensive and time consuming college degree course or bootcamp.

Any thoughts on entry level positions to get me started? Or short courses that have proven to be useful?

All feedback is welcome and appreciated.

Thanks friends.

darrenfj profile image

And back in the fCC forums there was a mod who eventually put together a list of free resources:

I haven't checked it out in some time, tbh. but recall it was good 'filler' when taking the fCC challenges.

jennifer_collins_c852fa50 profile image
Jennifer Collins

Hey Darren,
Thanks so much for your feedback :) this may be a total newb question, but by fCC do you mean free code camp? or some other acronym?
I checked out Briana from the link you posted in your other reply, she seems to have a ton of useful videos so thank you I will continue to check that out!
I am currently enrolled in Coursera Front End Development course, halfway through and still do not feel like I know anything more about building websites. I'll keep at it because I am determined (maybe a little obsessed) but whats your story? How did you break into tech?

Thread Thread
darrenfj profile image

Yes fCC - free Code Camp

I used to hang out a ton.

My story is long and meandering. I graduated Mechanical Engineering in the great recession of '92. So I hooked up with a PHd drop out and we built college radio stations for a few half dozen+ years. Circa 2000 radio was moving to 'the web' and cable because it was cheaper, and I knew that industry was heading into oblivion (Although could have moved int telecom for cell towers)

Because we reverse engineered antenna, I got a job at a certification agency that did Radio Frequency Intereference testing. They combined that with PC testing. So I moved into Certifying PCs.

Somewhere along that path I got moved into a Continuous Improvement project to automate workflows and incorporate an ERP with a CRM and Content Management system, using PM methodologies. ALl Agile, Six Sigma, Process Mapping type stuff.

We had a few WebDevs to build us some quick prototype DB's before we integrated systems, And I started learning WebDev to find out what my team was actually doing. We were trained in BSAing, PMing, UI/UX, and Change Management because why not have your employees do 10 roles for the price of one, right?

In terms of coding, I had an Apple 2+ and coded in Basic and Machine Code so that I could build MUDs ( text RPGs) when I was in grade 7 or 8. In uni I coded in Fortran on punch cards to do Derivatives and Field effects. Coded in C when we were doing antenna design to see interference patterns. Never used code for anything more than figuring complex math. ( Can't remember any of that now, to be honest ).

Long pointless journey to be honest ;)

darrenfj profile image

I recall when I started at fCC a woman who was a music teacher was posting videos sharing what she learned about the intro/basics.

I believe she ended up teaching for GitHub and moved on from there.

Here's some of her work:

moy2010 profile image

Hey community! I'm a software developer that loves to learn and stay up-to-date. I've been a member for several years but almost never write, so I think this thread is great for presenting myself!

By the way, I've been working on developing a social network for building and sharing knowledge bases. If that's your jam, please visit and let me know what do you think about it!

thaisavieira profile image
Thaísa Vieira

What an incredible project, congrats! It's a pleasure to have you here, participating in DEV Community. Also, join off-topic posts to have fun and meet other members

moy2010 profile image

Thanks, @thaisavieira ! 😊

cory_doebel_96 profile image
Cory Doebel

Hello Community,

I am new to this community and have recently enrolled in a Coding Bootcamp. I'm extreme excited for this new journey and open to learning the different areas of this career. I am an Army Veteran, and studied at Lincoln Tech in Electrical.

darrenfj profile image

Awesome Cory.

Also: thank you for your service. Canadian here who spent some time in our own service.

Also was a radio technician and electronics tech once upon a career.

cory_doebel_96 profile image
Cory Doebel

Well thank you for your service as well! It’ll be an interesting journey changing direction in careers.

jennavisions profile image

Hello Cory,

Welcome to the community! 👋

I wish you a fruitful journey. 🌟

cory_doebel_96 profile image
Cory Doebel

Thank you! 😁

Thread Thread
jennavisions profile image

Feel free to connect 😉

artur_maklyarevsky_d73e6a profile image
Artur Maklyarevsky • Edited

hi everyone! my name is Artur, i'm the CEO of and
I'm here to learn from the community with special interest in what everyone is doing with SaaS/ productivity/automation/Ai.

This is my 6th startup. This is our tech-stack:

darrenfj profile image

Welcome, looking forward to seeing what you share.

Didn't I read that you have crash and burn on 5 or 6 start-ups before you make those millions ;)

So this one is the one!!

artur_maklyarevsky_d73e6a profile image
Artur Maklyarevsky • Edited

Thanks 🙏 It’s not a cliche’s true.. this is by far the most successful.. and I have the scars to prove it. The struggle is real.

Thread Thread
darrenfj profile image

scars, or badges of honour :)

rahul_pandey_31a94aa39544 profile image
Rahul pandey

Hey community
My keen interest in new technologies and my will to learn new technologies brings me here on this excellent platform for developers and would be happy to learn from all of you on this platform .

jennavisions profile image

Hello Rahul,

Welcome! 👋

I wish you a fruitful journey. 🌟

ismail_mb profile image
Isma'il Hassan

Nice to meet 🤝

akmeena profile image
Amit kumar Meena

Hello DEV Community! 👋

I’m Amit Kumar Meena, a B.Tech student in Computer Science and Engineering at NIT Warangal. I'm thrilled to join this vibrant community of developers!

My journey in tech has been an exciting one, from interning as a Software Engineer at Abhyaz, where I contributed to a Campus Recruitment System, to building projects like Snapgram, a full-stack social media app, and AIPodcaster, an AI-powered podcast platform.

