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What was your win this week?

Michael Tharrington on December 08, 2023

Heyo πŸ‘‹ Hope that everybody is enjoying their weekend. πŸ™Œ Looking back on this past week, what was something you were proud of accomplishing? Al...
erinao profile image
Erin A Olinick β€’

Hey all, just popping in as I often do on Fridays to celebrate some community achievements from last week's thread.🌟 Huge congrats to @integerman for the release of 'Refactoring with C#' (and extra applause for the upcoming 'Data Science in .NET' with Packt)! Shoutout to @akashdev23 for hitting 800 followers; a hearty congratulations to @mellen for conquering NaNoWriMo with 50,000 words; and kudos to @steelwolf180 for securing a contract with AirBus! πŸŽ‰ Your wins make the DEV community shine. Keep 'em coming, please!

akashdev23 profile image
Akash Dev β€’ β€’ Edited

Thank you so much ❀️

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen β€’

Congratulations everybody! Well done! 🎊

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen β€’

πŸ“° I published a post on the DEV community! ✨

🧡 My post "Is Shorter Code, Better Code?" got a mention in This Week's Hottest Discussions in the DEV Community Newsletter! ✨

My post's mention in the DEV community newsletter
πŸ’‘ I have built several games with my Electronic Games Advent Calendar! ✨ My Electronic Games Advent Calendar with my first game

One of my games is Slot Machine! 3 lights flash rapidly. Interrupt the flashing of the LEDs by pressing the button so that all three LEDs glow at the same time (the button works like a dice). When you have managed to do that, you have won the jackpot! 🎰
One of the electronic games which I built
thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt β€’

That's cool 😎

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen β€’

Thanks 😊 I am happy you like it!

srbhr profile image
Saurabh Rai β€’

I really liked the retro vibe of your calendar!

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen β€’

It is awesome! πŸ˜ƒ

kaamkiya profile image
Kaamkiya β€’ β€’ Edited

Made a couple of programs in x86_64 assembly πŸ˜€

Hello world is so weird:

section       .text                     ; declare the .text section (where all of the code goes)
global        _start                    ; declare the entry point (_start)
_start:                                 ; define the entry point
    mov edx, msglen                     ; "invoke" the length of the message
    mov ecx, msg                        ; "invoke" the message

    mov ebx, 1                          ; set the file descriptor (fd) to stdout

    mov eax, 4                          ; system call for "write"
    int 0x80                            ; call the kernel

    mov eax, 1                          ; system call for "exit"
    int 0x80                            ; call the kernel (exit the program)

section       .data                     ; data section, where variables are declared
    msg       db "Hello, World!", 0xa   ; set the message to "Hello, World!". db means "data byte", and 0xa is a newline character
    msglen    equ $ - msg               ; the size of the message
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Edit: I think that's actually 32-bit Assembly. I found another way and some good explanations.

abbeycity500 profile image
Arowolo Wahab Abiodun β€’

Reflecting on the week, I'm appreciative of the progress and opportunities, even if there isn't a specific win in mind. I'm continuously working towards positive outcomes. How about sharing your highlights from the week

integerman profile image
Matt Eland β€’

I have a big one and a more ongoing one. The ongoing one is that sales for Refactoring with C# seem to be doing well and an article I wrote last Friday on Semantic Kernel really took off (though less so on dev, but that's okay, these things can be random).

The big one is that I was approved this week as a writer for FreeCodeCamp, so I can now send them more in-depth articles or even mini-books and get them in front of a lot of people!

montyharper profile image
Monty Harper β€’

I completed my nonodegree in iOS Development from Udacity! Here's my certificate...
Image description

srbhr profile image
Saurabh Rai β€’


abbeycity500 profile image
Arowolo Wahab Abiodun β€’


jorensm profile image
JorensM β€’

I'm almost done with my small browser game!

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington β€’

Dope! What kinda game you working on?

jorensm profile image
JorensM β€’

My Little Plant. Basically all you have to do is water a plant and watch it grow. I'll be releasing an update sometime next week that will add a few new plants and make the game at least somewhat playable

Thread Thread
michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington β€’

Oooo cool! That's lovely.

You know, I think combining something like this with a widget on an iPad could be really cool!

Like if you could open your iPad and see the plant amongst your other app icons... you could tell it was dry and that you need to open it up and water it. Maybe it could also tell what time of year it is and make the plant have different conditions based upon that.

All this said, I like your game how it is. Pixel art is awesome and there's a simplicity to it that feels very zen.

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jorensm profile image
JorensM β€’

Thanks, appreciate it! And that's actually a great idea! I was considering porting the game to mobile, might do something like what you suggested!

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michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington β€’

No probs!

I hope you consider writing a post about it if you keep up with the development of it. As an app, I really think it's got some potential! Pixel art is super cool and there's a scene of enthusiasts for it.

Lemme know if you release it on mobile or for tablet (I got an Android + iPad β€” a hybrid setup) and I'll check it out.

Thread Thread
jorensm profile image
JorensM β€’

Thanks, would mean a lot to me! I'm doing a devlog on Itch but I might make a post here as well about the architecture design of the game.

juansecu profile image
Juansecu β€’

I was able to replace the HDD of my old laptop for a SSD.

I'm really proud of it because I cannot tolerate slow computers nowadays, and that laptop requested this upgrade some years ago.

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington β€’

Nice on!! Replacing parts in a laptop can be kind of a pain. Good stuff and hope the newly improved machine is treating ya well!

juansecu profile image
Juansecu β€’

It is! UI from Windows is now more fluid than before changing the drive. I'm gonna suffer less thanks to it.

stefanmoore profile image
Stefan Moore β€’

I've learned to care to not to care. Sometimes the stress and headache isn't even worth it. I'll save that for "win" it matters.

srbhr profile image
Saurabh Rai β€’ β€’ Edited

Sometimes the stress and headache isn't even worth it.

Stress and headaches are never worth it. I'm glad that you learned to not to care.

matib profile image
Mati B β€’
michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington β€’

Oh wow! Major congrats, Mati. Looks very well written too. Appreciate ya sharing.

matib profile image
Mati B β€’

Thanks Michael! Looking forward to writing my second one now.

Thread Thread
michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington β€’

Nice! I'll be on the lookout for it. πŸ˜€

srbhr profile image
Saurabh Rai β€’

Ha Ha, for me. I was able to sleep more than 6 hours this Saturday.
It's been a wild week for me. πŸ˜‚

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington β€’

Haha!! Oh no doubt. Sounds like you've been burning it at both ends. Hope the catch-up in sleep has you feeling nice and refreshed for the week ahead.

akashdev23 profile image
Akash Dev β€’

Nothing really happened this week. Preparing for my tests.

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington β€’

Sometimes nothing happening is the best thing that can happen. Good luck on your tests, hope the prep went well!

ezengold profile image

I posted an article about an approach to monitor uploads in background threads in an iOS swift app. Right here