Hey folks!
Just to note that I've taken up the ritual of posting this Friday series that the awesome @graciegregory was previously regularly shari...
For further actions, you may consider blocking this person and/or reporting abuse
I prepared for my first solo conference talk, which will be on September 13 cfe.dev/events/frontend-foxes-day-... 🎉🎉🎉
For me, this is a huge step since it's part of my goal to start joining more conferences and being able to join this one, in a project that I love,@frontendfoxes 🦊 it's just amazing!
I have made a discord bot and server that will be used by our academy's tutors and students, in order to make getting help easier :D It's a ticket system with extras, written from scratch and ran on my Raspberry Pi. One of my first small projects that is actually used in a real-world scenario.
Raspberry Pi always useful for small projects 💪🏼
Exactly, it's a must have for every techie!
Two wins: Maybe about to get an Internship offer from a very reputed company 🤩
And also made my Redis Hackathon Submission 😍
That's wonderful 👏👏👏
Congratulations 🎉 gaurav 🎈
Keep growing 🏁
Thanks :)
Could actually write multiple things, but in the end, what matters is how it makes me feel.
By rating the mood each day for 4 years in an app I can see on paper that the past two weeks has been unusual good. That's my win :)
I returned from vacation! The win is accepting it like a champ 😂
This month my online activity dropped to zero, but now I want to retake it, write posts, answer questions in SO, update on GitHub projects, etc
I have 2 wins this week, which are:
I have finished my full stack NodeJS bootcamp with successful final presentation
on my landing page and CRUD mockup, and about to receive a placement this
month as a full stack software developer.
I almost finished my navigation bar on my project about popular FAQ site which is
Quora, this is already a win for me, because I learned a lot while working on this
project. If you don't know about Quora, you can search quora.com/
Biggest win was definitely bundling a Rust app and getting it to run on iOS. Now I'll never have to touch Swift or Obj-C again. Wrote a little thing on it too
Great, can you please share the link to the article here, I would be really interested in experimenting such thing 😅
One of my readers here on dev.to started contributing on one of my Open Source projects on GitHub.
I see it as a double win, so happy about that!
I did my personal website stsmuniz.tech
And used the dev.to api to fill it with data from my profile and from my published posts
Also, I shared the process on a blogpost:
Criando uma página pessoal com a API do dev.to e VueJS
Salustiano Muniz ・ Sep 2 ・ 4 min read
I started to learn Rust. 🙂
I started learning Kotlin.
I was able to finish the second module, at microverse (a remote software development school) which was about Javascript and the web and got a certificate for it.
I have started a 40 days guide to understanding my purpose. I'm really expectant.
Congrats everyone! Great posts as always!
Starting to make some progress for my 3rd pet project. Now I'm struggling to find which language/framework to use for Backend 🤣
Thanks to dev community, my article reached 150+ reactions last week and it was a huge success for Rocketgraph
I implemented and deployed a Job Newsletter with basic settings for frequency and work location (eg remote jobs) for my Job boards:
Released the alpha version of OneSocial - the ultimate super app for creators and their audience:
One Social
One Social is a modern, open-source app that solves problems ranging from content discovery to providing a marketplace to creators. Users can organize events, have a newsletter and much more!
Detailed blog:
OneSocial: the ultimate super app for creators and their audience
Subham Sahu ・ Aug 29 ・ 3 min read
Leaving on vacation. Biggest win for the last 33 months or so.
Good for you! Take a break before any burn out.
I donated again my blood for people who need it. 🎉
I was recently told that it's useless, I don't believe it.
What about you, have you ever thought about giving blood to save lifes?
A full & fun demo on how we can send a batch of sms from a Linux Terminal... and seeing all the phones getting noticed alsmost un sync :
🚚 SMS batch sending with csv input
adriens for opt-nc ・ Sep 1 ・ 1 min read
I have been accepted as a speaker at a virtual conference:

My first speaking engagement since transitioning to tech on 2020.
Reached 390 followers on DEV
I’m keeping up with the 4articles4weeks contest with HashNode! But, not too many like ☹️.
Finally made it to 100 followers. Feels like getting to a century in Cricket. It seems harder to get the century and once we reach, the runs just flows :)
I got a selected for an internship program
I made my first Dev.to post and imo I made the best Github ReadMe EVER. 🎉🎉🎉
Cleared some more of my goals from my to-do list.