I’m passionate about:

  • Coding: Diving deep into MERN stack development and exploring new technologies.
  • Entrepreneurship: Learning about startups and sharing insights on building successful ventures.
  • Self-Improvement: Continuously growing and sharing my experiences with others.

I’m here to connect, learn, and contribute. Whether you’re into coding, tech startups, or personal growth, let’s collaborate and learn together. Feel free to reach out if you’d like to discuss projects, share ideas, or just chat about tech!

Looking forward to engaging with you all and making the most out of this amazing platform. 🚀

darrenfj profile image

Welcome welcome.

I share your interests in Entrepreneurship and Self-Improvement and interested to see what you post on both.

akmeena profile image
Amit kumar Meena

That sounds great! I'm always eager to connect with like-minded individuals. Looking forward to sharing insights and learning from each other! What are some areas you're focusing on in these fields?

Thread Thread
darrenfj profile image

I'm still sort of acting like a sponge right now absorbing as much as I can.

michaeldavies profile image

Hey there, community! 👋

I’m Michael. My journey has been quite the adventure, with a good mix of startup grit and corporate polish. Now I'm off to start my own venture, Nextvestment - to make investing simpler and easier for the man on the street. I'm building an investment research platform & copilot for individual investors and financial advisors, focusing on taking the fluff out of investing.

When I’m not knee-deep in code or AI models, I love brainstorming new tech ideas and exploring ways to innovate in the finance space. I’m excited to be part of the community, share my journey, and learn from all of you awesome folks.

Can’t wait to connect and collaborate!


jennavisions profile image
Jenna • Edited

Hello Michael,

Welcome to the community! 👋

I hope you will have a fruitful journey here. 🌟

Feel free to connect 😉

darrenfj profile image

Welcome. Interested to see what comes out of it.

Keep us posted!

james_thomas_7a6ee6758a66 profile image
James Thomas


I look forward to getting inspired by your work in AI.


pallavi25kishore profile image
Pallavi Kishore

Hello everyone! Happy and excited to be a part of this community!

About Me
I am a full stack software developer (with an emphasis on Front-End Development). I used to be a corporate lawyer. It has been quite a journey, changing my career from one highly technical field to another! I am passionate about anything that blends creativity with analytical thinking. I love building apps using Javascript, React, Express.js, SQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL!

Looking forward to connecting, collaborating, and learning together!

jennavisions profile image

Hello Pallavi,

Welcome to the community! 👋

I hope you enjoy your time here.🌟

Feel free to connect 😉

pallavi25kishore profile image
Pallavi Kishore

Hello Jenna, Thank you!

Sloan, the sloth mascot
Comment deleted
darrenfj profile image

I look forward to your posts.

Always interested in the writing side of things.

Any tips on keeping the blog interesting?

cyber_fre4k profile image
Cyber Fre4k

Hey Developers.

I'm a programming student recently I have completed TypeScript _and now I'm trying for advances in _JavaScript. I'm here to check some guides about TypeScript projects.

I hope I'll enjoy this amazing community..

darrenfj profile image

Welcome welcome.

Completed a tutorial or guide? Which one?

I am always interested in new training sites.

codeakash profile image

Hello everyone! 👋 I’m thrilled to join this vibrant community. I’m currently diving into React Native and AWS to beef up my full-stack development skills. Aside from coding, I love exploring the intersection of technology and design, which leads me to experiment with user interfaces that are not only functional but also engaging. A fun fact about me—I'm a bit of a coffee connoisseur and never start my coding sessions without a freshly brewed cup! Looking forward to learning from you all and sharing my experiences. What’s your favorite coding snack or drink?

darrenfj profile image

I'm all about coffee. But not exclusively to coding :)

ben profile image
Ben Halpern • Edited

Welcome everyone!

akdevelop profile image

Hey! I'm brand new to this community (and blogging in general I guess). Been a dev for 20 or so years, excited to join. I'm a forever learner, and I love sharing. I'll be sharing posts on machine learning in the coming weeks, and then maybe transition to other topics as I learn.

darrenfj profile image

I'm also a forever learner. Glad to see a fellow compatriate!

stevo82930 profile image

This is my first time joining a community for anything. I usually don't. I have been learning more about javascript lately so I thought I would benefit from the articles here. I am currently working on an offline web app that will run a board game/pen-and-paper RPG that I am developing for personal use. Not making any money from it. It has been fun and has taught me a lot of things.

zwitter689 profile image
Marty DiStasio (Trailing_lost_thoughts) • Edited

I'm an old dog trying to learn new tricks. Thought I was real smart until I tried to plow through some of the documnetation on python, anaconda, pandas, numpy, virtual machines, quantum entanglement...well you get the picture. The one thing I learned is that I certainly do want to learn but even more I want to learn how to learn. Help is always appreciated, snark not so much

hiteshbhardwaj517 profile image
Hitesh Bhardwaj

Hey Community
I m Hitesh, a passionate coder who spent a decade in coding profession working for multiple companies. I came here to learn and contribute to the community. Always love to learn new technologies.

tacticatom profile image

Hey Devs, my name is Thomas. I have been working on learning C# and ASP.Net Core for a just a few months in an attempt to forge a new career path. I've worked my way through quite a few online tutorials but still feel a bit sheepish and underprepared. Despite this I would love to learn, collaborate, talk, and involve myself in a community!

jennavisions profile image

Hello Thomas,

Welcome! 👋

I wish you a fruitful journey. 🌟

premkumar121 profile image

Hello community!🎉

I'm Prem Kumar, a beginner-level Angular developer with a passion for creating dynamic and responsive web applications. With a growing foundation in JavaScript and a keen eye for detail, I am eager to learn and deliver high-quality, user-friendly interfaces that enhance the user experience.

rahul-mandal01 profile image
Rahul Kumar Mandal

Hi Dev Community!

I'm Rahul, and I'm excited to join this amazing community of developers. Having spent some time mastering frontend development, I'm now diving into the world of backend development to broaden my skills and build more comprehensive and robust websites.

I'm passionate about learning new technologies and sharing knowledge. I look forward to connecting with fellow developers, exchanging ideas, and contributing to discussions on all things tech.

Let's code and grow together!


darrenfj profile image

Looking forward to what you have to share.


fryer profile image

Hi everyone.

I've recently bought my first high end pc for gaming and learning basic development with hopes of being able to understand dapps on Alephium and maybe even launch my own one day or contribute to others.

This is my first cycle in crypto which I entered in December 2023. I've learned a lot about the future of block chain/dag and want to set myself up for a long term future in an industry that has gained my full interest.

I'm currently going through any typescript/code visual studio tutorials I can find but lack any advice when my experience isn't matching that of the tutorials. I'm hoping to be able to find somewhere here to ask these queries so I can progress faster/more efficiently.

I have had some help from Alephium devs with launching a full node on docker and am trying to run their tutorial dapp (faucet) which I have had some difficulties with and can't expect devs there to keep taking time out of their day to continuously help me.

I will really appreciate any help I can get and long term maybe I will be able to help others.


osi_layer profile image

I turn the impossible into reality. With a mind wired for innovation and a relentless drive, I break through the strongest defenses, revealing vulnerabilities in even the most 'unbreakable' systems. Where others see limits, I see opportunities to redefine the boundaries of cybersecurity

darrenfj profile image

This is a helluva intro! And helluva super-power too!!


aniket_sharma_74451d919ab profile image
Aniket Sharma

Hi community,
This is Aniket i’m in my last year of bachelors, i have recently in order improve my knowledge & be a better developer and stay up to the trends, hope that i may publish my projects here soon and get good feedbacks on the same.

darrenfj profile image

Looking forward to seeing what you post!

thaisavieira profile image
Thaísa Vieira

Hi, everyone!
I'm a curious CS student from Brazil, currently, I'm in a rabbit hole about Unix CLI.

As a hobby, I love to read learning progress posts! I'd love to read and interact with all beginners, like me.

numbpill3d profile image
intrexx mervore

hi hello salutations...
erm well before i have a panic attack and run away asap, erm... i am a n avid coder, engineer, ai bully, constant imagination user, artist, musician, and a writer. love love love hacking and breaking stuff down to figure out how it works, webdev. always love to consider collab.

darrenfj profile image


I feel yah. I've been here since maybe 2018 and only started posting lately.

I like to watch from afar and not make waves.

damola_daniel profile image
Oluwanisola adedamola daniel

Hello Dev community!
I love to code, my name is Daniel, I am excited to join you all in this amazing platform, I am a newbie here.

About Me
I am a tech enthusiast aspiring to be an expert in full stack web development. So far, I've acquired an intermediate level of skill in front end development using tools such as React and Angular, I am currently learning C# for .NET for my back end journey.

Why am I here?
I need a space of like minded people to share ideas and also learn from to achieve my proposed goals and to get opportunities.
I am very open to suggestions and contributions. Thank you.

yuri_polchenko profile image
Yuri Polchenko

Hello, pals -
As a music producer, graphic designer, abstract painter, frontender, I came to learn a new web possibilities for the custom dev. I'm interested into motion design and multimedia options. Love to learn!

brumc profile image
Bruno Macau

Hi everyone! I'm new here and from Brazil. I'm a front-end developer currently working with Angular. I'm excited to learn new things and connect with all of you.

best_codes profile image
Best Codes

Welcome to DEV, Bruno!

thaisavieira profile image
Thaísa Vieira

Always a pleasure to find other Brazilians here! Bem vindo, Bruno!

imana47 profile image
François Nsengimana

Salut la communauté, je suis nouveau dans le monde de l'informatique et du développement, j'ai découvert la plateforme aujourd'hui. Et je me suis inscrit pour rejoindre la communauté, apprendre plus sur le développement web et mobile et sur la technologie. actuellement, j'ai commencé une formation pour être développeur Full Stack Web et Mobile. Donc c'est ma toute première fois .

nish_webdevchic profile image
nisha daniels

hi name is Nisha! im an aspiring web developer. self taught. i’ll be taking a full stack certification starting this fall at my local college. i can’t wait to strengthen my skills. looking forward to engaging in this community

greenersoft profile image

Greetings from France to the DEV community

GreenerSoft is an initiative to show that an eco-responsible approach is possible for software developers and architects.

As developers and architects, we need to reduce the energy consumption of the software we produce, and the energy we use to produce it.

It's not acceptable to simply say that it's enough to use green energy. This will lead to a dystopia where the planet will be covered in solar panels and wind turbines, allowing a privileged few to drive around in Tesla cars while chatting with ChatGPT!

Solutions do exist, but they require a rethink of certain practices, often referred to as good practice, but which are not so good in terms of energy consumption. New approaches need to be devised, tested and implemented. Project management must also be reviewed, with energy efficiency as a basic principle.

Code optimization and choice of software architecture are good levers for reducing energy consumption. We focus on web development by publishing articles on these subjects on our blog. We will be publishing English translations of some of our articles on DEV.

Energy is our future, let's save it!
L’énergie est notre avenir, économisons-la !

corallys profile image
Caroline Cunha

Hello everyone,

I’m passionate about technology with a solid background in infrastructure and hardware. After an 8-year break working in another field, I’m eager to return to the tech world and start programming. In the past, my experience included HTML and a bit of PHP, but I’m looking for guidance on how and where to start this new journey.

I would appreciate any tips and advice on how to begin my programming path, especially for remote work. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you!

dalqa profile image
Lê Quang Anh Đà

Hi guys.
I'm Da and I'm Vietnamese. I happened to find out about the community through a post on Facebook and I'm very excited to be a member of our community. Recently I have been doing as a web-app developer. Hopefully, I would like to share my journey as well as learn new technologies.

Thanks for reading!

james_thomas_7a6ee6758a66 profile image
James Thomas

I am an old programmer who started working in C, Pascal, and Assembly. In the early 90's, the company I worked for wanted to explore the value of using the Internet, and I was on a committee to do just that. That got me hooked on developing web apps. First was PERL/CGI, HTML, and Javascript. A few years later, I migrated to PHP and MySQL. The majority of my work is backend, but working with UI coders, I learned a lot about CSS as well as graphic design (which I do on a very small scale at my work).

I am now looking into AI and will be setting up localized AI apps for the groups that I support. I am looking forward to meeting and talking with AI experts here as I learn this exciting technology.

arun_rko_f4aa94b36e3703b4 profile image
Arun Rko

Hi developers, Recently I started to self-taught learning in Full stack development, so I gladly share what I'm learning,

console.log("Let's Grow together");
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
darrenfj profile image

Nice touch with the console.log :)

narasimha_varma_3e0fad78f profile image
Narasimha Varma

Hi All, I'm Venkat. New to Dev community to learn new things on AWS and DevOps..

jennavisions profile image

Hello Venkat,

Welcome to the community! 👋

Hope you enjoy your time here and have a fruitful journey along the way. 🌟

darrenfj profile image


Where are you on your DevOps journey so far?

alan_morrison_46561de55ca profile image
Alan Morrison

Hi Everyone,

Just joined to see what this community is like. I'm in learning mode from a Dev standpoint.

darrenfj profile image

Welcome welcome!

jennavisions profile image

Hello Alan,

Welcome to the community! 👋

I hope you enjoy your time here.🌟

jennavisions profile image

Hello everyone,

Welcome to the community! 👋

I hope you all enjoy your time here and have a fruitful journey.✨

darrenfj profile image

I'm looking forward to posting and commenting for a change

usually quietly digesting the content.

gennarodifiandra profile image
Gennaro Di Fiandra

Good morning everyone, I'm Gennaro, a WordPress developer with 13 years of expertise. I will post guides to help beginners. Now I am writing one with the best resources I know to learn HTML and CSS. This will be useful for me too because I'm working to improve my English.

jennavisions profile image

Hello Gennaro,

Welcome! 👋

I look forward to your post guides.

I hope you will have a fruitful journey here. 🌟

adccodes profile image


Hello I'm a Mexican software developer looking for new ideas and looking for inspiration to motivate me to code and make a good change in the world with what I make (hopefully money as well)
Hola, soy un desarrollador de software mexicano en busca de nuevas ideas y buscando inspiración para motivarme a codificar y hacer un buen cambio en el mundo con lo que gano (con suerte, dinero también).
I know a bit of web development and I look to become an expert in AI to build a company that helps businesses and students to be more productive and effective
Sé un poco de desarrollo web y busco convertirme en un experto en IA para construir una empresa que ayude a las empresas y a los estudiantes a ser más productivos y efectivos.

tonic profile image

welcome to ! your project sounds great :-)

darrenfj profile image

ah drat! Posted my hello on an older thread.

I am truly a nood. Gah!


Hi everyone, sorry for the spamination. Original post here Looking forward to engaging with everyone.

Trust me, I'll get the hang of this in 10-15 more years. Ha!

gomezgondwee profile image

Hey Community,
I am Gomez and I decided to join the Community because of my enthusiasm in computer science as it is my field of study.

I believe this Community will help me hone my skills and foster new skills and i will
reciprocate the help given if need be.

Happy Coding😁

aidan_mujuni profile image
Aidan Mujuni

*Hello community *✋👋
I am Aidan, and am very happy to join you in this community.
I am a full stack developer
Also aspiring to learn more from you guys about app development, AI building and ⚙️machine learning.
Hope I'll gain a lot from you ✌️ 💯.

gagandeep_singh_20 profile image
Gagandeep Singh • Edited

Hi Community

I got to know about from chat GPT . I am here for clearing concepts related to programming

About me

I am having 9 years of experience as full stack Developer. Tech stack: c# , JavaScript, ASP.Net , SQL

akcanakci profile image

Hello everyone!

I'm Akcanakci. I love designing and coding. My favorite tools are Next.js, TailwindCSS, and Framer Motion for animations. This trio is everything I need for my projects.

I started playing with these technologies 2-3 years ago and have been passionate about them ever since. I enjoy learning and sharing my knowledge, which led me to create a website to showcase my creations.

I also joined this platform to learn more and share with more people.

Thanks, have a good day!

neo334 profile image

Hi all! I’m both super interested in the latest tech and totally afraid because it’s clear I don’t know anything about computers! The possibilities are endless and I’m always willing to try new things, but I am 100% certain I’ve clicked things I shouldn’t have! Feel free to hi if you notice me, or point me in the right direction in turns of safety.
Thanks 🙏

alberto_camacho_a61c4a754 profile image

Hello everyone,
I am June. I have been learning Js and react part time while working as a project manager in a construction company here in Miami. Looking to immerse myself into great communities to learn more.

adun profile image

Hello DEV world,

I've been lurking in the community for months and I've finally decided to create a profile and join discussion.

About me, I'm a backend developer and I've been messing with other people's code for a few years now. I'm here to stay up to date with trends and connect with fellow developers.

See y'all around!

davidk profile image
David Kedwell

I am a hobby beekeeper in Sydney, Australia and am faced with the new problem of managing infestations of Varroa Mite - previously not in Australia. Investigating use of AI processing to efficiently detect/quantify the problem for each hive. Currently looking at image processing strategies.

zola_brunner profile image
Zola Brunner • Edited

Hi community!

After a decade long career in marketing and communications with a touch of data analysis in looking to pivot to a career in the tech sector.

I'm not sure where to start but I was suggested to create an account on DEV and share my projects, engage with the community

If you have an advice for a career transitioner, do let me know!

PS If you have any mentorship programs to Jon please let me know.

I'm keen and willing to learn, network and upskill!

Thanks for reading!

gremlinmaster profile image
Colleen Pridemore


I'm a hobby coder, almost got my AAS in Computer Science WAY back in 2005. Have had a lot of health issues for the last coupla decades. But now back to feeling great and I've Onboarded with the SingularityNET
- I'm in R & D, AI Ethics, Gamers and Archives Workgoups and Guilds.

We are gearing up for AGI24 Conference in Seattle, WA August 13 - 16. I finally found my worklife home in SinguarityNET.

Image description

But I like to snoop around and check out all the new tech and code too (I'm an Official Code Hoarder) I don't know how I arrived here, I was checking out Emojicode Hello World little repository in Github (ok, not-so new) then Lo and Behold - I'm signing up for the DEV Community!

Now let's get this straight - I am not a true DEV, I'm mostly a hobbyist and enthusiast. But I feel a kinship among developers, always have.

And glad to be here!

Happy to see you got a warm reception coming back, Piyush

hbddevos profile image

Hi Community!

My name is David and I'm very excited to be part of this community. I'm a web developer and I have worked on a few projects. I'm excited to be here because I'm always learning and I hope I will learn a lot from my seniors.

I'm using PHP as my backend programming language. I'm using Laravel as my backend framework. On the front end, I use Tailwind, Bootstrap, AlpineJS, and a little Vanilla JS.

Thank you for welcoming me to your community.

hbddevos profile image
hbddevos • Edited

Hi Community !!
My name is David and I'm very excited to be part of this community. I'm web developper and i have worked on few projects so I'm so excited to be here because i'm always learning and hope I will learn a lot from my senior.
I'm using PHP programming language like backend language. I'm using Laravel like backend framework. On front i use Tailwind, bootstrap, AlpineJs and a little Vanilla Js.
thanks you for welcoming me in your comunity.

badhon_pathan_81196b7988f profile image
Badhon Pathan

Hey Community.

I am back on after quite a long time. I have been spending last few years working with startups and launching products. Recently I have been back to coding , learning new technologies, newer paradigms etc. Would love to learn and share here.

garysteele777 profile image

Hello Dev community,
I am retired and starting to teach CS50 Harvard Python class in my local community. I am trying to help people interested in getting into programming. I am looking for any assistance that could help me with my training materials and teaching tips.

moditparmar profile image
modit parmar

Hey everyone,
I am new to the community and joined to gain insights and knowledge. I am a fourth-year B.Tech undergraduate and am currently seeking an internship. If anyone has any advice or opportunities, I would greatly appreciate your help. I'm eager to learn and curious about any tips or experiences you want to share. Thank you!

miguelmartens profile image
Miguel Martens

Hello Dev Community!

My name is Miguel, and I'm excited to join this amazing platform, where I look forward to actively engaging with the community and exchanging ideas.

About Me
I am a Technical Consultant / Platform Engineer with expertise in Kubernetes, Linux, and Azure. I also have skills in CI/CD, Infrastructure as Code, and various other tools.

I've discovered a growing passion for programming and coding, which has inspired me to dive into the world of web development.

Why This Blog?
My goal is to expand my web development knowledge and enhance my skills in Python (Django), Go, and explore technologies like HTMX.

I am eager to share my journey with you and learn from your experiences.

What Will You Find Here?
Updates on my learning journey
Challenges I encounter
Solutions and tips for overcoming these challenges
Some Kubernetes stuff!

vancy_bukama_8c7266b4f223 profile image
Vancy Bukama

"Hello everyone,
I'm Vancy from Zambia , a passionate developer with a keen interest in web development. I enjoy contributing to open-source projects and collaborating with fellow tech enthusiasts. I'm excited to be part of this community, sharing knowledge and learning from each other."

saimus512 profile image
Usama Sajid

Hi everyone, I'm excited to be joining the Stellar Dev community! As a recent graduate with a degree in software engineering, I've been working as a MERN Stack developer. I've been following Stellar's innovative work for some time now, and I'm really impressed by the community's contributions to the field.

I'm eager to immerse myself in this community and learn from all of you. The rapid advancements in AI and technology present us with exciting new challenges, and I believe that collaboration is key to overcoming them. I'm particularly interested in exploring the intersection of blockchain technology and AI, and I hope to contribute to projects that push the boundaries of what's possible.

Thank you for welcoming me. I look forward to connecting with you all.

ranjan_kumarsingh_dfe086 profile image
Ranjan kumar Singh

Hello Dev community,
I am Ranjan, new member here. I have expertise on Dot net and MS SQL server. Here my focus is to share my experience and participate in the discussion so i could brush up my knowledge that neglected past couple of years because current work cornered with limited skills. Looking forward to learn and share with you. Thank you😊

bisma_javed profile image
Bisma Javed

Hi everyone! I’m currently pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Software Engineering. I joined this community to dive deeper into tech topics and learn from others. I hope I will exchange ideas, learn from your experiences, and contribute to the community. Excited for the journey ahead.

utsabojha profile image
Utsab Ojha

Hey there.

I am finally into where I belong. I am pursuing a bachelor's in Computer Science. I have been learning coding recently. I would love to learn, grow, and share here. I am interested in Python and will share the projects I've been working on.

gonzo_j_72b17b0cbe113cbc2 profile image
Gonzo j

Hola, I'm a new college student starting my first year in computer engineering this fall. I'm also interested in starting game development on gDot. If anyone has any tips or advice, it would be much appreciated

petersnow profile image
Tongjie Li

Hello Dev community!
I'm Peter, a passionate coder excited to join this platform and connect with fellow developers.
About Me
I have a lot of experience in Java, web development, and databases. Currently, I'm exploring artificial intelligence and large language models to expand my skill set.
Why am I here?
To exchange ideas and collaborate on projects with like-minded developers. I'm eager to share my experience and learn from others in this community.

uncle-pushui profile image
Uncle Pushui

Hi everyone! I'm the author of Zova. Zova is a vue3 framework with ioc container. With the support of ioc container, defining reactive states no longer needs ref/reactive, nor ref.value. I look forward to your trial and feedback. Github:

shazma_rana_54fcfa82613c4 profile image
Shazma Rana

Hello everyone!
I'm an undergraduate software engineer
I do programming in java and I know c++ and java and currently I'm learning Android development.
I would love to to help and learn more new things from all experts in this community

marcello_f_vieira profile image
Marcello Vieira

Hi! Hope to get to know new people who share the same interests, in tech, that I have! I am recently making a shift from developer to QA for personal reasons and I hope to learn and if possible contribute to the community!

arvxhi profile image

I'm an incoming BSCpE student and just started studying programming languages. I'm quite enthralled on wide varieties of technology since I was a kid (I used to inspect old and broken devices, both hard/software), and I think being here will help me enrich my knowledge on tech by engaging with different insights from different people

caelean profile image
Caelean Barnes

Hello! My name's Caelean, and I'm the co-founder of Gauge, an open source dev tools company in the current Y Combinator S24 batch!

We're working on solving the monolith/microservices dilemma. You can check out our first tool here!

andrefresh profile image
Andrea Freschi

Hello Dev community, I'm Andrew, software engineer. I'm here because I'm working at full time on legacy software integrating it with modern software techniques.

I'm excited to learn something from you, and hopefully share some things I learned integrating c with go and htmx.

See y'all soon!

ad0rable profile image
Raif Mondal

Hi, everyone. I am a newbie to IEEE Researcher. My areas of research are mainly in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Deep Learning and Edge Computing. I got to know about this platform, while searching social media platforms for devs 🤣. Thanks for reading this comment of mine. Would surely network if you reply to this comment of mine and hopefully, would have a good quality of conversation on topics which amuse us to chat on.

rajatchakrab profile image

Hello everyone,

We've built a generative AI product to replace designers.

Ship your products 10x faster and easier without having to rely on designers.

I'd love to have your feedback on what we've built so far:

buhzeebu profile image

Hey Dev Community.

This is my first time joining a social network with many people in the same field. I am very excited and eager to learn from the experiences of those who have gone before me and share what I know.

About me

I am a Software Engineer about to graduate from university in Vietnam. I am interested in building web and mobile applications. And there are many projects around Next.js using React and TypeScript.

What am I doing here?

I will be active here with posts related to self-study, I want to save my growth process, and at the same time hope to receive comments from seniors so that I can develop myself every day.

mawalou14 profile image
Mouhamadou Awalou

My name is Mouhamadou Awalou, and I am an enthusiastic** Angular developer** from Cameroon. With a strong passion for coding and a commitment to continuous learning, I am excited to contribute to and grow within the developer community.
I am dedicated to honing my skills, exploring innovative solutions, and collaborating with fellow developers to create outstanding applications. Let's connect, share knowledge, and build something amazing together!
Looking forward to engaging with you all.

Best regards,

fulya_ertay profile image
Fulya Ertay

Hi folks, I am from İzmir,Turkey. I am computer engineer and currently working on Full Stack projects using technologies like; React Js, Node JS, Mysql and I'm excited to learn new things and connect with all of you.

darrenfj profile image

I always think I want to get into game design but the time is never quite right.

Looking forward to what you have to post.

ismail_mb profile image
Isma'il Hassan

Hello guys👋, I just get into know, I hope it will be nice to meet with you.

jennavisions profile image

Hello Hassan,

Welcome! 👋

I hope you enjoy your time here and have a fruitful journey. 🌟

ismail_mb profile image
Isma'il Hassan

Hii Jenna,
Yeah I find it joyfully ✨ due to how large dev community it's.

jennavisions profile image

Hello Oscar,

Welcome to the community! 👋

Hope you enjoy your time here and have a fruitful journey. 🌟

ravixalgorithm profile image
Mr. Algorithm

Myself Ravi Pratap Singh, and welcome everyone new to and Hello to everyone

litlyx profile image
Antonio | CEO at

Welcome everybody!!

iwa_samuel_bc30bbc988d09d profile image

Hi everyone I'm from Benin I'm a front-end developer currently working with html, css, JavaScript and react. I'm excited to learn new things and connect with all of you.

nanilu92 profile image

Hi everyone
I’m from South Africa I’m still new learning few languages

best_codes profile image
Best Codes

Cool, it's great to have you here!

noob_master69 profile image
Rahil Rashid

hey Community ,

i am working as a front end dev with 2.5 years of experience..

i am here to improve my knowledge of web dev

darrenfj profile image

Hi Rahil,

Looking forward to your insights.

chumra profile image
Igor Stencel


I am Angular focused software developer. Joining the community to learn and share :)

darrenfj profile image

Hi Igor!

esther_emejuru profile image
Esther Emejuru

Hi Dev Community,

I am a Data Analyst, I help organizations make informed decisions and drive business success.

Would love to connect, share and learn with you all.

darrenfj profile image

Welcome welcome!

Look forward to your posts.

reginaldgates1 profile image
Reggie Gates

Hey everyone, web dev, engineering student. I'm just happy to be here y'all are great

darrenfj profile image

Welcome Reggie!

micsha profile image

Hello! I'm new. I'm looking for people to bounce ideas off of.

darrenfj profile image



I am always interested in ideas

aniruddha_bose_ec6b571946 profile image
Aniruddha Bose

Hi!! I am new to this community. I am a Mechanical Engineer with a passion for coding. Recently started learning machine learning. would love to learn new techs here.

darrenfj profile image


My background was also Mech Eng.

Welcome welcome!

parashuram_yadav_7b7c9521 profile image
Parashuram Yadav

Krishna motivation story

darrenfj profile image

Please do share.

omniultra profile image

All I need is a phone to run an empire.

chaithanya profile image

Hi I am new member for this community

jennavisions profile image

Hi Chaithanya,

Welcome to the community! 👋

I hope you enjoy your time here🌟

jarvisscript profile image
Chris Jarvis

Welcome to DEV!

julieth_coder profile image
JulySoy • Edited

Hello people, I'm from Colombian. You can tell me my love. I am learning Development

_coder_gamer_india_ profile image
epubby sudsou

hey everyone
for info check my bio

geraldy profile image

Hi there I'm new here and I hope to learn more about tech specifically on testing and automation 🤖

fattysun1121 profile image


snackdog profile image
Mike Nowak

Hey all. My name is Mike and I joined to read an article and stayed for the other interesting topics. I use Laravel for my day job and write iOS apps for fun. What I enjoy most is learning new things.

swaartbooiaa profile image
Asanda Swaartbooi

Hello Community,

I am a new joiner. I know a bit about about Python and SQL. I am hoping to learn more on them and improve my understanding of DevOps. Thanks.

vvmegazord profile image

Hey Everyone,
I'm new to

its_lay_7a46a99f12205ee profile image
it's lay.

Hey Community, I'm David a new member, interested in technology... I'm currently learning coding, can't wait to explore more in this community as well as interact with the members here.Good day

nyong profile image

Hello everyone am new here hope am welcome

brotherrabbit91 profile image

Hi Dev Community!

burakkepti profile image
Burak Kepti

Hello Community.

I joined today and would like to share posts about my past experiences of coding. Coding more than 15 years and living in Canada.

zangbilzing profile image


reynaldo_cabacungan_3ec2b profile image
Reynaldo Cabacungan

Hello everyone!

reynaldo_cabacungan_3ec2b profile image
Reynaldo Cabacungan

Hello! I want learn more about sql and python.

italo-fernando profile image
Ítalo Fernando

Hi Community.

Freshman here! I'm looking forward to get more knowledge, and get some support in this new path I´m going through.

italo-fernando profile image
Ítalo Fernando

Hi Community.

Freshman here! I'm looking forward to get more knowledge, and get some support in this new path I´m going through.Would love to learn and share here.

nuchicken profile image

Hey NuChicken in the building. I just got enrolled in a coding bootcamp. super excited for the journey.

habiba24 profile image

Hello happy to be new member among you

ericdennis profile image
Eric Dennis (QUY SINH N)


niamu01 profile image
Yeeun Ju

Hello everyone!
I'm from Korea and I'm learning about NestJS and some backend skills.

best_codes profile image
Best Codes

Nice to meet you! Welcome!

thankgoddesigns4 profile image
ThankGod okeke

Am ThankGod, from Nigeria. Am frontend and backend developer.
Hopefully will learning from the house

charles_chiparo_13d387168 profile image
Charles Chiparo

Hello developers
I'm just starting to do programming languages but hey, so far python is good

oscar_gonzlezbaldizon_1 profile image
Oscar González Baldizon

Hello there, I am from Guatemala, I am learning Java and focus on Backend

hasen_awel profile image
Hasen Awel

👋 Hello guys, I am new here.
Give me a warm welcome. 🤗

godwin_ifeanyi profile image
godwin ifeanyi

Hello great community.....

xzenergy profile image
Tank Shell

Hey guys, excited to be a part of the comm!

veera_venkatasaikashyap profile image
Veera Venkata Sai Kashyap Kaligotla

Hello Community,

I joined this community to get motivated to study technologies like React.js and Express.js.

sonu_mehta_4d660910debf0e profile image
Sonu Mehta

hey community i am building a project in django but i am having some issues anyone helps me ?

ajaz_rathod profile image
Ajaz Rathod

Hey Community,

I’m Ajaz and new to this community, and I’m excited to join you all! Thanks

wankunda_ profile image
Wankunda Sikaonga

hello everyone, i'm wankunda, i joined dev because i've come across a lot of really helpful articles, i hope to find more knowledge and even friends and inevitably level up as a developer.

tadiwanashezvidza profile image
Tadiwanashe Zvidza

hello Devs! Tadiwanashe here👋🏿

abdul_wahid_537476f8fe5b2 profile image
Abdul Wahid

Hi I am
Abdul Wahid
I newly joined this platform
Can any tell what should I learn to be a block chain developer.

king_wis_bb5568faf2adac04 profile image
King Wis

I need help from you guys

mikeross99 profile image
Mike Ross

Glad to be back here!

_hyfer profile image
Ahmad Ferdian

Hello, everyone!

I appreciate you all.

akshaycodes profile image
Akshay SIng

Hey Folks

megaramo profile image
Mega Ramo (MeGAxStATION)


fren43051 profile image

hello nice to meet you

sw13tch profile image
Dio B.

Hi guys,
I'm from NY, I'm a dual major in CompSci and Electromechanical Tech. I love AI and want to start my own company in my hometown that focuses on building robotics that we will be able to trust!

codefolder profile image


nitin_bodhe_be744e24ebc86 profile image
nitin bodhe

my website which is built in bootstrap with CSS & Html is working well in mobile view but in desktop view more than 768px showing issues. what is the problem and how to resolve that by coding

jennavisions profile image

Hello Nitin,

I noticed that you have a post about your issue.

It might be helpful if you add tags like #help and #bootstrap to your posts.

Best of luck.

cangxia0528 profile image

Hello world

samandar_abduraxmonov_0ec profile image

Helo Dev Community

My name is Samandar, I am php Developer. I am here to learn more and more things about IT and life. Here I will post solutions to problems that I faced

abhisheksingh7535 profile image
Abhishek singh

Hello dev community I'm new in this field pleas guide me through for future recommended things....

elizabeth_n_w profile image
Elizabeth n.w

Hi all,
I am Lizzy, here to learn ,share and contribute to the DEV community.
I am learning Cloud computing and I hope to engage with you all in constructive knowledge sharing.
Happy day 1 to me.

best_codes profile image
Best Codes

Welcome, have a great time!

namrta_thombre_77777 profile image
Namrta Thombre

hi ....myself namrata and its my first time to connect with this community ....hope it will helps me in learning

sudarshan_magar profile image
Sudarshan Magar

Hello Dev community!

abdullateef_adedokun_4550 profile image
abdullateef adedokun

Hi, everyone

maxedo profile image
mr x

Hello guys sup. My name is Maxedo i wannabe fullstack developer. Still learning, teach me please

richantfebriel profile image
richant febriel

Hello Community!

I'am new here, and just want to know about development of technology, teach me to do the right things, xoxo!

alberto_camacho_a61c4a754 profile image

Hello Everyone,
I am a developer that has been learning part time for two years now.l Finally building some good Projects.

cuong_nguyenmanh_33827df profile image


amritdev7 profile image
Amrit Raj

HI everyone i m from India and i m learning Full Stack and Python

sameep64 profile image

Hello World

blackz profile image

Struggle together

melchizedek404 profile image
Melchizedek Amos


kasun_rathnayaka_d0112338 profile image
Kasun Rathnayaka

I am a software development enthusiast, Here to take a step towards life long learning journey.

richardrost profile image
Richard Rost

Hi there. Just discovered this place. Still wandering around aimlessly figuring out what's going on. :)

docbok profile image
Mark David Robert McDonagh

Hello all,

Just discovered this place so poking around to see what I can find. I'm a game programmer by trade, most recently working on the Call of Duty series.

vika_dev profile image

Hi there!

I'm first time here, just want to be up-to-date with news in the frontend development field.

xviiivixvii profile image
Rakesh Kumar Sah

Hello 👋,
Welcome to DEV!

I’m excited to join you all!

Thank you!

tom_white_6834b3bb918452c profile image
Tom White

Hello everyone. I'm a student learning front end developement. Got HTML, CSS and not learning Git and Git hub.

titusblair profile image
Titus Blair

Hey everyone glad to be here! I am the host of Ai + i Podcast ( and author of AI to the Rescue. Looking forward to sharing, learning and connecting with great people here!

lordshazzle profile image
Shahzad Ahmed

Hi Everyone.

I just joined and looking forward to learn from all of you, lets go.

haris_riaz_kapoor profile image
Haris Riaz

Hello Everyone

m_shahzad_dawkin profile image
M Shahzad

hello world of devloper, i am new here. I hope i will learn form you people and I hope that I will manage to do my project in react and other platform.